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Commit 5fa20883 authored by Emma Torro Pastor's avatar Emma Torro Pastor Committed by Graeme Stewart
Browse files

Adding a fix to reduce CalRatio pileup dependency (ATR-15255) (TrigLongLivedParticlesHypo-00-02-34)

parent 152aec76
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......@@ -20,7 +20,13 @@ atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
Trigger/TrigEvent/TrigParticle )
# External dependencies:
find_package( CLHEP )
......@@ -31,7 +37,7 @@ atlas_add_component( TrigLongLivedParticlesHypo
LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ${CLHEP_LIBRARIES} TrigCaloEvent TrigInDetEvent TrigMuonEvent TrigSteeringEvent TrigInterfacesLib TrigTimeAlgsLib CaloEvent CxxUtils xAODJet xAODTracking xAODTrigger GaudiKernel TrigParticle )
LINK_LIBRARIES ${ROOT_LIBRARIES} ${CLHEP_LIBRARIES} TrigCaloEvent TrigInDetEvent TrigMuonEvent TrigSteeringEvent TrigInterfacesLib TrigTimeAlgsLib CaloEvent CxxUtils xAODJet xAODTracking xAODTrigger GaudiKernel TrigParticle DataCollection InDetIdentifier InDetPrepRawData IRegionSelector TrkSpacePoint xAODEventInfo)
# Install files from the package:
atlas_install_headers( TrigLongLivedParticlesHypo )
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// ************************************************************
// NAME: TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo
// PACKAGE: Trigger/TrigHypothesis/TrigLongLivedParticlesHypo
// AUTHORS: Cristiano Alpigiani, Andrea Coccaro
// ************************************************************
#include <string>
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "TrigInterfaces/HypoAlgo.h"
class StoreGateSvc;
class SCT_ID;
class PixelID;
class IRegSelSvc;
class TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo: public HLT::HypoAlgo {
TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator); //!< std Gaudi algorthm constructor
virtual ~TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo();
HLT::ErrorCode hltInitialize();
HLT::ErrorCode hltFinalize();
HLT::ErrorCode hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool& pass);
StatusCode fillCollections( bool, bool, std::vector<int>&, std::vector<int>& );
HLT::ErrorCode checkDetectorMask();
Bool_t m_hltExecuteInitialisationRun; //!< Flag to run extra initialisation on the first event when xAOD::EventInfo is present
ServiceHandle<StoreGateSvc> m_detStore;
ServiceHandle<IRegSelSvc> m_regionSelector; //!< region selector service
MsgStream m_log;
const PixelID* m_pixHelper;
const SCT_ID* m_sctHelper;
std::string m_sctSpName;
std::string m_pixelSpName;
/** detector mask flags */
bool m_sct_barrel_a_side;
bool m_sct_barrel_c_side;
bool m_sct_endcap_a_side;
bool m_sct_endcap_c_side;
bool m_pixel_barrel, m_pixel_b_layer, m_pixel_disk;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
float m_nPixSP;
float m_totNumPixSP;
float m_pixclToT;
float m_totNumPixCL_1;
float m_totNumPixCL_2;
float m_totNumPixCLmin3;
float m_pixelClusToTCut;
float m_ratioA;
float m_ratioB;
//std::vector<int> m_listOfPixIds;
//std::vector<int> m_listOfSctIds;
std::vector<IdentifierHash> m_listOfSctIds;
std::vector<IdentifierHash> m_listOfPixIds;
std::vector<int> m_pixelDataErrors;
std::vector<int> m_sctDataErrors;
int m_pixListSize;
int m_sctListSize;
unsigned int m_pixModuleThreshold;
unsigned int m_sctModuleThreshold;
unsigned int m_maxnid;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_pixSpPerModuleBarr;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_pixSpPerModuleECA;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_pixSpPerModuleECC;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_pixSpPerModule;
// endcap/barrel separation for pixel
unsigned int m_SPpixBarr;
unsigned int m_SPpixECA;
unsigned int m_SPpixECC;
unsigned int m_pixClBarrel;
unsigned int m_pixClEndcapA;
unsigned int m_pixClEndcapC;
// --- SCT
unsigned int m_nSctSP;
unsigned int m_totNumSctSP;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_sctSpPerModuleBarr;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_sctSpPerModuleECA;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_sctSpPerModuleECC;
std::vector<unsigned int> m_sctSpPerModule;
// endcap/barrel separation for sct
unsigned int m_SPsctBarr;
unsigned int m_SPsctECA;
unsigned int m_SPsctECC;
/** The total number of SCT space points for endcap C. */
unsigned int m_sctSpEndcapC;
/** The total number of SCT space points for the barrel. */
unsigned int m_sctSpBarrel;
/** The total number of SCT space points for endcap A. */
unsigned int m_sctSpEndcapA;
/** TrigHisto input parameters */
unsigned int m_hPixelClusTotBins;
float m_hPixelClusTotMin;
float m_hPixelClusTotMax;
unsigned int m_hPixelClusSizeBins;
float m_hPixelClusSizeMin;
float m_hPixelClusSizeMax;
......@@ -6,14 +6,22 @@ author Stefano Giagu <stefano.giagu AT>
use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-*
use TrigMuonEvent TrigMuonEvent-* Trigger/TrigEvent
use TrigSteeringEvent TrigSteeringEvent-* Trigger/TrigEvent
use TrigInterfaces TrigInterfaces-* Trigger/TrigSteer
use TrigInDetEvent TrigInDetEvent-* Trigger/TrigEvent
use TrigMuonEvent TrigMuonEvent-* Trigger/TrigEvent
use TrigSteeringEvent TrigSteeringEvent-* Trigger/TrigEvent
use TrigInterfaces TrigInterfaces-* Trigger/TrigSteer
use TrigInDetEvent TrigInDetEvent-* Trigger/TrigEvent
use TrigTimeAlgs TrigTimeAlgs-* Trigger/TrigTools
use TrigCaloEvent TrigCaloEvent-* Trigger/TrigEvent
use DataCollection DataCollection-* External
use InDetIdentifier InDetIdentifier-* InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr
use InDetPrepRawData InDetPrepRawData-* InnerDetector/InDetRecEvent
use IRegionSelector IRegionSelector-* DetectorDescription
use TrkSpacePoint TrkSpacePoint-* Tracking/TrkEvent
use xAODEventInfo xAODEventInfo-* Event/xAOD
use xAODJet xAODJet-* Event/xAOD
use xAODTracking xAODTracking-* Event/xAOD
use AtlasCLHEP AtlasCLHEP-* External
......@@ -21,8 +29,8 @@ use AtlasROOT AtlasROOT-* External
use GaudiInterface GaudiInterface-* External
use CaloEvent CaloEvent-* Calorimeter
use CxxUtils CxxUtils-* Control
use TrigParticle TrigParticle-* Trigger/TrigEvent
use xAODTrigger xAODTrigger-* Event/xAOD
use TrigParticle TrigParticle-* Trigger/TrigEvent
use xAODTrigger xAODTrigger-* Event/xAOD
apply_tag ROOTMathLibs
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigCaloRatioHypo::hltInitialize() {
//* declareProperty overview *//
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "declareProperty review:" << endreq;
msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " EtCut = " << m_etCut << endreq;
msg() << MSG::DEBUG << " LogRatioCut = " << m_logRatioCut << endreq;
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigCaloRatioHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE
if(!m_reversedCut) {
if (jetEt > m_etCut && std::fabs(jetEta) <= m_etaCut && jetRatio >= m_logRatioCut) {
if (jetEt > m_etCut && std::fabs(jetEta) <= m_etaCut) {
......@@ -237,8 +237,13 @@ HLT::ErrorCode TrigCaloRatioHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE
passCutTrk = false;
if(msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG)
msg() << MSG::DEBUG << "Jet passed tracking isolation" << endreq;
if((passCutJet&&passCutTrk) || m_acceptAll) {
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
#include "TrigLongLivedParticlesHypo/TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo.h"
#include "xAODEventInfo/EventInfo.h"
#include "eformat/DetectorMask.h"
#include "eformat/SourceIdentifier.h"
#include "InDetPrepRawData/PixelCluster.h"
#include "InDetIdentifier/SCT_ID.h"
#include "InDetIdentifier/PixelID.h"
#include "IRegionSelector/IRegSelSvc.h"
#include "InDetPrepRawData/SiClusterContainer.h"
#include "InDetPrepRawData/PixelClusterContainer.h"
#include "InDetPrepRawData/SCT_ClusterContainer.h"
#include "InDetPrepRawData/PixelClusterCollection.h"
#include "InDetPrepRawData/SCT_ClusterCollection.h"
// Space point Classes,
#include "TrkSpacePoint/SpacePoint.h"
#include "TrkSpacePoint/SpacePointCollection.h"
#include "TrkSpacePoint/SpacePointContainer.h"
#include "TrkSpacePoint/SpacePointOverlapCollection.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IssueSeverity.h"
TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo::TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator)
: HLT::HypoAlgo(name, pSvcLocator),
m_detStore("DetectorStore", name),
m_regionSelector("RegSelSvc", name),
m_log(msgSvc(), name),
declareProperty("PixelSP_ContainerName", m_pixelSpName = "PixelTrigSpacePoints" );
declareProperty("SCT_SP_ContainerName", m_sctSpName = "SCT_TrigSpacePoints" );
declareProperty("RegionSelectorTool", m_regionSelector);
declareProperty("MaxNModIdentifier", m_maxnid = 100 );
declareProperty("PixelModuleThreshold", m_pixModuleThreshold = 50 );
declareProperty("SCTModuleThreshold", m_sctModuleThreshold = 100 );
declareProperty("PixelClusToTCut", m_pixelClusToTCut = 20. );
declareProperty("PixelClusTotBins", m_hPixelClusTotBins = 20 );
declareProperty("PixelClusTotMin", m_hPixelClusTotMin = 0.5 );
declareProperty("PixelClusTotMax", m_hPixelClusTotMax = 20.5 );
declareProperty("PixelClusSizeBins", m_hPixelClusSizeBins = 1 );
declareProperty("PixelClusSizeMin", m_hPixelClusSizeMin = 1. );
declareProperty("PixelClusSizeMax", m_hPixelClusSizeMax = 2. );
declareMonitoredStdContainer("PixelDataErrors", m_pixelDataErrors);
declareMonitoredStdContainer("SctDataErrors", m_sctDataErrors);
declareMonitoredVariable("PIX_SPCount", m_totNumPixSP );
declareMonitoredVariable("SCT_SPCount", m_totNumSctSP );
declareMonitoredVariable("RatioA", m_ratioA );
declareMonitoredVariable("RatioB", m_ratioB );
// spacepoints per module
declareMonitoredStdContainer("PixSpPerModule", m_pixSpPerModule );
declareMonitoredStdContainer("SctSpPerModule", m_sctSpPerModule);
// EC/barrel monitoring
declareMonitoredVariable("PixClBarrel", m_pixClBarrel );
declareMonitoredVariable("PixClEndcapA", m_pixClEndcapA );
declareMonitoredVariable("PixClEndcapC", m_pixClEndcapC );
// initialization of non-static class members to clean up Coverity
declareProperty("pixel_barrel", m_pixel_barrel = true );
declareProperty("pixel_b_layer", m_pixel_b_layer = true );
declareProperty("pixel_disk", m_pixel_disk = true );
declareProperty("nPixSP", m_nPixSP = 0. );
declareProperty("pixclToT", m_pixclToT = 0. );
declareProperty("totNumPixCL_1", m_totNumPixCL_1 = 0. );
declareProperty("totNumPixCL_2", m_totNumPixCL_2 = 0. );
declareProperty("totNumPixCLmin3",m_totNumPixCLmin3 = 0. );
declareProperty("pixListSize", m_pixListSize = 0 );
declareProperty("sctListSize", m_sctListSize = 0 );
declareProperty("SPpixBarr", m_SPpixBarr = 0 );
declareProperty("SPpixECA", m_SPpixECA = 0 );
declareProperty("SPpixECC", m_SPpixECC = 0 );
declareProperty("nSctSP", m_nSctSP = 0 );
declareProperty("SPsctBarr", m_SPsctBarr = 0 );
declareProperty("SPsctECA", m_SPsctECA = 0 );
declareProperty("SPsctECC", m_SPsctECC = 0 );
TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo::~TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo() {}
HLT::ErrorCode TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo::hltInitialize() {
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Initialize: " << name() << endreq;
if ( m_regionSelector.retrieve().isFailure() ) {
msg() << MSG::FATAL << "Unable to retrieve RegionSelector tool " << m_regionSelector.type() << endreq;
return HLT::ErrorCode(HLT::Action::ABORT_JOB, HLT::Reason::BAD_JOB_SETUP);
} else
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::INFO) m_log << MSG::INFO << "Successfully initialised RegionSelector tool !" << endreq;
if(m_detStore.retrieve().isFailure()) {
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::FATAL) m_log << MSG::FATAL << "Failed to connect to " << m_detStore.typeAndName() << endreq;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
} else
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::INFO) m_log << MSG::INFO << "Successfully initialised DetectorStore!" << endreq;
StatusCode sc_pixH = m_detStore->retrieve(m_pixHelper, "PixelID");
if( sc_pixH.isFailure() ){
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::WARNING) m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Could not obtain pix helper!" << endreq;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
} else
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::INFO) m_log << MSG::INFO << "Successfully initialised pixel helper" << endreq;
StatusCode sc_sctH = m_detStore->retrieve(m_sctHelper, "SCT_ID");
if( sc_sctH.isFailure() ){
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::WARNING) m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Could not obtain sct helper!" << endreq;
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
} else
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::INFO) m_log << MSG::INFO << "Successfully initialised SCT helper" << endreq;
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::INFO) m_log << MSG::INFO << " TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo initialized successfully" << endreq;
return HLT::OK;
HLT::ErrorCode TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo::checkDetectorMask() {
m_hltExecuteInitialisationRun = true;
m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "[TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo::checkDetectorMask] beginning run with this " << name() << endreq;
const xAOD::EventInfo* evinfo = 0;
if (store()->retrieve(evinfo).isFailure()) {
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::ERROR) m_log << MSG::ERROR << "Cannot retrieve xAOD::EventInfo from SG for detmasks" << endreq;
return HLT::SG_ERROR;
else {
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::INFO) m_log << MSG::INFO << "xAOD::EventInfo Run Information [Run,Evt,Lumi,Time,BunchCross,DetMask] = ["
<< evinfo->runNumber()
<< "," << evinfo->eventNumber()
<< "," << evinfo->lumiBlock()
<< "," << evinfo->timeStamp()
<< ":" << evinfo->timeStampNSOffset()
<< "," << evinfo->bcid()
<< ",0x" << std::hex << evinfo->detectorMask() << std::dec
<< "]" << endreq;
uint64_t mask = evinfo->detectorMask();
eformat::helper::DetectorMask decoder(mask);
if (mask == 0) {
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::INFO) m_log << MSG::INFO << "Detector Mask == 0." << endreq;
m_sct_barrel_a_side = true;
m_sct_barrel_c_side = true;
m_sct_endcap_a_side = true;
m_sct_endcap_c_side = true;
m_pixel_barrel = true;
m_pixel_b_layer = true;
m_pixel_disk = true;
} else {
m_sct_barrel_a_side = decoder.is_set(eformat::SCT_BARREL_A_SIDE);
m_sct_barrel_c_side = decoder.is_set(eformat::SCT_BARREL_C_SIDE);
m_sct_endcap_a_side = decoder.is_set(eformat::SCT_ENDCAP_A_SIDE);
m_sct_endcap_c_side = decoder.is_set(eformat::SCT_ENDCAP_C_SIDE);
m_pixel_barrel = decoder.is_set(eformat::PIXEL_BARREL);
m_pixel_b_layer = decoder.is_set(eformat::PIXEL_B_LAYER);
m_pixel_disk = decoder.is_set(eformat::PIXEL_DISK);
if( msgLvl() <= MSG::INFO ){
m_log << MSG::INFO << "sct_barrel_a_side is " << (m_sct_barrel_a_side==true? "present" : "OFF! ") << endreq;
m_log << MSG::INFO << "sct_barrel_c_side is " << (m_sct_barrel_c_side==true? "present" : "OFF! ") << endreq;
m_log << MSG::INFO << "sct_endcap_a_side is " << (m_sct_endcap_a_side==true? "present" : "OFF! ") << endreq;
m_log << MSG::INFO << "sct_endcap_c_side is " << (m_sct_endcap_c_side==true? "present" : "OFF! ") << endreq;
m_log << MSG::INFO << "pixel_barrel is " << (m_pixel_barrel==true? "present" : "OFF! ") << endreq;
m_log << MSG::INFO << "pixel_b_layer is " << (m_pixel_b_layer==true? "present" : "OFF! ") << endreq;
m_log << MSG::INFO << "pixel_disk is " << (m_pixel_disk==true? "present" : "OFF! ") << endreq;
return HLT::OK;
HLT::ErrorCode TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo::hltExecute(const HLT::TriggerElement* outputTE, bool& pass) {
if (m_hltExecuteInitialisationRun == false) {
HLT::ErrorCode ec = checkDetectorMask();
if (ec != HLT::OK) return ec;
if ( msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) {
m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Executing " << name() << endreq;
std::vector<IdentifierHash>::iterator hashIt, hashItEnd;
m_totNumPixSP = 0;
m_totNumPixCL_1 = 0;
m_totNumPixCL_2 = 0;
m_totNumPixCLmin3 = 0;
m_pixclToT = 0.;
// pixel spacepoints according to position EC/Barrel
m_pixClBarrel = 0;
m_pixClEndcapA = 0;
m_pixClEndcapC = 0;
m_SPpixBarr = 0;
m_SPpixECA = 0;
m_SPpixECC = 0;
StatusCode sc;
// this counts timing for pixels only though SCT SP are retrieved at the same time
const SpacePointContainer* pixCont = 0;
sc = store()->retrieve( pixCont, m_pixelSpName );
if(sc.isFailure() || !pixCont){
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::ERROR) m_log << MSG::ERROR<< "Trig Pixel SP container " << m_pixelSpName <<" not found"<<endreq;
} else{
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG) m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "Successfully retrieved pixel SP container!" << endreq;
m_regionSelector->DetHashIDList(PIXEL, m_listOfPixIds );
m_pixListSize = m_listOfPixIds.size();
if( m_pixListSize != 0 ){
// loop over pixel collections
const InDet::PixelCluster* pixClust;
const std::vector<Identifier>& rdoList();
for( ; hashIt != hashItEnd; ++hashIt ){
// get single pixel collection -> pixSpCollIt
SpacePointContainer::const_iterator pixSpCollIt = pixCont->indexFind( (*hashIt) );
if( pixSpCollIt == pixCont->end() ) continue;
if( (*pixSpCollIt) == NULL ) continue;
// identify a module/wafer
Identifier pixid = (*pixSpCollIt)->identify();
int bec = m_pixHelper->barrel_ec(pixid);
// retrieve number of pixel SP/CL per collection
SpacePointCollection::const_iterator spItEnd = (*pixSpCollIt)->end();
SpacePointCollection::const_iterator spIt = (*pixSpCollIt)->begin();
for( ; spIt != spItEnd; ++spIt ){
const Trk::SpacePoint* pSP = (*spIt);
pixClust = static_cast<const InDet::PixelCluster*> ( pSP->clusterList().first );
m_pixclToT = pixClust->totalToT();
// total
if( msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG ){
m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST : Formed " << m_totNumPixSP << " pixel spacepoints in total." << endreq;
m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST : " << m_totNumPixCL_1 << " have cl size == 1 in total." << endreq;
m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST : " << m_totNumPixCL_2 << " have cl size == 2 in total." << endreq;
m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST : " << m_totNumPixCLmin3 << " have cl size >= 3 in total." << endreq;
m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST : Formed " << m_totNumPixSP << " pixel spacepoints after ToT cut in total." << endreq;
m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST : Formed " << m_pixClBarrel << " SP in pixel barrel in total." << endreq;
m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST : Formed " << m_pixClEndcapA << " SP in pixel ECA in total." << endreq;
m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST : Formed " << m_pixClEndcapC << " SP in pixel ECC in total." << endreq;
m_ratioA = -1.; m_ratioB = -1.;
if( m_totNumPixSP > 0. )
m_ratioA = (m_totNumPixCL_2 + m_totNumPixCLmin3)/m_totNumPixSP;
if( m_totNumPixCL_1 > 0. )
m_ratioB = m_totNumPixCL_2/m_totNumPixCL_1;
// ------ SCT PART ------------------------------------------------
std::vector<Identifier> droppedSctModules;
m_nSctSP = 0;
m_sctSpBarrel = 0;
m_sctSpEndcapA = 0;
m_sctSpEndcapC = 0;
m_SPsctBarr = 0;
m_SPsctECA = 0;
m_SPsctECC = 0;
// empty the pixel list here
const SpacePointContainer* sctCont;
sc = store()->retrieve( sctCont, m_sctSpName );
if( sc.isFailure() ){
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::WARNING) m_log << MSG::WARNING << "Trig SP SCT container " << m_sctSpName <<" not found"<<endreq;
m_regionSelector->DetHashIDList(SCT, m_listOfSctIds );
m_sctListSize = m_listOfSctIds.size();
if( m_sctListSize !=0 ){
// loop over SCT collections
std::vector<IdentifierHash>::iterator sctItEnd = m_listOfSctIds.end();
std::vector<IdentifierHash>::iterator sctIt = m_listOfSctIds.begin();
for( ; sctIt != sctItEnd; ++sctIt ){
SpacePointContainer::const_iterator sctSpCollIt = sctCont->indexFind( (*sctIt) );
if( sctSpCollIt == sctCont->end() ) continue;
if( (*sctSpCollIt) == NULL ) continue;
const std::vector<Identifier>& rdoList();
m_nSctSP = (*sctSpCollIt)->size();
// returns detector element identifier
Identifier sctid = (*sctSpCollIt)->identify();
int bec = (int)m_sctHelper->barrel_ec(sctid);
if( msgLvl() <= MSG::VERBOSE ){
m_log << MSG::VERBOSE << " Formed " << m_nSctSP << " sct spacepoints" ;
m_log << MSG::VERBOSE << " with sctid module " << sctid << endreq;
// total
// check if there is a tripped module
if( (m_SPsctBarr > m_sctModuleThreshold) || (m_SPsctECA > m_sctModuleThreshold) || (m_SPsctECC > m_sctModuleThreshold) ){
unsigned int nSctModIds = droppedSctModules.size();
if( nSctModIds <= m_maxnid ) {
} else {
if (msgLvl() <= MSG::WARNING) m_log << MSG::WARNING << "More than " << m_maxnid << " sct modules are noisy, dump their id : " << sctid << endreq;
m_sctSpBarrel += m_SPsctBarr;
m_sctSpEndcapA += m_SPsctECA;
m_sctSpEndcapC += m_SPsctECC;
m_SPsctBarr = 0;
m_SPsctECA = 0;
m_SPsctECC = 0;
m_nSctSP = 0;
}//end of //if( m_sctListSize !=0 )
m_totNumSctSP = m_sctSpEndcapC + m_sctSpBarrel + m_sctSpEndcapA;
if( msgLvl() <= MSG::DEBUG ){
m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST : Formed " << m_totNumSctSP << " sct spacepoints in total." << endreq;
m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST : Formed " << m_sctSpEndcapC << " sct ECC spacepoints in total." << endreq;
m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST : Formed " << m_sctSpBarrel << " sct Barr spacepoints in total." << endreq;
m_log << MSG::DEBUG << "REGTEST : Formed " << m_sctSpEndcapA << " sct ECA spacepoints in total." << endreq;
return HLT::OK;
HLT::ErrorCode TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo::hltFinalize() {
m_log << MSG::DEBUG << " finalizing TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo : "<< name() << endreq;
return HLT::OK;
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include "TrigLongLivedParticlesHypo/TrigLoFRemovalHypo.h"
#include "TrigLongLivedParticlesHypo/TrigNewLoFHypo.h"
#include "TrigLongLivedParticlesHypo/TrigCaloRatioHypo.h"
#include "TrigLongLivedParticlesHypo/TrigLLPInnerDetectorHypo.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/DeclareFactoryEntries.h"
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