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Commit 6f5e954f authored by Stewart Martin-Haugh's avatar Stewart Martin-Haugh Committed by Graeme Stewart
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'Improve TriggerTool tests' (TrigP1Test-00-07-60)

	* Improve TriggerTool tests
	* Test for presence of outputHLT*xml in CheckKeys
	* grep for write lock in UploadMenuKeys as well as CheckKeys
	* grep for SEVERE in UploadMenuKeys and CheckKeys
	* TrigP1Test-00-07-59

2016-10-21 Stewart Martin-Haugh <>
	* Test for presence of outputHLT*xml in UploadMenuKeys
	* TrigP1Test-00-07-58
parent f62c6cdc
No related branches found
Tags 1.6.4
No related merge requests found
......@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ test 50
fullregtest REGTEST /afs/
checkcount /afs/ 1 HLT
rootcomp /afs/
athena_cmd -o HLT_physicsV6_COS_2012 -n 100 -f root://eosatlas//eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/trig-daq/validation/test_data/data12_cos.00214912.express_express.merge.RAW._lb0184._SFO-ALL._0001.1 -c 'testPhysicsV6=True;HLTOutputLevel=INFO;doValidation=True;doCosmics=True;useCONDBR2=False;setGlobalTag="COMCOND-HLTP-004-03-VAL-01";setDetDescr="ATLAS-R1-2012-02-00-00";fpeAuditor=True;fpeAuditor=True' TriggerRelease/
athena_cmd -o HLT_physicsV6_COS_2012 -n 100 -f root://eosatlas//eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/trig-daq/validation/test_data/data12_cos.00214912.express_express.merge.RAW._lb0184._SFO-ALL._0001.1 -c 'testPhysicsV6=True;HLTOutputLevel=INFO;doValidation=True;doCosmics=True;useCONDBR2=False;setGlobalTag="COMCOND-HLTP-004-03-VAL-01";setDetDescr="ATLAS-R1-2012-02-00-00";fpeAuditor=True;fpeAuditor=True' TriggerRelease/
# post_command /afs/
post_command -n -S --rootDirs=TrigSteer_HLT --rootHists=ChainAcceptance --rootHists=NumberOfActiveTEs
......@@ -381,7 +381,8 @@ test 62
name UploadMenuKeys
doc Generates and uploads SMKs created from the HLT first and compares after rerun jobs from DB.
pre_condition test -e ../HLT_physicsV6_menu/ef_Default_setup.txt
pre_condition test -e ../HLT_physicsV6_menu/ef_Default_setup_setup.txt
pre_condition test -e ../HLT_physicsV6_menu/ef_Default_setup_setup.txt
pre_condition test -e ../HLT_physicsV6_menu/outputHLT*xml
athena_cmd HLT_physicsV6
......@@ -395,9 +396,11 @@ test 64
name CheckKeysV6
doc compare the SMK created from the HLT_physicsV6 first and rerun jobs
pre_condition test -e ../HLT_physicsV6_menu/ef_Default_setup.txt
pre_condition test -e ../HLT_physicsV6_menu/ef_Default_setup_setup.txt
pre_condition test -e ../HLT_physicsV6_menu/ef_Default_setup_setup.txt
pre_condition test -e ../HLT_physicsV6_menu/outputHLT*xml
pre_condition test -e ../HLT_physicsV6_rerun/ef_Default_setup.txt
pre_condition test -e ../HLT_physicsV6_rerun/ef_Default_setup_setup.txt
pre_condition test -e ../HLT_physicsV6_rerun/ef_Default_setup_setup.txt
pre_condition test -e ../HLT_physicsV6_rerun/outputHLT*xml
checklog --config checklogTrigP1Test.conf --showexcludestats | grep -v "checking for"
athena_cmd HLT_physicsV6
......@@ -443,7 +446,7 @@ test 72
name UploadMenuKeys_rerunLvL1
doc Generates and uploads SMKs created from the HLT first and compares after rerun jobs from DB.
pre_condition test -e ../HLT_physicsV6_rerunLvL1_menu/ef_Default_setup.txt
pre_condition test -e ../HLT_physicsV6_rerunLvL1_menu/ef_Default_setup_setup.txt
pre_condition test -e ../HLT_physicsV6_rerunLvL1_menu/ef_Default_setup_setup.txt
athena_cmd HLT_physicsV6_rerunLvL1
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ get_files -xmls LVL1config.dtd
#upload the first key
echo "upload the first key"
cmd1="java -Duser.timezone=CET -cp TriggerTool.jar:TrigDb.jar triggertool.TriggerTool -up -release 'P1HLT' --l1_menu $l1menu --topo_menu $l1topo -hlt $hltmenu1 --hlt_setup $hlt__setup1 --name 'P1HLTtest' -l FINE --dbConn $DBConn -w_n 60 -w_t 60 >& uploadSMK1"
cmd1="java -Duser.timezone=CET -cp TriggerTool.jar:TrigDb.jar triggertool.TriggerTool -up -release 'P1HLT' --l1_menu $l1menu --topo_menu $l1topo -hlt $hltmenu1 --hlt_setup $hlt__setup1 --name 'P1HLTtest' -l INFO --dbConn $DBConn -w_n 60 -w_t 60 "
echo $cmd1
eval $cmd1 &> uploadSMK1.log
......@@ -62,8 +62,9 @@ eval $cmd1 &> uploadSMK1.log
if [ ! -f MenusKeys.txt ]
echo '... ERROR Upload of key 1 failed'
echo 'In ./uploadSMK1:'
grep "Can't obtain write lock" uploadSMK1
echo 'In ./uploadSMK1.log:'
grep "Can't obtain write lock" uploadSMK1.log
grep "SEVERE" uploadSMK1.log
exit 1
......@@ -82,9 +83,9 @@ hlt__setup2=ef_Default_setup_rerun.xml
#upload the second key
echo "upload the second key"
cmd2="java -Duser.timezone=CET -cp TriggerTool.jar:TrigDb.jar triggertool.TriggerTool -up -release 'P1HLT' --l1_menu $l1menu --topo_menu $l1topo -hlt $hltmenu2 --hlt_setup $hlt__setup2 --name 'P1HLTtest' -l FINE --dbConn $DBConn -w_n 60 -w_t 60 >& uploadSMK2"
cmd2="java -Duser.timezone=CET -cp TriggerTool.jar:TrigDb.jar triggertool.TriggerTool -up -release 'P1HLT' --l1_menu $l1menu --topo_menu $l1topo -hlt $hltmenu2 --hlt_setup $hlt__setup2 --name 'P1HLTtest' -l INFO --dbConn $DBConn -w_n 60 -w_t 60 "
echo $cmd2
echo $cmd2 "&> uploadSMK2.log"
eval $cmd2 &> uploadSMK2.log
......@@ -92,8 +93,9 @@ eval $cmd2 &> uploadSMK2.log
if [ ! -f MenusKeys.txt ]
echo '... ERROR Upload of key 2 failed'
echo 'In ./uploadSMK2:'
grep "Can't obtain write lock" uploadSMK2
echo 'In ./uploadSMK2.log:'
grep "Can't obtain write lock" uploadSMK2.log
grep "SEVERE" uploadSMK2.log
exit 1
......@@ -88,14 +88,17 @@ rundate=`date +%F" "%H:%M" "`
# Upload SMK
cmd="java -Duser.timezone=CET -cp TriggerTool.jar:TrigDb.jar triggertool.TriggerTool -up -release $p1_rel --l1_menu $l1menu --topo_menu $l1topo -hlt $hltmenu1 --hlt_setup $hlt__setup1 --name 'P1HLTtest' -l FINE --SMcomment \"${rundate}${nightly}_${rel}\" --dbConn $DBConn -w_n 50 -w_t 60 >& uploadSMK1"
cmd="java -Duser.timezone=CET -cp TriggerTool.jar:TrigDb.jar triggertool.TriggerTool -up -release $p1_rel --l1_menu $l1menu --topo_menu $l1topo -hlt $hltmenu1 --hlt_setup $hlt__setup1 --name 'P1HLTtest' -l INFO --SMcomment \"${rundate}${nightly}_${rel}\" --dbConn $DBConn -w_n 50 -w_t 60"
echo $cmd
echo $cmd "&> uploadSMK.log"
eval $cmd &> uploadSMK.log
if [ ! -f MenusKeys.txt ]
echo 'ERROR Upload of SMKey failed'
echo 'In ./uploadSMK.log:'
grep "Can't obtain write lock" uploadSMK.log
grep "SEVERE" uploadSMK.log
exit 1
smk=`grep SM MenusKeys.txt | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's#:##'`
......@@ -133,6 +136,9 @@ java -jar TriggerTool.jar -dbConn $DBConn -psup RuleBook_HLTPS_Physics${lumi}.xm
hltpsk2=`grep 'HLT Prescale set saved with id' uploadPSK.log | sed 's#.*: \([0-9]*\)\.#\1#'`
if [ -z "$hltpsk2" ]; then
echo "ERROR Upload of prescale key failed"
echo 'In ./uploadSMK.log:'
grep "Can't obtain write lock" uploadPSK.log
grep "SEVERE" uploadPSK.log
exit 1
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