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Commit ae2f848f authored by Noam Tal Hod's avatar Noam Tal Hod Committed by Graeme Stewart
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'reverting back the jets changes done in TriggerMenu-00-19-05 to revisoon...

'reverting back the jets changes done in TriggerMenu-00-19-05 to revisoon 766099 due to compilation problems of these packages in rel_3 and rel_4 (ATR-14738)' (TriggerMenu-00-19-09)

	* reverting back the jets changes done in TriggerMenu-00-19-05 to
	revisoon 766099 due to compilation problems of these packages in rel_3
	and rel_4 (ATR-14738)
	* requires TrigBphysHypo-00-04-58-11
	* requires TrigMuSuperEF-00-03-68-00
	* requires TriggerMenuXML-04-02-12
	* TriggerMenu-00-19-09

2016-08-03 Martin Rybar
        * Add new HMT triggers(ATR-13773)
        * Fixing physics_pp_v6 tight exclusion list (ATR-14734)
        * Removing misconfigured AFP muon trigger (ATR-14759)
	* TriggerMenu-00-19-08

2016-08-03 Ljiljana Morvaj
	* Raise LArNoiseBurst L1 thresholds in Physics (ATR-14756)
	* Put j0_perf_ds1_L1All to ps_calibmon_list in MC (ATR-14774)
	* Add mu4_j100_xe80_mht & 2mu4_j80_xe40_mht in MC (ATR-14717)
	* Add L1_MU4_J50_XE40 item (ATR-14717)
	* Requires TriggerMenuXML-04-02-12
(Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
parent d3a99a25
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