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Commit bc9010cf authored by John Derek Chapman's avatar John Derek Chapman Committed by Graeme Stewart
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ISF_FatrasInterfaces/IPhysicsValidationTool.h: make all methods const. Tagging...

ISF_FatrasInterfaces/IPhysicsValidationTool.h: make all methods const. Tagging as ISF_FatrasInterfaces-00-04-00 (ISF_FatrasInterfaces-00-04-00)
parent e29fbe76
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# Package: ISF_FatrasInterfaces
# Declare the package name:
atlas_subdir( ISF_FatrasInterfaces )
# Declare the package's dependencies:
atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
Tracking/TrkExtrapolation/TrkExUtils )
# External dependencies:
find_package( Eigen )
# Component(s) in the package:
atlas_add_library( ISF_FatrasInterfaces
LINK_LIBRARIES ${EIGEN_LIBRARIES} DataModel GeoPrimitives GaudiKernel ISF_Event TrkEventPrimitives TrkNeutralParameters TrkParameters TrkExInterfaces TrkExUtils )
......@@ -46,19 +46,19 @@ namespace iFatras {
static const InterfaceID& interfaceID() { return IID_IPhysicsValidationTool; }
/** ISFParticle info: old transport tool */
virtual void saveISFParticleInfo(const ISF::ISFParticle& isp, int endProcess, const Trk::TrackParameters* ePar, double time, double dX0 )=0;
virtual void saveISFParticleInfo(const ISF::ISFParticle& isp, int endProcess, const Trk::TrackParameters* ePar, double time, double dX0 ) const = 0;
/** ISFParticle info: new transport tool */
virtual void saveISFParticleInfo(const ISF::ISFParticle& isp, const Trk::ExtrapolationCell<Trk::TrackParameters>& ec,
Trk::ExtrapolationCode ecode )=0;
Trk::ExtrapolationCode ecode ) const = 0;
/** ISFParticle info: new transport tool */
virtual void saveISFParticleInfo(const ISF::ISFParticle& isp, const Trk::ExtrapolationCell<Trk::NeutralParameters>& ec,
Trk::ExtrapolationCode ecode )=0;
Trk::ExtrapolationCode ecode ) const = 0;
/** Interaction vertex info */
virtual void saveISFVertexInfo(int process, Amg::Vector3D vertex,const ISF::ISFParticle& isp, Amg::Vector3D primIn,
Amg::Vector3D* primOut, const ISF::ISFParticleVector children)=0;
Amg::Vector3D* primOut, const ISF::ISFParticleVector children) const = 0;
} // end of namespace
......@@ -26,3 +26,7 @@ use ISF_Event ISF_Event-* Simulation/ISF/ISF_Core
#macro cppdebugflags '$(cppdebugflags_s)'
#macro_remove componentshr_linkopts "-Wl,-s"
# This setting is needed to set up an interface library in the package for the
# CMake build:
apply_pattern cmake_add_command command=metalibrary
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