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Commit fa018ad7 authored by Peter Sherwood's avatar Peter Sherwood Committed by Graeme Stewart
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Removing Run 1 hypos, and TrigHLTJetHypo (TrigHLTJetHypo-00-00-21)

	* tagging TrigHLTJetHypo-00-00-21

	* Removed all Non-AllTE Run1 hypos. Removed TrigHLTJetHypo(h, cxx)
	Removed helper classes specific to TrigHLTJetHypo.
	Renamed TrigEFHLTRazorAllTE to TrigEFRazorAllTE Affects
	TriggerMenu/python/jets, TrigEFRazorAllTE.(h,cxx),
	python/, python/

	* src/TrigHLTJetHypoUtils/DijetDEtaMassCondition.cxx
	add new variables abseta0, abseta1 to clarify the difference
	with eta.

	* Added new factory function to CleanerFactory for EtaEtCleaner
	* Changed float to double for EtaEtCleaner attributes
	* Removed eta, et cuts from HTCondition (now made via a cleaner)
	* Updated conditionsFactory2 for the HT change.
	* modified writeDebug to use cout (ATH_MSG_WARNING stops
	printing after a number of messages)
	* added a control flag to determine whether writeDebug is called.
(Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
parent 329630c4
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