- Nov 04, 2016
Ye Chen authored
* Fix histogram bin and HI/pp flag * Tagging TrigMuonMonitoring-00-02-42
Mark Sutton authored
* TrigInDetAnalysisExample-00-03-92 * improve vertex binning
James Frost authored
Oleg Kuprash authored
Krzysztof Wieslaw Wozniak authored
* additional MinBias/UPC trigger chains to be monitored in p+Pb run * TrigMinBiasMonitoring-00-01-38 2016-11-03 Iwona Grabowska-Bold * reference trigger switched to mb_sptrk for pPb run * TrigMinBiasMonitoring-00-01-37
Elemer Nagy authored
* TrigBjetMonitoring-00-03-42 Introduced trigger chains present in the HI trigger menu
Christian Ohm authored
* Tagging as VrtSecInclusive-00-04-21 2016-10-20 Christian Ohm
William Panduro Vazquez authored
Sasha Mazurov authored
* L1EnergyCMXTools.cxx: fix compilation warning * Tag as TrigT1CaloTools-03-06-33 2016-10-31 Alexander Mazurov <alexander.mazurov@cern.ch> * L1JetCMXTools.cxx: fix overflow bits values for CMXJetHit * Tag as TrigT1CaloTools-03-06-32 * L1EnergyCMXTools.{h,cxx}: fix resticted and full ranges calculations
Sasha Mazurov authored
for CMXJetHits simulation. (TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-82) * src/JEPSimMon.cxx: use JEMTobRoi (not CMXJetTob, since they don't contain information on overflow) for CMXJetHits simulation. * Tag as TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-82
Walter Lampl authored
* coverity fixes (uninit class members) * tag LArMonTools-02-00-53
Peter Alan Steinberg authored
'CalibEnergy and CalibTime are in EDM even when calibrations off, to maintain format, but set to -1000 each to avoid anyone using them' (ZdcAnalysis-00-00-16)
Peter Alan Steinberg authored
* CmakeLists.txt: Link against ZDCAnalysis Note that this is an ugly hack, ADCAnalysis should be a component library * tag ZdcRec-00-03-01
Daiki Yamaguchi authored
Peter Alan Steinberg authored
Xanthe Hoad authored
* Menu aware monitoring version 1.4 * tagging TrigHLTMonitoring-00-07-23-08
Anthony Morley authored
Anthony Morley authored
- Oct 27, 2016
Andrzej Olszewski authored
Scott Snyder authored
Goetz Gaycken authored
Walter Lampl authored
Goetz Gaycken authored
When rejecting invalid tracks, do not also reject all good ones. (TrkAmbiguityProcessor-01-00-08-02)
Peter Onyisi authored
Ye Chen authored
* update support chain * Tagging TrigMuonMonitoring-00-02-41
Giulio Cornelio Grossi authored
Xanthe Hoad authored
Semen Turchikhin authored
Goetz Gaycken authored
Fix memory leak in inner detector / tracking reported in ATLASRECTS-3750. (InDetPriVxFinder-03-00-17-01)
Antonio Limosani authored
* Source asetup in lightweight analysis test for ASG * RecPerfTests-00-08-64 2016-10-22 Antonio Limosani <antonio.limosani AT cern.ch> * Add lightweight analysis test for ASG * RecPerfTests-00-08-63 2016-10-18 Antonio Limosani <antonio.limosani AT cern.ch> * Fix CMakeLists file * RecPerfTests-00-08-62 2016-10-13 Antonio Limosani <antonio.limosani AT cern.ch> * Remove local copy in fullchain test * RecPerfTests-00-08-61
Christian Ohm authored
Adding patch from Jordi Duarte Campderros fixing issue discussed in ATLASG-711 (VrtSecInclusive-00-04-20)
Helena Santos authored
Mark Sutton authored
Andrzej Olszewski authored
Dominik Karol Derendarz authored
Francisco Javier Sanchez Martinez authored
Tatyana Kharlamova authored
Tatyana Kharlamova authored
Nora Emilia Pettersson authored
Marcelo Vogel authored
Remove = after pre/postInclude in output of GetTfCommand.py [ATLASAMITG-99] (PyJobTransforms-03-00-24)