- Oct 30, 2016
Graeme Stewart authored
Simon Viel authored
2016-10-28 Simon Viel * Fix typo in previous tag * Tagging as BarrelExtendedRef-00-00-35 2016-10-21 Thorsten Kuhl <THorsten.Kuhl@cern.ch> * cleaning up log file output (first iteration) * Tagging as BarrelExtendedRef-00-00-34 2016-10-21 Ben Smart * Correcting stave masses for step 1.6 to keep total mass constant (=step 1.5) * Tagging as BarrelExtendedRef-00-00-33 2016-10-20 Simon Viel * More last-minute adjustments to stave masses for Step 1.6 * Tagging as BarrelExtendedRef-00-00-32 2016-10-19 Ben Smart * Copying material xml file from BarrelInclinedRef to keep files consistent, and updating Ti pipes * Tagging as BarrelExtendedRef-00-00-31 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Simon Viel authored
* Attempt to fix RTT tests with AthenaMP introduced in 00-02-41 * Fix ExtBrl pixel cluster merging configuration problem introduced in 00-02-42 * Tagging as InDetSLHC_Example-00-02-44 2016-10-27 Noemi Calace * Removing BremCalo flags configuration from share/preInclude.SLHC.Reco.py * Tagging as InDetSLHC_Example-00-02-43 2016-10-27 Noemi Calace * Making consistent InDetPixelClusterOnTrackTool and InDetPixelClusterOnTrackToolDigital: OBO R.Jansky * Adding few post/pre include for truth-smeared ClusterOnTrackTool * Changing the configuration in case you run reco w/o clustering tool * Tagging as InDetSLHC_Example-00-02-42 2016-10-25 Simon Viel * New RTT tests for Step 1.6 with AthenaMP * Tagging as InDetSLHC_Example-00-02-41 2016-10-25 Simon Viel * Update values for ITk digitization in postInclude.SLHC_Digitization_lowthresh.py ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Liza Mijovic authored
* modified PhysValITk_jobOptions.py: * .... cleaning-up before announcing the tag * tag as InDetPhysValMonitoring-00-04-26 2016-10-27 Liza Mijovic * modified AthTruthSelectionTool.cxx: adding barcode requirement * checked closure between new AthTruthSelectionTool and legacy TrackTruthSelectionTool * ... is obtained after this fix * tag as InDetPhysValMonitoring-00-04-25 2016-10-26 Liza Mijovic * improved InDetPVMPlotDefCommon.xml 2016-10-22 Liza Mijovic * modified .xml files: * * adding missing histogram to InDetPVMPlotDefCommon.xml * * cleaned-up unused test definitions * * replacing hard-coded eta ranges with variables * tested all runs fine for step 1.5 AOD samples ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Thorsten Kuhl authored
* cleaning up log file output (first iteration) * Tagging as EndcapRingRef-00-00-10 * Modify endcap ring module geo tag Id (->600)
Thorsten Kuhl authored
2016-10-27 Thorsten Kuhl <Thorsten.Kuhl@cern.ch> * cleaning up log file output (first iteration) * nil pointer protection for non existing material * Tagging as BarrelInclinedRef-00-00-34 2016-10-21 Ben Smart * Correcting stave masses for step 1.6 to keep total mass constant (=step 1.5) * Tagging as BarrelInclinedRef-00-00-33 2016-10-20 Simon Viel * More last-minute adjustments to stave masses for Step 1.6 * Tagging as BarrelInclinedRef-00-00-32 2016-10-19 Ben Smart * updating IExtBrl4 stave support structure materials, and Ti pipes for all layouts * Tagging as BarrelInclinedRef-00-00-31 2016-10-18 Ben Smart * updating IExtBrl4 stave support structure materials * Tagging as BarrelInclinedRef-00-00-30 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Thorsten Kuhl authored
* cleaning up log file output (first iteration) * tagged as PixelGeoModelModule-00-00-07
Thorsten Kuhl authored
* cleaning up log file output (first iteration) * tagged as PixelLayoutUtils-00-00-10 * Removing PixelGeoModelUtils dependences
Thorsten Kuhl authored
* cleaning up log file output (first iteration) * tag as PixelModuleTool-00-00-08
Thorsten Kuhl authored
* cleaning up log file output (first iteration) * tagged as PixelServicesTool-00-00-09
Thorsten Kuhl authored
* cleaning up log file output (first iteration) * Tagging InDetGeoModelUtils-00-06-19 * InDetGeoModelUtils-00-06-18 hasMaterial added by Goetz * InDetGeoModelUtils-00-06-17 Exception for nil pointer on material added by Goetz 2016-07-28 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging InDetGeoModelUtils-00-06-16. * endreq -> endmsg. * Tag as InDetGeoModelUtils-00-06-15
Thorsten Kuhl authored
Noemi Calace authored
using the right InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool also when running w/o rio creation (InDetRecExample-02-06-99-17) * using the right InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool also when running w/o rio creation * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-06-99-17 2016-10-26 Nora Pettersson * Fixing crash on LoI and LoI-VF * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-06-99-16 2016-10-23 Nora Pettersson * Configured to use ITk scoring function when running doSLHC * Changing default SCTCut in Vrtxing for SLHC from 5 to 0 * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-06-99-15 2016-10-23 Nora Pettersson * Configured to use new TrkTrkSummary by default for doSLHC * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-06-99-14 2016-10-12 Nora Pettersson * Support for doEmCaloSeed in the Ambi added to ConfiguredNewTrackingSiPattern.py * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-06-99-13 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Thorsten Kuhl authored
* cleaning up log file output (first iteration) * tag as PixelGeoModel-00-09-62
Noemi Calace authored
* python/DigiAlgConfig.py: hook for SiSmearedDigitizationTool * Tagging Digitization-02-00-12-00 2016-09-07 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * python/DigitizationWriteMetaData.py (writeDigitizationMetadata): downgrade warning message to info. * Tagging Digitization-02-00-12 2016-09-07 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * python/DigitizationFlags.py: add doBichselSimulation digitization flag - False by default. ATLPHYSVAL-430 * Tagging Digitization-02-00-11 * Tagging Digitization-02-00-10
Thorsten Kuhl authored
* cleaning up log file output (first iteration) * Tagged as InDetServMatGeoModel-00-04-33 * Tagged as InDetServMatGeoModel-00-04-32 * Tagged as InDetServMatGeoModel-00-04-31
Noemi Calace authored
Adapting the SiSmearedDigitizationTool to be truth-based smeared digitization (FastSiDigitization-00-01-11-04) * Adapting the SiSmearedDigitizationTool to be truth-based smeared digitization * Tagged as FastSiDigitization-00-01-11-04
Igor Gavrilenko authored
fixed bug in searchClustersWithoutStereoSCT and tag as SiCombinatotrialTrackFinderTool_xk-01-00-34-06 2016-10-24 Igor Gavrilenko <Igor.Gavrilenko@cern.ch> coverity defects correction and tag as SiCombinatotrialTrackFinderTool_xk-01-00-34-05 2016-09-16 Igor Gavrilenko <Igor.Gavrilenko@cern.ch> method noiseProduction correction and tag as SiCombinatotrialTrackFinderTool_xk-01-00-34-04
Steffen Maeland authored
* Tagging PixelCabling-00-01-10. * Fix clang warnings. * Tagging PixelCabling-00-01-09. * endreq -> endmsg. 2016-04-14 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@ cern.ch> * refactor to avoid dangling pointer + minor cleanup * tag PixelCabling-00-01-06
Simon Viel authored
* obo Peilian Liu * InDetPixelClusterOnTrackTool.CorrectDigitalCentroid (false by default) * tag as SiClusterOnTrackTool-03-01-03-04
Nora Emilia Pettersson authored
* Fixed defintions to avoid clashes with non-ITk clients * Tagged as TrkToolInterfaces-01-03-10-02 (ITk only) 2016-10-23 Nora Pettersson * Added new methods to support ITk TrkTrackSummary (ITk only) * Tagged as TrkToolInterfaces-01-03-10-01
Nora Emilia Pettersson authored
2016-10-25 Nora Pettersson * Merging InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool-02-00-12-01 with InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool-02-00-13 * Tagged as InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool-02-00-13-01 2016-10-23 Nora Pettersson * Added support for ITk TrkTrackSummary * New information counters * Tagged as InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool-02-00-12-01
Nora Emilia Pettersson authored
* Fixed bug for Inclined scoring function * Tagged as InDetTrackScoringTools-01-00-99-06 2016-10-23 Nora Pettersson * Add ITk scoring function * Tagged as InDetTrackScoringTools-01-00-99-05
Nora Emilia Pettersson authored
* Added ITk related variables * Tagged as InDetTrackHoleSearch-01-00-01-00
Nora Emilia Pettersson authored
Nora Emilia Pettersson authored
* Added functionality for ITk (Only for ITk!) * Tagged as TrkTrackSummary-00-23-15-04
Noemi Calace authored
* fixing requirements * tagging TrkG4UserActions-02-00-03-03 2016-10-04 Peter Kluit * update the components to include the GeantFollower(MS)(Tool) * fix bug in GeantFollower.h and GeantFollowerMS.h * update share/joboptions to run with V2 UserActions * fix crash GeantFollowerMSHelper.cxx * tagging TrkG4UserActions-02-00-03-02 2016-10-04 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * forward-porting V2 UserAction implmementations from the TrkG4UserActions-01-00-00-branch. Initially into a branch for testing. * tagging TrkG4UserActions-02-00-03-01 2016-08-08 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * src/GeantFollowerMSHelper.cxx (trackParticle): fix for Coverity ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Noemi Calace authored
* bugfix * tag TrkDetDescrAlgs-02-00-07 2015-11-06 Shaun Roe * fix coverity 31579 14/10/2015 (Medium) Uninitialized scalar field :/Tracking/TrkDetDescr/TrkDetDescrAlgs/src/MaterialMapping.cxx in function "MaterialMapping" * tag TrkDetDescrAlgs-02-00-06
Igor Gavrilenko authored
correction for ITK tag as SiSpacePointsSeedTool_xk-01-00-35-05 2016-10-01 Igor Gavrilenko <Igor.Gavrilenko@cern.ch> optimization for ITK,HI,ATL tag as SiSpacePointsSeedTool_xk-01-00-35-04 2016-09-28 Igor Gavrilenko <Igor.Gavrilenko@cern.ch> optimization for ITK tag as SiSpacePointsSeedTool_xk-01-00-35-03
Nora Emilia Pettersson authored
Merging InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool-00-01-37-Branch with InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool-00-01-39-04 for ITk (InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool-00-01-39-05) * Merging InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool-00-01-39-04 and InDetAmbiTrackSelectionTool-00-01-37-branch * Support for doEmCaloSeed and upates to treatment of outliers
Marcelo Vogel authored
Remove = after pre/postInclude in output of GetTfCommand.py [ATLASAMITG-99] (PyJobTransforms-03-00-24) * scripts/GetTfCommand.py - Fix bug preventing correct output for option --printOnlyCmdLine * python/trfAMI.py - Remove '=' after pre/postInclude in _argsToString() [ATLASAMITG-99] * Tagging PyJobTransforms-03-00-24 2016-09-09 Marcelo Vogel <mavogel@cern.ch> * python/transform.py - Configure Event Service job via a special argument eventService=True, which expands to other parameters [ATLASJT-320] * python/trfMPTools.py - Add switch to turn on/off output file checks in athenaMPOutputHandler() * python/trfExe.py - Turn on/off output file checks in athenaMP if eventService=False/True * test/test_trfMPTools.py - Update interface of athenaMPOutputHandler() in unittest * Tagging PyJobTransforms-03-00-23 2016-08-29 Umesh Worlikar <umesh.worlikar@cern.ch> * python/trfArgClasses.py ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Noemi Calace authored
* Fixing SCT_OverlapDescriptor * Tagged as InDetTrackingGeometryUtils-00-00-04
John Derek Chapman authored
Remove postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_noSmear.py, postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_flat0mrad.py, postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_flat50mrad.py, postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_gauss0mrad.py, postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_gauss50mrad.py. Add share/postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_Nominal.py, share/postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_Stage1.py, share/postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_200MHz.py, share/postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_CrabKissing50mrad.py - these reproduce HL-LHC scenarios provided by the machine experts: Nominal, Stage1 and 200MHz. The fourth one is an aggressive crab kissing scenario used in HGTD simulations. ATLASSIM-3097 (Originally discussed in ATLASSIM-2395.) Tagging BeamEffects-00-00-18 (BeamEffects-00-00-18) * share/postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_Nominal.py, share/postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_Stage1.py, share/postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_200MHz.py, share/postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_CrabKissing50mrad.py - update syntax. ATLASSIM-3097 * Tagging BeamEffects-00-00-18 2016-10-10 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * remove postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_noSmear.py, postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_flat0mrad.py, postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_flat50mrad.py, postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_gauss0mrad.py, postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_gauss50mrad.py * add share/postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_Nominal.py, share/postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_Stage1.py, share/postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_200MHz.py, share/postInclude.CrabKissingVertexPositioner_CrabKissing50mrad.py - these reproduce HL-LHC scenarios provided by the machine ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Nigel Hessey authored
Artem Basalaev authored
2016-10-07 Artem Basalaev <artem.basalaev@cern.ch> *Adding new simulator G4HS_FastPileup, needed for Fast Chain. ATLASSIM-2786. * python/ISF_MainConfig.py * python/ISF_ConfigConfigDb.py * python/FlagSetters.py * tagging ISF_Config-00-06-00-02 2016-08-16 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * python/ISF_ConfigJobInclude.py - remove checkForSpecialConfigurationMetadata to make tag compatible with 22.0.X nightlies * tagging ISF_Config-00-06-00-01 2016-07-11 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * tagging ISF_Config-00-06-00 2016-07-11 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Artem Basalaev authored
Changes to add new simulator G4HS_FastPileup, needed for Fast Chain (ISF_SimulationSelectors-00-05-02) * Changes necessary to add new simulator G4HS_FastPileup, needed for Fast Chain. ATLASSIM-2786 * PileupSimSelector replaced with KinematicPileupSimSelector * rm src/PileupSimSelector.cxx * rm src/PileupSimSelector.h * add src/KinematicPileupSimSelector.cxx * add src/KinematicPileupSimSelector.h * New configuration added * python/ISF_SimulationSelectorsConfig.py * python/ISF_SimulationSelectorsConfigDb.py * src/components/ISF_SimulationSelectors_entries.cxx * Tag as ISF_SimulationSelectors-00-05-02 2016-07-13 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * python/ISF_SimulationSelectorsConfig.py, python/ISF_SimulationSelectorsConfigDb.py - syntax clean-up. * src/*.cxx, src/*.h - whitespace clean-up. * Tag as ISF_SimulationSelectors-00-05-01 2016-07-05 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Elmar Ritsch authored
Fix for FastSim full chain jobs for releases with refactored ISF input processing. ATLASSIM-2952 (FullChainTransforms-00-01-09-02) * share/skeleton.EVGENtoRDO.py: Fix for FastSim full chain jobs for releases with refactored ISF input processing. ATLASSIM-2952 * Tag FullChainTransforms-00-01-09-02
John Derek Chapman authored
src/LArG4CalibSD.cc (ProcessHits): Comment out line which skips steps with a TotalEnergyDepositTagging LArG4Code-00-08-15-01 (LArG4Code-00-08-15-01) * Tagging LArG4Code-00-08-15-01 * src/LArG4CalibSD.cc (ProcessHits): Comment out line which skips steps with a TotalEnergyDeposit of zero. obo Guillaume Unal. Should fix ATLASSIM-3065.
Noemi Calace authored
Adding surface array setting method for AlpineLayer (needed for Tracking) (TrkGeometryAlpine-00-00-12) * Adding surface array setting method for AlpineLayer (needed for Tracking!!) * Tagged as TrkGeometryAlpine-00-00-12
Elmar Ritsch authored
Merge changes from ISF_Services-00-08-00->ISF_Services-00-08-00-07 into ISF_Services-00-08-01-branch to allow updating ISF version in 20.20 upgrade release (ATLASSIM-3059) (ISF_Services-00-08-01-02) 2016-09-15 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * Merge changes from ISF_Services-00-08-00->ISF_Services-00-08-00-07 into ISF_Services-00-08-01-branch to allow updating ISF version in 20.20 upgrade release (ATLASSIM-3059): ** python/ISF_ServicesConfigDb.py - remove unneeded imports. Register CfgGetter method for ISF_ParticleKillerSvc. ATLASSIM-2352 ** python/ISF_ServicesConfig.py - add getParticleKillerSvc CfgGetter method. ATLASSIM-2352. General tidying of syntax. ** src/SimHitSvc.cxx - check empty hit collections ** Adopt package to new location of Barcode.h and PhysicsProcessCode.h files (moved from BarcodeInterfaces package into new BarcodeEvent package). This is to follow ATLAS conventions about providing event-data types in dedicated *Event packages. ATLASSIM-2281 ** python/ISF_ServicesConfigDb.py - remove unneeded imports. Register CfgGetter method for ISF_ParticleKillerSvc. ATLASSIM-2995 ** python/ISF_ServicesConfig.py - add getParticleKillerSvc CfgGetter method. ATLASSIM-2995. General tidying of syntax. ** Add support for pileup input collection to new ISF input processing implementation. Crucial for ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)