- Feb 18, 2016
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Carlos Chavez Barajas authored
Ricardo Lince Amaral Farto E Abreu authored
only call prepareWorker on the InfoSvc after the HLT has finished preparing (ATR-13341) (HLTTestApps-20-17-02)
Javier Montejo Berlingen authored
Nils Ruthmann authored
Charles Leggett authored
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
Ye Chen authored
Denis Oliveira Damazio authored
Emma Torro Pastor authored
moving LoF cells counting from TrigJetSplitter.cxx to TrigBHremoval.cxx (ATR-12948) (TrigL2LongLivedParticles-00-00-52)
Elisabetta Pianori authored
Kenji Hamano authored
Ricardo Lince Amaral Farto E Abreu authored
update property for magnet field reading in the event loop manager (ADHI-3498, requires TrigServices-20-10-00) (TriggerRelease-00-12-00)
Ricardo Lince Amaral Farto E Abreu authored
Read magnet info from ptree instead of IS (ADHI-3498, requires TriggerRelease-00-12-00 and tdaq6) (TrigServices-20-10-00)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Alan Watson authored
Alan Watson authored
Alan Watson authored
Veit Lorenz Scharf authored
- Feb 12, 2016
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* tag 00-00-83 * Fix FPE, same issue as in tag 00-00-75 but for TrigInDetTrack methods - don't return track if covariance is negative (ATR-13151) 28-January-2016 : Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh@cern.ch> * tag 00-00-82 * Fix memory leak (ATR-13238) 16-January-2016 : Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh@cern.ch> * tag 00-00-81 * Optimisations - call vector reserve more often, rewrite covariance matrix loop
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* mofieid use the AthAlgTool in-built StoreGate and messaging services * tag TrigMuonBackExtrapolator-00-00-13 2015-05-08 Masato Aoki <Masato.Aoki@cern.ch> * mofieid replace AlgTool to AthAlgTool * tag TrigMuonBackExtrapolator-00-00-12
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fixed L1 PS reading, expanded prining ATR-12985 * Tagging as TrigConfxAOD-00-00-22 2016-01-14 Tomasz Bold * fix for ATR-12985 * Tagging as TrigConfxAOD-00-00-21 2015-10-23 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * fix for ATR-12265 * Tagging as TrigConfxAOD-00-00-20 2015-06-11 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Made TrigConf::xAODConfigSvc able to deal with empty input files as well. (With the same logic that xAODConfigTool uses.) * Tagging as TrigConfxAOD-00-00-19 2015-06-09 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Modified the xAODTrigConfReadTest application to open files one by one. This was to be able to test how the tool behaves with empty input files. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* src/TrigFTK_VxPrimaryAllTE.cxx: change to get a copy of xAOD:Vertex from FTK_DataProviderSvc so that they can be written to xAOD * Tag as TrigFTK_RecAlgs-00-00-10
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* L1CaloHVScalesMon.cxx and L1CaloPMTScoresMon.cxx: - Updating to xAOD and Run 2 tools - Re-enabling histograms * Tag as TrigT1Monitoring-00-05-15
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* FTK_DataProviderInterfaces/IFTK_DataProviderSvc.h: Remove barrelOnly parameter * Add method to fill a xAOD::VertexContainer with a copy of vertices. * Tag FTK_DataProviderInterfaces-00-00-06 2015-12-15 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * FTK_DataProviderInterfaces: add optional parameter barrelOnly 2015-11-17 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> * Declaring it to the CMake build that an interface library should be defined for the package. (So that its clients would build correctly.) * Tagging as FTK_DataProviderInterfaces-00-00-05
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* JIRA 2070 fix for the lowered efficiency in Barrel and Extended Barrel * the veto on too low energy deposits wrt eloss expectation is disabled in CaloMuonTag.cxx * CaloTrkMuIdTools-00-15-08
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* fixed ATLASRECTS-2418 * MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools-00-00-03 23-11-2015 Nathan Bernard * compatibility update * MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools-00-00-02 15-07-2015 Nathan Bernard * modular code redesign * MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools-00-00-01 * MuonClusterSegmentMakerTools-00-00-00
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* enable chnage of tag 01-00-04 by default * tagging MuonAmbiTrackSelectionTool-01-00-06
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* removal of obsolete ClusterSegmentCombinationFinder * tagging MooSegmentCombinationFinder-01-00-15