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Attila Krasznahorkay authored
Making it easier to correctly use this package in the CMake build (InDetTrackSelectionTool-00-02-28)

	* In order to simplify how other packages can make use of this
	  package's interface header(s) with CMake, introduced a quasi
	  dual-use configuration for CMake. Declaring an interface library
	  to describe the header(s) of the package.
	* Removed the ROOT dependency from the CMake configuration for
	  now. Since ROOT is only used in the executable and unit test
	  of the package directly. Neither of which can be built in the
	  offline release.
	* Tagging as InDetTrackSelectionTool-00-02-28

2016-07-18 Michael Clark
	* Adding experimental IBL cut to tool

Former-commit-id: e42254f5
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