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[1.0.0] - 2018-03-28

Start a fork of `rally/plugins/openstack module of original OpenStack Rally


* [scenario plugin] GnocchiArchivePolicy.list_archive_policy
* [scenario plugin] GnocchiArchivePolicy.create_archive_policy
* [scenario plugin] GnocchiArchivePolicy.create_delete_archive_policy
* [scenario plugin] GnocchiResourceType.list_resource_type
* [scenario plugin] GnocchiResourceType.create_resource_type
* [scenario plugin] GnocchiResourceType.create_delete_resource_type
* [scenario plugin] NeutronSubnets.delete_subnets
* [ci] New Zuul V3 native jobs
* Extend existing@openstack platform to support creating a specification based
  on system environment variables. This feature should be available with


* Methods for association and dissociation floating ips  were deprecated in
  novaclient a year ago and latest major release (python-novaclient 10)
  `doesn't include them
  These actions should be performed via neutronclient now. It is not as simple
  as it was via Nova-API and you can find more neutron-related atomic actions
  in results of scenarios.


* *os-hosts* CLIs and python API bindings had been deprecated in
  python-novaclient 9.0.0 and became removed in `10.0.0 release
  This decision affected 2 scenarios `NovaHosts.list_hosts
  and `NovaHosts.list_and_get_hosts
  which become redundant and we cannot leave them (python-novaclient doesn't
  have proper interfaces any more).


* The support of `kubernetes python client
  <>`_ (which is used by Magnum plugins)
  is not limited by 3.0.0 max version. You can use more modern releases of that