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Commit c3f88b26 authored by Frank Winklmeier's avatar Frank Winklmeier
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Configuration cleanup for athenaHLT

- Move all configuration of athenaHLT services to
  Remove the use of includes as much as possible (apart from user job options).
- Replace the include with a simple flag
- Add error in case the offline THistSvc is used with more than one child
- Move the configuration of HLTResultMTMaker to its own module
parent d7bdbeb7
No related branches found
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No related merge requests found
with 175 additions and 627 deletions
......@@ -77,9 +77,6 @@ def update_pcommands(args, cdict):
cdict['trigger']['precommand'].append('_run_number=%d' % args.run_number)
if not args.oh_monitoring:
if args.perfmon:
cdict['trigger']['precommand'].insert(0, "include('TrigCommon/')")
......@@ -340,6 +337,9 @@ def main():
if not args.concurrent_events:
args.concurrent_events = args.threads
if args.nprocs > 1 and not args.oh_monitoring:
parser.error('You have to run with -M/--oh-monitoring in case of multiple child processes')
# Update args and set athena flags
......@@ -357,6 +357,10 @@ def main():
import TrigPSC.PscConfig
TrigPSC.PscConfig.interactive = args.interactive
# Select the correct THistSvc
from TrigServices.TriggerUnixStandardSetup import _Conf
_Conf.useOnlineTHistSvc = args.oh_monitoring
from HLTMPPy.runner import runHLTMPPy
......@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@ if joPath[-4:] == '.pkl':
### basic setup files and definitions ----------------------------------------
pscBootstrapFile = "TrigServices/" # PSC bootstrap
pscServiceSetupBegin = "TrigServices/" # Service definitions
pscServiceSetupEnd = "TrigServices/" # Service definitions
import sys
import os
import string
......@@ -56,9 +51,10 @@ else:
## These properties have alread been set on the C++ ApplicationMgr in the Psc
## but the configurable needs to have them set as well
theApp.EventLoop = "HltEventLoopMgr"
theApp.MessageSvcType = PscConfig.optmap["MESSAGESVCTYPE"]
theApp.JobOptionsSvcType = PscConfig.optmap["JOBOPTIONSSVCTYPE"]
## add the MessageSvc and the JobOptionsSvc to the ServiceMgr
from AthenaCommon.ConfigurableDb import getConfigurable
ServiceMgr += getConfigurable(theApp.JobOptionsSvcType)("JobOptionsSvc")
......@@ -79,16 +75,6 @@ else:
## file inclusion and tracing
from AthenaCommon.Include import Include, IncludeError, include
## set the default values
include( pscBootstrapFile )
except Exception, e:
if isinstance( e, IncludeError ):
print sys.exc_type, e
theApp._exitstate = ExitCodes.INCLUDE_ERROR
sys.exit( ExitCodes.INCLUDE_ERROR )
## properties of the application manager
theApp.StatusCodeCheck = False # enabled via TriggerFlags.Online.doValidation (see below)
......@@ -134,15 +120,8 @@ else:
print "\n"
### basic job configuration before user configuration ------------------------
include( pscServiceSetupBegin )
include.block( pscServiceSetupBegin )
except Exception, e:
print sys.exc_type, e
if isinstance( e, IncludeError ):
theApp._exitstate = ExitCodes.INCLUDE_ERROR
sys.exit( theApp._exitstate )
from TrigServices.TriggerUnixStandardSetup import setupCommonServices
### run user jobOptions file -------------------------------------------------
......@@ -179,17 +158,10 @@ else:
### basic job configuration after user configuration -------------------------
include( pscServiceSetupEnd )
include.block( pscServiceSetupEnd )
except Exception, e:
if isinstance( e, IncludeError ):
print sys.exc_type, e
theApp._exitstate = ExitCodes.INCLUDE_ERROR
sys.exit( ExitCodes.INCLUDE_ERROR )
from TrigServices.TriggerUnixStandardSetup import setupCommonServicesEnd
### run optional command after user job options script -----------------------
### run optional command after user job options script -----------------------
if PscConfig.optmap['POSTCOMMAND']:
print "\n"
print " +------------------------------------------------+ "
# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# @file:
# @purpose: customized configurables
......@@ -25,3 +25,47 @@ class TrigCOOLUpdateHelper(_TrigCOOLUpdateHelper):
def setupMessageSvc():
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
from AthenaCommon.Constants import VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING
svcMgr.MessageSvc = theApp.service( "MessageSvc" ) # already instantiated
MessageSvc = svcMgr.MessageSvc
MessageSvc.OutputLevel = theApp.OutputLevel
MessageSvc.Format = "%t % F%35W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
# Message suppression
MessageSvc.enableSuppression = False
MessageSvc.suppressRunningOnly = True
MessageSvc.resetStatsAtBeginRun = True
# 0 = no suppression, negative = log-suppression, positive = normal suppression
# Do not rely on the defaultLimit property, always set each limit separately
MessageSvc.defaultLimit = -100
MessageSvc.verboseLimit = MessageSvc.defaultLimit
MessageSvc.debugLimit = MessageSvc.defaultLimit
MessageSvc.infoLimit = MessageSvc.defaultLimit
MessageSvc.warningLimit = MessageSvc.defaultLimit
MessageSvc.errorLimit = 0
MessageSvc.fatalLimit = 0
# set message limit to unlimited when general DEBUG is requested
if MessageSvc.OutputLevel<=DEBUG :
MessageSvc.defaultLimit = 0
MessageSvc.enableSuppression = False
# publish message counts during RUNNING in histogram
MessageSvc.publishStats = True
MessageSvc.publishLevel = INFO
# show summary statistics of messages in finalize
MessageSvc.showStats = True
MessageSvc.statLevel = WARNING
MessageSvc.statLevelRun = VERBOSE
# publish message counts during RUNNING in histogram
MessageSvc.publishStats = True
MessageSvc.publishLevel = INFO
......@@ -7,42 +7,60 @@
class _Conf:
"""Some configuration flags for this module with defaults"""
useOnlineTHistSvc = True # set via TrigServices/
athenaXT = False # set below in _setupCommonServices
useOnlineTHistSvc = True # set in
def _eventLoopMgr(svcMgr):
if hasattr(svcMgr, 'HltEventLoopMgr'): return svcMgr.HltEventLoopMgr
return None
def _setupCommonServices():
from AthenaCommon.Constants import VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, ERROR
# Add timestamp to python logger
def setupCommonServices():
from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
from AthenaCommon.Constants import INFO
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr, theApp
from AthenaCommon.ConcurrencyFlags import jobproperties as jps
# Setup messaging for Python and C++
from AthenaCommon.Logging import log
log.setFormat("%(asctime)s Py:%(name)-31s %(levelname)7s %(message)s")
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
# Create our own logger
log = logging.getLogger( 'TriggerUnixStandardSetup::setupCommonServices:' )
from TrigServices.TrigServicesConfig import setupMessageSvc
# Do the default Atlas job configuration first
import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixStandardJob
import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixStandardJob # noqa: F401
# Now do HLT/thread specific configuration (see e.g.
from StoreGate.StoreGateConf import SG__HiveMgrSvc
svcMgr += SG__HiveMgrSvc("EventDataSvc",
NSlots = jps.ConcurrencyFlags.NumConcurrentEvents())
import StoreGate.StoreGateConf as StoreGateConf
svcMgr += StoreGateConf.StoreGateSvc("ConditionStore")
# ThreadPoolService thread local initialization
from GaudiHive.GaudiHiveConf import ThreadPoolSvc
svcMgr += ThreadPoolSvc("ThreadPoolSvc")
svcMgr.ThreadPoolSvc.ThreadInitTools = ["ThreadInitTool"]
from GaudiHive.GaudiHiveConf import AlgResourcePool
svcMgr += AlgResourcePool( OutputLevel = INFO,
TopAlg=["AthMasterSeq"]) # this should enable control flow
from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
from SGComps.SGCompsConf import SGInputLoader
topSequence = AlgSequence()
topSequence += SGInputLoader(FailIfNoProxy = False) # change to True eventually
from AthenaCommon.AlgScheduler import AlgScheduler
AlgScheduler.setDataLoaderAlg ('SGInputLoader' )
# Setup SGCommitAuditor to sweep new DataObjects at end of Alg execute
theApp.AuditAlgorithms = True
from SGComps.SGCompsConf import SGCommitAuditor
svcMgr.AuditorSvc += SGCommitAuditor()
# Now do HLT specific configuration
from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
# Check whether we are running in athenaXT
# Only a minimal set of properties should depend on this
import sys
if sys.modules.has_key('HLTTestApps'):
_Conf.athenaXT = True
log.debug("Configuration for athenaXT running")
_Conf.athenaXT = False
log.debug("Configuration for online running")
# setup ROOT6
from PyUtils.Helpers import ROOT6Setup
......@@ -61,27 +79,40 @@ def _setupCommonServices():
# Initialization of DetDescrCnvSvc
svcMgr += CfgMgr.DetDescrCnvSvc(
# specify primary Identifier dictionary to be used
IdDictName = "IdDictParser/ATLAS_IDS.xml"
IdDictName = "IdDictParser/ATLAS_IDS.xml")
theApp.CreateSvc += [ svcMgr.DetDescrCnvSvc.getFullName() ]
svcMgr.EventPersistencySvc.CnvServices += [ "DetDescrCnvSvc" ]
# --- ByteStreamCnvSvc configuration
svcMgr += CfgMgr.ByteStreamCnvSvc("ByteStreamCnvSvc")
# ByteStreamCnvSvc configuration
from ByteStreamCnvSvc.ByteStreamCnvSvcConf import ByteStreamCnvSvc
svcMgr += ByteStreamCnvSvc("ByteStreamCnvSvc")
svcMgr.EventPersistencySvc.CnvServices += [ "ByteStreamCnvSvc" ]
# Disable history
svcMgr += CfgMgr.HistorySvc()
svcMgr.HistorySvc.Activate = False
from TrigByteStreamCnvSvc.TrigByteStreamCnvSvcConf import TrigByteStreamInputSvc
svcMgr += TrigByteStreamInputSvc("ByteStreamInputSvc")
from TrigByteStreamCnvSvc.TrigByteStreamCnvSvcConf import TrigEventSelectorByteStream
svcMgr += TrigEventSelectorByteStream("EventSelector",
ByteStreamInputSvc = svcMgr.ByteStreamInputSvc)
theApp.EvtSel = "EventSelector"
from TrigByteStreamCnvSvc.TrigByteStreamCnvSvcConf import TrigByteStreamCnvSvc
svcMgr += TrigByteStreamCnvSvc("TrigByteStreamCnvSvc")
# make the HltEventLoopMgr service available
svcMgr.HltEventLoopMgr = theApp.service( "HltEventLoopMgr" ) # already instantiated
svcMgr.HltEventLoopMgr.WhiteboardSvc = "EventDataSvc"
svcMgr.HltEventLoopMgr.SchedulerSvc = AlgScheduler.getScheduler().getName()
svcMgr.HltEventLoopMgr.EvtSel = svcMgr.EventSelector
svcMgr.HltEventLoopMgr.OutputCnvSvc = svcMgr.TrigByteStreamCnvSvc
from TrigOutputHandling.TrigOutputHandlingConfig import HLTResultMTMakerCfg
svcMgr.HltEventLoopMgr.ResultMaker = HLTResultMTMakerCfg()
# Configuration of Interval of Validity Service
svcMgr += CfgMgr.IOVSvc()
# Configure CoreDumpSvc
if not hasattr(svcMgr,"CoreDumpSvc"):
from AthenaServices.Configurables import CoreDumpSvc
svcMgr += CoreDumpSvc()
# Configure COOL update helper tool
# from TrigServices.TrigServicesConfig import TrigCOOLUpdateHelper
# _eventLoopMgr(svcMgr).CoolUpdateTool = TrigCOOLUpdateHelper()
......@@ -109,17 +140,16 @@ def _setupCommonServices():
def _setupCommonServicesEnd():
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
def setupCommonServicesEnd():
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags
log = logging.getLogger( 'TriggerUnixStandardSetup::setupCommonServicesEnd:' )
# --- create the ByteStreamCnvSvc after the Detector Description otherwise
# --- the initialization of converters fails
theApp.CreateSvc += [ svcMgr.ByteStreamCnvSvc.getFullName() ]
#from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
#theApp.CreateSvc += [ svcMgr.ByteStreamCnvSvc.getFullName() ]
# Make sure no THistSvc output/input stream is defined for online running
if _Conf.useOnlineTHistSvc:
......@@ -154,70 +184,5 @@ def _setupCommonServicesEnd():
svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.CacheAlign = 0 # VERY IMPORTANT to get unique queries for folder udpates (see Savannah #81092)
svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.CacheRun = 0
svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.CacheTime = 0
# Flag to extract trigger configuration
if TriggerFlags.Online.doDBConfig():
from TrigConfigSvc import DoDBConfig
# --- print out configuration details
def _printConfiguration(loggerName):
from AthenaCommon.Constants import VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, ERROR
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
if loggerName == '':
loggerName = 'TriggerUnixStandardSetup::_printConfiguration'
log = logging.getLogger( loggerName )
# --- print out configuration details
# ---
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
log.debug("---> Application Manager")
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
log.debug("---> Service Manager")
from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
topSequence = AlgSequence()
log.debug("---> Algorithm Sequence")
def setupHLTServicesBegin():
from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
from AthenaCommon.Constants import VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, ERROR
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
log = logging.getLogger( 'TriggerUnixStandardSetup::setupHLTServicesBegin:' )
log.debug( "---> Start" )
# --- setup the standard services
# --- Hlt ROBDataProvider configuration
svcMgr += CfgMgr.HltROBDataProviderSvc("ROBDataProviderSvc")
theApp.CreateSvc += [ svcMgr.ROBDataProviderSvc.getFullName() ]
log.debug( "---> End" )
def setupHLTServicesEnd():
from AthenaCommon.Constants import VERBOSE, DEBUG, INFO, ERROR
from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
log = logging.getLogger( 'TriggerUnixStandardSetup::setupHLTServicesEnd:' )
log.debug( "---> Start" )
# --- final modifications to standard services
log.debug( "---> End" )
# MessageSvc configuration file
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
from AthenaCommon.Constants import *
# make the message service available
svcMgr.MessageSvc = theApp.service( "MessageSvc" ) # already instantiated
MessageSvc = svcMgr.MessageSvc
MessageSvc.OutputLevel = theApp.OutputLevel
# Use color for different message levels
# --------------------------------------
MessageSvc.useColors = False
# Format string for all messages
# ------------------------------
MessageSvc.Format = "%t % F%35W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
# Message suppression
# -------------------
MessageSvc.enableSuppression = False
MessageSvc.suppressRunningOnly = True
MessageSvc.resetStatsAtBeginRun = True
# 0 = no suppression, negative = log-suppression, positive = normal suppression
# Do not rely on the defaultLimit property, always set each limit separately
MessageSvc.defaultLimit = -100
MessageSvc.verboseLimit = MessageSvc.defaultLimit
MessageSvc.debugLimit = MessageSvc.defaultLimit
MessageSvc.infoLimit = MessageSvc.defaultLimit
MessageSvc.warningLimit = MessageSvc.defaultLimit
MessageSvc.errorLimit = 0
MessageSvc.fatalLimit = 0
# set message limit to unlimited when general DEBUG is requested
if MessageSvc.OutputLevel<=DEBUG :
MessageSvc.defaultLimit = 0
MessageSvc.enableSuppression = False
# show summary statistics of messages in finalize
# -----------------------------------------------
MessageSvc.showStats = True
MessageSvc.statLevel = WARNING
MessageSvc.statLevelRun = VERBOSE
# publish message counts during RUNNING in histogram
# --------------------------------------------------
MessageSvc.publishStats = True
MessageSvc.publishLevel = INFO
# report messages via ERS
# -----------------------
# report given message severities via ERS
# MessageSvc.useErsVerbose = ['*']
# MessageSvc.useErsDebug = ['*']
# MessageSvc.useErsInfo = ['*']
# MessageSvc.useErsWarning = ['*']
# MessageSvc.useErsError = ['*']
# MessageSvc.useErsFatal = ['*']
# Set to True, if ERS messages should be duplicated to the MsgStream
# MessageSvc.alwaysUseMsgStream = True
# Only forward message during RUNNING
# MessageSvc.useErsRunningOnly = True
# End of MessageSvc configuration file
## @file
## @brief Configure the offline THistSvc
## @author Frank Winklmeier <>
## This fragment will be included by athenaHLT if we are
## running withtout the OH monitoring. Otherwise, the default
## is to use the online histogramming service (TrigMonTHistSvc)
from TrigServices.TriggerUnixStandardSetup import _Conf
_Conf.useOnlineTHistSvc = False
del _Conf
# HLT bootstrap options file
# HLT specific event loop and output stream
theApp.EventLoop = "HltEventLoopMgr"
#theApp.OutStreamType = "AthenaOutputStream"
# in Hlt the EventLoop is controlled by the HLT Processing Unit
# so the default is no Event Selector
theApp.EvtSel = "NONE"
# take care of job options legacy
theApp.JobOptionsPath = ""
theApp.JobOptionsType = "NONE"
# End of HLT bootstrap options file
# HLT common configuration file:
include( "TrigServices/" )
include( "TrigServices/" )
## HLT standard service configuration
# from TrigServices.TriggerUnixStandardSetup import setupHLTServicesBegin
# setupHLTServicesBegin()
## clean-up: avoid running multiple times this method
# del setupHLTServicesBegin
# End of HLT common configuration file:
# HLT common configuration file:
## get a handle on the ServiceMgr
# from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
## HLT standard service configuration
# from TrigServices.TriggerUnixStandardSetup import setupHLTServicesEnd
# setupHLTServicesEnd()
## clean-up: avoid running multiple times this method
# del setupHLTServicesEnd
# End of HLT common configuration file:
# TrigServicesEventLoopMgr configuration file
from AthenaCommon import CfgMgr
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import theApp
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
# from AthenaCommon.Constants import *
# ==============================================================================
# Set up from and and
# ==============================================================================
#nThreads = 1
#numStores = 1
#numAlgsInFlight = nThreads
#from AthenaCommon.ConcurrencyFlags import jobproperties as jps
#jps.ConcurrencyFlags.NumThreads = nThreads
#jps.ConcurrencyFlags.NumConcurrentEvents = numStores
# from GaudiCommonSvc.GaudiCommonSvcConf import AlgContextSvc
# svcMgr += AlgContextSvc("AlgContextSvc")
# svcMgr.AlgContextSvc.Check = True
from StoreGate.StoreGateConf import SG__HiveMgrSvc
svcMgr += SG__HiveMgrSvc("EventDataSvc")
#svcMgr.EventDataSvc.NSlots = numStores
#svcMgr.EventDataSvc.OutputLevel = VERBOSE
from GaudiHive.GaudiHiveConf import AlgResourcePool
arp.TopAlg=["AthMasterSeq"] #this should enable control flow
svcMgr += arp
from AthenaCommon.AlgScheduler import AlgScheduler
from StoreGate.StoreGateConf import StoreGateSvc
svcMgr += StoreGateSvc()
from StoreGate.StoreGateConf import SGImplSvc
svcMgr += SGImplSvc("SGImplSvc")
# ThreadPoolService thread local initialization
from GaudiHive.GaudiHiveConf import ThreadPoolSvc
svcMgr += ThreadPoolSvc("ThreadPoolSvc")
svcMgr.ThreadPoolSvc.ThreadInitTools = ["ThreadInitTool"]
from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
topSequence = AlgSequence()
#algCardinality = nThreads
# if (algCardinality != 1):
# for alg in topSequence:
# name =
# alg.Cardinality = algCardinality
from SGComps.SGCompsConf import SGInputLoader
topSequence += SGInputLoader( FailIfNoProxy=False )
theAuditorSvc = svcMgr.AuditorSvc
from SGComps.SGCompsConf import SGCommitAuditor
theAuditorSvc += SGCommitAuditor()
# ==============================================================================
# Event selector and input service
# ==============================================================================
from TrigByteStreamCnvSvc.TrigByteStreamCnvSvcConf import TrigByteStreamInputSvc
inputSvc = TrigByteStreamInputSvc("ByteStreamInputSvc")
svcMgr += inputSvc
from TrigByteStreamCnvSvc.TrigByteStreamCnvSvcConf import TrigEventSelectorByteStream
evtSel = TrigEventSelectorByteStream("EventSelector")
evtSel.ByteStreamInputSvc = inputSvc
svcMgr += evtSel
theApp.EvtSel = "EventSelector"
# ==============================================================================
# Output conversion service
# ==============================================================================
from TrigByteStreamCnvSvc.TrigByteStreamCnvSvcConf import TrigByteStreamCnvSvc
outputCnvSvc = TrigByteStreamCnvSvc("TrigByteStreamCnvSvc")
svcMgr += outputCnvSvc
# ==============================================================================
# Some extra services
# ==============================================================================
## basic Gaudi services from
import GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf as GaudiSvcConf
svcMgr += GaudiSvcConf.IncidentSvc()
svcMgr += GaudiSvcConf.EvtPersistencySvc( "EventPersistencySvc" )
svcMgr += GaudiSvcConf.HistogramSvc( "HistogramDataSvc" )
svcMgr += GaudiSvcConf.NTupleSvc()
svcMgr += GaudiSvcConf.ToolSvc()
svcMgr += GaudiSvcConf.RndmGenSvc()
svcMgr += GaudiSvcConf.ChronoStatSvc()
from StoreGate.StoreGateConf import StoreGateSvc
svcMgr += StoreGateSvc("DetectorStore")
# ProxyProviderSvc services configuration
svcMgr += CfgMgr.ProxyProviderSvc()
# --- ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc configuration
svcMgr += CfgMgr.ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc()
svcMgr.ProxyProviderSvc.ProviderNames += [ "ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc" ]
#theApp.CreateSvc += [ svcMgr.ByteStreamAddressProviderSvc.getFullName() ]
# Initialization of DetDescrCnvSvc
svcMgr += CfgMgr.DetDescrCnvSvc(
# specify primary Identifier dictionary to be used
IdDictName = "IdDictParser/ATLAS_IDS.xml"
theApp.CreateSvc += [ svcMgr.DetDescrCnvSvc.getFullName() ]
svcMgr.EventPersistencySvc.CnvServices += [ "DetDescrCnvSvc" ]
# --- ByteStreamCnvSvc configuration
svcMgr += CfgMgr.ByteStreamCnvSvc("ByteStreamCnvSvc")
svcMgr.EventPersistencySvc.CnvServices += [ "ByteStreamCnvSvc" ]
# dictionary services from
# the dict loader
import AthenaServices.AthenaServicesConf as AthenaServicesConf
if not hasattr(svcMgr, 'AthDictLoaderSvc'):
svcMgr += AthenaServicesConf.AthDictLoaderSvc()
theApp.CreateSvc += [svcMgr.AthDictLoaderSvc.getFullJobOptName()]
# the dict checker
if not hasattr(svcMgr, 'AthenaSealSvc'):
svcMgr += AthenaServicesConf.AthenaSealSvc()
theApp.CreateSvc += [svcMgr.AthenaSealSvc.getFullJobOptName()]
# ==============================================================================
# HLT result monitoring
# ==============================================================================
from TrigOutputHandling.TrigOutputHandlingConf import HLTResultMTMaker
hltResultMaker = HLTResultMTMaker()
from AthenaMonitoring.GenericMonitoringTool import GenericMonitoringTool, defineHistogram
hltResultMaker.MonTool = GenericMonitoringTool("MonOfHLTResultMTtest")
hltResultMaker.MonTool.HistPath = "OutputMonitoring"
hltResultMaker.MonTool.Histograms = [ defineHistogram( 'TIME_build', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F', title='Time of result construction in;[micro seccond]',
xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=1000 ),
defineHistogram( 'nstreams', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F', title='number of streams',
xbins=60, xmin=0, xmax=60 ),
defineHistogram( 'nfrags', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F', title='number of HLT results',
xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10 ),
defineHistogram( 'sizeMain', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F', title='Main (physics) HLT Result size;4B words',
xbins=100, xmin=-1, xmax=999 ) ] # 1000 k span
# ==============================================================================
# Message format
# ==============================================================================
msgFmt = "% F%40W%S %4W%e%s %7W%R %T %0W%M"
svcMgr.MessageSvc.Format = msgFmt
# ==============================================================================
# General setup
# ==============================================================================
# make the HltEventLoopMgr service available
svcMgr.HltEventLoopMgr = theApp.service( "HltEventLoopMgr" ) # already instantiated
HltEventLoopMgr = svcMgr.HltEventLoopMgr
HltEventLoopMgr.WhiteboardSvc = "EventDataSvc"
HltEventLoopMgr.SchedulerSvc = AlgScheduler.getScheduler().getName()
HltEventLoopMgr.EvtSel = evtSel
HltEventLoopMgr.OutputCnvSvc = outputCnvSvc
HltEventLoopMgr.ResultMaker = hltResultMaker
# configure here Level-1 CTP ROB identifier which is used in HLT
# HltEventLoopMgr.Lvl1CTPROBid = 0x770001
# request that events with invalid or missing CTP ROBs are skipped by the HltEventLoopMgr
# (default: don't skip these events)
# HltEventLoopMgr.Lvl1CTPROBcheck = TRUE
# name of the HLT Result object in StoreGate
# HltEventLoopMgr.HltResultName = "HLTResult_HLT"
# handling of truncated HLT Results
# switch on saving of events with truncated HLT results to DEBUG stream (default FALSE)
#HltEventLoopMgr.WriteTruncatedHLTtoDebug = FALSE
# name of DEBUG Stream (default "TruncatedHLTResult")
#HltEventLoopMgr.HltTruncationDebugStreamName = "TruncatedHLTResult"
# list of stream names which should not be send to the truncation DEBUG stream (default ["CostMonitoring"])
# HltEventLoopMgr.ExcludeFromHltTruncationDebugStream = ["CostMonitoring"]
# properties for the HLT result size histograms
# --> set upper edge of histogram to maximum allowed number of words in HLT
# HltEventLoopMgr.histHltResultSize=("HltResultSize",0,125000,100)
# Configuration of EDM size monitoring plots
# try:
# from TrigEDMConfig.TriggerEDM import EDMDetails,getTypeAndKey,keyToLabel
# from TrigEDMConfig.TriggerEDM import TriggerHLTList
# # TODO update to use import TriggerHLTList directly
# #from TrigEDMConfig.TriggerEDM import TriggerL2List,TriggerEFList
# #TriggerHLTList = list(set(TriggerL2List).union(TriggerEFList))
# l = []
# for item in TriggerHLTList:
# if ('BS' in item[1].split()) or ('DS' in item[1].split()):
# t,k = getTypeAndKey(item[0])
# ctype = t
# if EDMDetails[t].has_key('collection'):
# ctype = EDMDetails[t]['collection']
# l += [ctype+'__'+keyToLabel(k)]
# # add a bin for not accounted collections
# l += ['not__configured']
# HltEventLoopMgr.HltEDMCollectionNames = l
# number_of_collections=len( HltEventLoopMgr.HltEDMCollectionNames )
# HltEventLoopMgr.histHltEdmSizes=("HltEDMSizes",0., 15000., number_of_collections)
# except ImportError,e:
# print " +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ "
# print " | No initial configuration for EDM monitoring plots will be available! | "
# print " +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ "
# print e
# End of TrigServicesEventLoopMgr configuration file
# TrigServicesTHistSvc configuration file
# loading of this library (not a problem if done twice)
theApp.Dlls += [ "TrigServices" ]
# service creation
theApp.ExtSvc += [ "HltTHistSvc/THistSvc" ]
theApp.MultiThreadExtSvc += [ "HltTHistSvc/THistSvc" ]
# just a helper function
def defineTHistSvcOutputFile(dir, name, opt='NEW', service='THistSvc'):
if numberOfThreads.value() == 0:
THistSvc = Service(service)
THistSvc.Output += [dir+" DATAFILE=\'"+name+"' OPT=\'"+opt+"\'" ]
for n in range(0,numberOfThreads.value()):
threadID = '__%(#)d' % { '#': n}
THistSvc = Service ( service+threadID )
THistSvc.Output += [dir+" DATAFILE=\'"+name+threadID+"' OPT=\'"+opt+"\'" ]
# default settings
defineTHistSvcOutputFile("SHIFT", "monitoring-shift.root")
defineTHistSvcOutputFile("EXPERT", "monitoring-expert.root")
defineTHistSvcOutputFile("DEBUG", "monitoring-debug.root")
defineTHistSvcOutputFile("RUNSTAT", "monitoring-runstat.root")
# user can also specify REGEX used to check Histograms Naming Convention
# THistSvc = Service("THistSvc")
# all sort of regex can be given
# THistSvc.ExcludeName = ".+LAr.+" # no LAr histograms any more
# THistSvc.IncludeName = "/SHIFT/.+" # only monitoring allowed
# the default is (implementation of the naming convention):
# see:
# see:
# THistSvc.ExcludeName = ".*\..*"
# THistSvc.IncludeName = "^/((SHIFT)|(EXPERT)|(DEBUG)|(RUNSTAT))/.+/.+"
# Similar can be specified for histogram types (name of the ROOT class)
# example below can be used to exclude 2dim histograms from being registered
# THistSvc.ExcludeType = ".+2.+"
# example below accepts only 1 dimensional integer histogram
# THistSvc.ExcludeType = ".+"
# THistSvc.IncludeType = "TH1I"
# End of TrigServicesTHistSvc configuration file
......@@ -9,41 +9,45 @@ atlas_subdir( TrigOutputHandling )
atlas_depends_on_subdirs( PUBLIC
find_package( tdaq-common )
# Component(s) in the package:
atlas_add_library( TrigOutputHandlingLib
PUBLIC_HEADERS TrigOutputHandling
LINK_LIBRARIES ${TDAQ-COMMON_LIBRARIES} GaudiKernel AthViews AthenaBaseComps TrigSteeringEvent TrigSerializeResultLib
xAODTrigCalo xAODTrigEgamma xAODTrigger xAODTracking xAODTrigMuon xAODMuon DecisionHandlingLib AthenaMonitoringLib )
xAODTrigCalo xAODTrigEgamma xAODTrigger xAODTracking xAODTrigMuon xAODMuon DecisionHandlingLib AthenaMonitoringLib )
atlas_add_component( TrigOutputHandling
LINK_LIBRARIES TrigOutputHandlingLib )
# Install files from the package:
atlas_install_python_modules( python/*.py )
# Tests:
atlas_add_test( void_record_test
SOURCES test/void_record_test.cxx
AthLinks AthenaKernel StoreGateLib GaudiKernel TestTools xAODCore
AthLinks AthenaKernel StoreGateLib GaudiKernel TestTools xAODCore
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
def HLTResultMTMakerCfg():
from TrigOutputHandlingConf import HLTResultMTMaker
from AthenaMonitoring.GenericMonitoringTool import GenericMonitoringTool, defineHistogram
m = HLTResultMTMaker()
m.MonTool = GenericMonitoringTool('MonTool', HistPath='HLTResultMTMaker')
m.MonTool.Histograms = [ defineHistogram( 'TIME_build', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F', title='Time of result construction in;[micro seccond]',
xbins=100, xmin=0, xmax=1000 ),
defineHistogram( 'nstreams', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F', title='number of streams',
xbins=60, xmin=0, xmax=60 ),
defineHistogram( 'nfrags', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F', title='number of HLT results',
xbins=10, xmin=0, xmax=10 ),
defineHistogram( 'sizeMain', path='EXPERT', type='TH1F', title='Main (physics) HLT Result size;4B words',
xbins=100, xmin=-1, xmax=999 ) ] # 1000 k span
return m
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