- Feb 06, 2017
Justin Griffiths authored
* tagging 05-00-16 * new MVA tracking on by default
- Feb 02, 2017
Justin Griffiths authored
* tagging 05-00-14 * Add tauFlags for MVA Tracking 2016-12-01 Justin Griffith <griffith@cern.ch> * tagging 05-00-13 * TauDiscriminant now configured fully here 2016-11-28 Benedict Winter <benedict.tobias.winter@cern.ch> * Update Pi0ClusterMaker_jobOptions to be in sync with CaloRec * No change in output expected for now (doTreatEnergyCutAsAbsolute=False)
- Jan 20, 2017
Justin Griffiths authored
- Nov 26, 2016
Justin Griffiths authored
- Jun 14, 2016
Justin Griffiths authored
* merge tauRec-05-00-03-branch with current trunk * 20.7 and lower release updates should branch off tauRec-05-00-04
- May 27, 2016
Justin Griffiths authored
* adapt to changes of CaloClusterMaker * tag tauRec-05-00-04
- Nov 13, 2015
Justin Griffiths authored
* tagging 05-00-02 * turn on DiTauRec, include DiTauRec persistancy 2015-10-14 Justin Griffiths <griffith AT cern.h> * tagging 05-00-01 * add instance of tauRecFlags, add flag for tau-jet seed eta * can change jet-seed eta from command line now 2015-09-10 Justin Griffiths <griffith AT cern.h> * tagging 05-00-00 * incrementing main number since first tag where nearly all cxx code has been stripped away. see tauRecTools for all the old tools and algs
- Jan 19, 2015
Michel Janus authored
2015-01-13 Michel Janus <janus@cern.ch> * tagging as tauRec-04-06-08 * bugfixing status code behaviour * adding full set of variables to dictionary in TauIDPileupCorrection 2015-01-09 Michel Janus <janus@cern.ch> * adding new tool TauIDPileupCorrection, currently copy of TauCalibrateLC 2014-12-19 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging tauRec-04-06-07. * src/TauVertexVariables.cxx (execute): Fix compilation warning. 2014-12-11 Michel Janus <janus@cern.ch> * fixes for calculation of new substructure variables * tagging as tauRec-04-06-06 2014-12-09 Matthew Beckingham <matthew.beckingham@cern.ch> * Extra protection for beamspot passed by trigger ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Sep 19, 2014
Felix Friedrich authored