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Commit b70e4593 authored by Paul Gessinger's avatar Paul Gessinger
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Merge branch '716-allow-partial-event-simulation-in-case-of-errors' into 'master'

Resolve "Allow partial event simulation in case of errors"

Closes #716

See merge request !783
parents 2ca18efc 1c7fb371
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1 merge request!783Allow partial event simulation in case of errors
Pipeline #1503966 passed
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ add_library(
......@@ -27,6 +27,28 @@ struct EverySurface {
constexpr bool operator()(const Acts::Surface &) const { return true; }
/// Interactor result (and intermediate state).
/// The result struct does not depend on the template arguments of the
/// Interactor. Defining it independently gives greater flexibility for its
/// usage.
struct InteractorResult {
/// Whether the simulation can continue, i.e. particle is still alive.
bool isAlive = true;
/// Accumulated material during the propagation.
/// The initial particle can already have some passed material. We need the
/// particle to store the full material path but still keep track of the
/// additional accumulated material during simulation.
Particle::Scalar pathInX0 = 0;
Particle::Scalar pathInL0 = 0;
/// Propagated particle state.
Particle particle;
/// Additional particles generated by interactions.
std::vector<Particle> generatedParticles;
/// Hits created by the propagated particle.
std::vector<Hit> hits;
/// Fatras interactor plugin for the Acts propagator.
/// This plugin must be added to the action list of the propagator and is the
......@@ -41,32 +63,7 @@ struct EverySurface {
template <typename generator_t, typename physics_list_t,
typename hit_surface_selector_t = NoSurface>
struct Interactor {
/// Random number generator used for the simulation.
generator_t *generator = nullptr;
/// Physics list detailing the simulated interactions and processes.
physics_list_t physics;
/// Selector for surfaces that should generate hits.
hit_surface_selector_t selectHitSurface;
/// Initial particle state.
Particle particle;
/// Interaction result (and intermediate state).
struct result_type {
/// Whether the simulation can continue, i.e. particle is still alive.
bool isAlive = true;
/// Accumulated material during the propagation.
/// The initial particle can already have some passed material. We need the
/// particle to store the full material path but still keep track of the
/// additional accumulated material during simulation.
Particle::Scalar pathInX0 = 0;
Particle::Scalar pathInL0 = 0;
/// Propagated particle state.
Particle particle;
/// Additional particles generated by interactions.
std::vector<Particle> generatedParticles;
/// Hits created by the propagated particle.
std::vector<Hit> hits;
using result_type = InteractorResult;
/// Abort if the particle was killed during a previous interaction.
struct ParticleNotAlive {
......@@ -80,6 +77,15 @@ struct Interactor {
/// Random number generator used for the simulation.
generator_t *generator = nullptr;
/// Physics list detailing the simulated interactions and processes.
physics_list_t physics;
/// Selector for surfaces that should generate hits.
hit_surface_selector_t selectHitSurface;
/// Initial particle state.
Particle particle;
/// Simulate the interaction with a single surface.
/// @tparam propagator_state_t is propagator state
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include <cassert>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "Acts/EventData/ChargePolicy.hpp"
#include "Acts/EventData/SingleCurvilinearTrackParameters.hpp"
......@@ -27,6 +28,7 @@
#include "ActsFatras/EventData/Hit.hpp"
#include "ActsFatras/EventData/Particle.hpp"
#include "ActsFatras/Kernel/Interactor.hpp"
#include "ActsFatras/Kernel/detail/SimulatorError.hpp"
namespace ActsFatras {
......@@ -65,17 +67,15 @@ struct ParticleSimulator {
/// @tparam generator_t is the type of the random number generator
template <typename generator_t>
Acts::Result<typename Interactor<generator_t, physics_list_t,
simulate(const Acts::GeometryContext &geoCtx,
const Acts::MagneticFieldContext &magCtx, generator_t &generator,
const Particle &particle) const {
Acts::Result<InteractorResult> simulate(
const Acts::GeometryContext &geoCtx,
const Acts::MagneticFieldContext &magCtx, generator_t &generator,
const Particle &particle) const {
assert(localLogger and "Missing local logger");
// propagator-related additional types
using Interact =
Interactor<generator_t, physics_list_t, hit_surface_selector_t>;
using InteractResult = typename Interact::result_type;
using Actions = Acts::ActionList<Interact, Acts::detail::DebugOutputActor>;
using Abort = Acts::AbortList<typename Interact::ParticleNotAlive,
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ struct ParticleSimulator {
auto result = propagator.propagate(start, options);
if (result.ok()) {
return result.value().template get<InteractResult>();
return result.value().template get<InteractorResult>();
} else {
return result.error();
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ struct ParticleSimulator {
particle.absMomentum() * particle.unitDirection(), particle.time());
auto result = propagator.propagate(start, options);
if (result.ok()) {
return result.value().template get<InteractResult>();
return result.value().template get<InteractorResult>();
} else {
return result.error();
......@@ -130,6 +130,18 @@ struct ParticleSimulator {
template <typename charged_selector_t, typename charged_simulator_t,
typename neutral_selector_t, typename neutral_simulator_t>
struct Simulator {
/// A particle that failed to simulate.
struct FailedParticle {
/// Initial particle state of the failed particle.
/// This must store the full particle state to be able to handle secondaries
/// that are not in the input particle list. Otherwise they could not be
/// referenced.
Particle particle;
/// The associated error code for this particular failure case.
std::error_code error;
charged_selector_t selectCharged;
neutral_selector_t selectNeutral;
charged_simulator_t charged;
......@@ -147,6 +159,21 @@ struct Simulator {
/// @param simulatedParticlesInitial contains initial particle states
/// @param simulatedParticlesFinal contains final particle states
/// @param hits contains all generated hits
/// @retval Acts::Result::Error if there is a fundamental issue
/// @retval Acts::Result::Success with all particles that failed to simulate
/// @warning Particle-hit association is based on particle ids generated
/// during the simulation. This requires that all input particles
/// **must** have generation and sub-particle number set to zero.
/// @note Parameter edge-cases can lead to errors in the underlying propagator
/// and thus to particles that fail to simulate. Here, full events are
/// simulated and the failure to simulate one particle should not be
/// considered a general failure of the simulator. Instead, a list of
/// particles that fail to simulate is provided to the user. It is the
/// users responsibility to handle them.
/// @note Failed particles are removed from the regular output, i.e. they do
/// not appear in the simulated particles containers nor do they
/// generate hits.
/// This takes all input particles and simulates those passing the selection
/// using the appropriate simulator. All selected particle states including
......@@ -155,36 +182,35 @@ struct Simulator {
/// state after propagation are stored. Hits generated from selected input and
/// generated particles are stored in the hit container.
/// @warning Particle-hit association is based on particle ids generated
/// during the simulation. This requires that all input particles
/// **must** have generation and sub-particle number set to zero.
/// @tparam generator_t is the type of the random number generator
/// @tparam input_particles_t is a Container for particles
/// @tparam output_particles_t is a SequenceContainer for particles
/// @tparam hits_t is a SequenceContainer for hits
template <typename generator_t, typename input_particles_t,
typename output_particles_t, typename hits_t>
Acts::Result<void> simulate(const Acts::GeometryContext &geoCtx,
const Acts::MagneticFieldContext &magCtx,
generator_t &generator,
const input_particles_t &inputParticles,
output_particles_t &simulatedParticlesInitial,
output_particles_t &simulatedParticlesFinal,
hits_t &hits) const {
Acts::Result<std::vector<FailedParticle>> simulate(
const Acts::GeometryContext &geoCtx,
const Acts::MagneticFieldContext &magCtx, generator_t &generator,
const input_particles_t &inputParticles,
output_particles_t &simulatedParticlesInitial,
output_particles_t &simulatedParticlesFinal, hits_t &hits) const {
(simulatedParticlesInitial.size() == simulatedParticlesFinal.size()) and
"Inconsistent initial sizes of the simulated particle containers");
using ParticleSimulatorResult = Acts::Result<InteractorResult>;
std::vector<FailedParticle> failedParticles;
for (const Particle &inputParticle : inputParticles) {
// only consider simulatable particles
if (not selectParticle(inputParticle)) {
// required to allow correct particle id numbering for secondaries later
if ((inputParticle.particleId().generation() != 0u) or
(inputParticle.particleId().subParticle() != 0u)) {
// TODO add meaningfull error code
return std::error_code(-1, std::generic_category());
return detail::SimulatorError::eInvalidInputParticleId;
// Do a *depth-first* simulation of the particle and its secondaries,
......@@ -192,38 +218,35 @@ struct Simulator {
// the next primary particle. Use the end of the output container as
// a queue to store particles that should be simulated.
// WARNING the initial particle output container will be modified during
// iteration as new secondaries are added directly to it. to avoid
// issues, access must always occur via indices.
// WARNING the initial particle state output container will be modified
// during iteration. New secondaries are added to and failed
// particles might be removed. to avoid issues, access must always
// occur via indices.
auto iinitial = simulatedParticlesInitial.size();
for (; iinitial < simulatedParticlesInitial.size(); ++iinitial) {
// only simulatable particles are pushed to the container
// no additional check is necessary here.
const auto &initialParticle = simulatedParticlesInitial[iinitial];
// only simulatable particles are pushed to the container.
// they must therefore be either charged or neutral.
ParticleSimulatorResult result = ParticleSimulatorResult::success({});
if (selectCharged(initialParticle)) {
auto result =
charged.simulate(geoCtx, magCtx, generator, initialParticle);
if (not result.ok()) {
// do not keep unsimulated/ failed particles in the output
return result.error();
copyOutputs(result.value(), simulatedParticlesInitial,
simulatedParticlesFinal, hits);
} else if (selectNeutral(initialParticle)) {
auto result =
neutral.simulate(geoCtx, magCtx, generator, initialParticle);
if (not result.ok()) {
// do not keep unsimulated/ failed particles in the output
return result.error();
copyOutputs(result.value(), simulatedParticlesInitial,
simulatedParticlesFinal, hits);
result = charged.simulate(geoCtx, magCtx, generator, initialParticle);
} else {
result = neutral.simulate(geoCtx, magCtx, generator, initialParticle);
if (not result.ok()) {
// remove particle from output container since it was not simulated.
std::next(simulatedParticlesInitial.begin(), iinitial));
// record the particle as failed
failedParticles.push_back({initialParticle, result.error()});
copyOutputs(result.value(), simulatedParticlesInitial,
simulatedParticlesFinal, hits);
// since physics processes are independent, there can be particle id
// collisions within the generated secondaries. they can be resolved by
// renumbering within each sub-particle generation. this must happen
......@@ -233,15 +256,19 @@ struct Simulator {
return Acts::Result<void>::success();
// the overall function call succeeded, i.e. no fatal errors occured.
// yet, there might have been some particle for which the propagation
// failed. thus, the successful result contains a list of failed particles.
// sounds a bit weird, but that is the way it is.
return failedParticles;
// Select if the particle should be simulated at all.
// This also enforces mutual-exclusivity of the two charge selections. If both
// charge selections evaluate true, they are probably not setup correctly and
// not simulating them at all is a reasonable fall-back.
/// Select if the particle should be simulated at all.
/// This also enforces mutual-exclusivity of the two charge selections. If
/// both charge selections evaluate true, they are probably not setup
/// correctly and not simulating them at all is a reasonable fall-back.
bool selectParticle(const Particle &particle) const {
const bool isValidCharged = selectCharged(particle);
const bool isValidNeutral = selectNeutral(particle);
......@@ -252,11 +279,10 @@ struct Simulator {
/// Copy Interactor results to output containers.
/// @tparam interactor_result_t is an Interactor result struct
/// @tparam particles_t is a SequenceContainer for particles
/// @tparam hits_t is a SequenceContainer for hits
template <typename interactor_result_t, typename particles_t, typename hits_t>
void copyOutputs(const interactor_result_t &result,
template <typename particles_t, typename hits_t>
void copyOutputs(const InteractorResult &result,
particles_t &particlesInitial, particles_t &particlesFinal,
hits_t &hits) const {
// initial particle state was already pushed to the container before
// This file is part of the Acts project.
// Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
#pragma once
#include <system_error>
namespace ActsFatras {
namespace detail {
enum class SimulatorError {
// ensure all errors are non-null
eInvalidInputParticleId = 1,
/// Construct and error_code from the enum.
/// Must use snake_case naming for STL compatibility.
std::error_code make_error_code(SimulatorError e);
} // namespace detail
} // namespace ActsFatras
// Register the error enum as STL-compatible.
namespace std {
template <>
struct is_error_code_enum<ActsFatras::detail::SimulatorError> : std::true_type {
} // namespace std
// This file is part of the Acts project.
// Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
#include "ActsFatras/Kernel/detail/SimulatorError.hpp"
namespace ActsFatras {
namespace detail {
namespace {
// Define a custom error code category derived from std::error_category
class SimulatorErrorCategory final : public std::error_category {
const char* name() const noexcept final { return "SimulatorError"; }
std::string message(int c) const final {
switch (static_cast<SimulatorError>(c)) {
case SimulatorError::eInvalidInputParticleId:
return "Input particle id with non-zero generation or sub-particle";
return "unknown";
const SimulatorErrorCategory s_simulatorErrorCategory;
} // namespace
std::error_code make_error_code(SimulatorError e) {
return {static_cast<int>(e), s_simulatorErrorCategory};
} // namespace detail
} // namespace ActsFatras
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