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Implement new TrackState EDM used in KF

Merged Paul Gessinger requested to merge local_trajectory into master
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@@ -106,6 +106,9 @@ struct IndexData {
IndexType ijacobian = kInvalid;
IndexType iprojector = kInvalid;
double chi2;
double pathLength;
IndexType iuncalibrated = kInvalid;
IndexType icalibrated = kInvalid;
IndexType icalibratedsourcelink = kInvalid;
@@ -364,6 +367,35 @@ class TrackStateProxy {
/// Getter/setter for chi2 value associated with the track state
/// This overload returns a mutable reference, which allows setting a new
/// value directly into the backing store.
/// @note this overload is only enabled in case the proxy is not read-only
/// @return Mutable reference to the chi2 value
template <bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
double& chi2() {
return data().chi2;
/// Getter for the chi2 value associated with the track state.
/// This overload returns a copy of the chi2 value, and thus does not allow
/// modification of the value in the backing storage.
/// @return the chi2 value of the track state
double chi2() const { return data().chi2; }
/// Getter fot the path length associated with the track state.
/// This overloaded is only enabled if not read-only, and returns a mutable
/// reference.
/// @return Mutable reference to the pathlength.
template <bool RO = ReadOnly, typename = std::enable_if_t<!RO>>
double& pathLength() {
return data().pathLength;
/// Getter for the path length. Returns a copy of the path length value.
/// @return The path length of this track state
double pathLength() const { return data().pathLength; }
// Private since it can only be created by the trajectory.
TrackStateProxy(ConstIf<MultiTrajectory<SourceLink>, ReadOnly>& trajectory,
@@ -458,6 +490,7 @@ class MultiTrajectory {
typename detail_lt::Types<MeasurementSizeMax>::StorageCovariance m_measCov;
std::vector<SourceLink> m_sourceLinks;
std::vector<ProjectorBitset> m_projectors;
// owning vector of shared pointers to surfaces
// @TODO: This might be problematic when appending a large number of surfaces
// / trackstates, because vector has to reallocated and thus copy. This might