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Implement new TrackState EDM used in KF

Merged Paul Gessinger requested to merge local_trajectory into master
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@@ -121,13 +121,13 @@ namespace detail_lt {
static constexpr IndexType kInvalid = UINT16_MAX;
const Surface& surface;
IndexType iprevious = kInvalid;
IndexType ipredicted = kInvalid;
IndexType ifiltered = kInvalid;
IndexType ismoothed = kInvalid;
IndexType ijacobian = kInvalid;
IndexType iprojector = kInvalid;
IndexType irefsurface = kInvalid;
IndexType iprevious = kInvalid;
IndexType ipredicted = kInvalid;
IndexType ifiltered = kInvalid;
IndexType ismoothed = kInvalid;
IndexType ijacobian = kInvalid;
IndexType iprojector = kInvalid;
IndexType iuncalibrated = kInvalid;
IndexType icalibrated = kInvalid;
@@ -178,7 +178,8 @@ namespace detail_lt {
const Surface&
referenceSurface() const
return m_data.surface;
assert(m_data.irefsurface != IndexData::kInvalid);
return *m_traj.m_referenceSurfaces[m_data.irefsurface];
/// Track parameters vector. This tries to be somewhat smart and return the
@@ -453,6 +454,11 @@ private:
typename detail_lt::Types<MeasurementSizeMax>::StorageCovariance m_measCov;
std::vector<SourceLink> m_sourceLinks;
std::vector<ProjectorBitset> m_projectors;
// owning vector of shared pointers to surfaces
// @TODO: This might be problematic when appending a large number of surfaces
// / trackstates, because vector has to reallocated and thus copy. This might
// be handled in a smart way by moving but not sure.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Surface>> m_referenceSurfaces;
friend class detail_lt::
TrackStateProxy<SourceLink, ParametersSize, MeasurementSizeMax, true>;