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ACTSFW-27 add cmake build options

Moritz Kiehn requested to merge ACTSFW-27-cmake_options into master

This adds build options to activate various optional components that are deactivate by default. This includes a refactorization of the cmake configuration.

  • Build options and configuration are now always explicit, i.e. if you request to build w/ Geant4 via USE_GEANT4=on Geant4 becomes a requirement. At no point are components build depending on the available software. It is always the other way round: you define what you want and CMake makes sure that all the required software is available.
  • Searching for software via find_package(...) is done centrally in the main CMakeLists.txt file instead of multiple times in every subdirectory.
  • Optional components are activated by wrapping the add_subdirectory call in an small if() ... block instead of wrapping the full content of the CMakeLists.txt file in multiple ifs.

Fixes ACTSFW-27 and is required to get !45 (merged) working.

Merge request reports