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- Nov 06, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
Dominik Karol Derendarz authored
Goetz Gaycken authored
BilloirVertex and Track are now initised with zero.The properties of the BilloirVertex are corrected iteratively. Without initialisation the start values are random. (TrkVertexBilloirTools-01-01-02) * Fix jump depends on uninitialised value (ATLASRECTS-2609).
Bertrand Laforge authored
Ye Chen authored
Fabrizio Salvatore authored
python/ added TriggerTowercontainer_ZDC objects, as per (TrigEDMConfig-00-02-39-05) * python/ added TriggerTowercontainer_ZDC objects, as per * tagging TrigEDMConfig-00-02-39-05 2015-10-14 Fab Salvatore <> * python/ corrected typo * tagging TrigEDMConfig-00-02-39-04
Avishek Chatterjee authored
Giulio Cornelio Grossi authored
2015-10-02 Giulio Cornelio Grossi <>
Semen Turchikhin authored
Peter Onyisi authored
* muon + SCT postprocessing updates * Tag DataQualityUtils-02-20-17
Alejandro Alonso Diaz authored
* Fix TRT wrong parameters for cutlevel 3 in HI * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-64-10 2015-11-03 Alex Alonso * Add new cut for HI. minPt 300 MeV if InDetFlags.cutLevel == 3 * Tagged as InDetRecExample-02-05-64-09 2015-10-30 Goetz Gaycken * for doVtxBeamSpot just set TRT off. 2015-10-28 Pierfrancesco Butti * Use of the proper key name for the PrimaryVertices. (Which will not change anything in the plotting) * Use of rec.doHeavyIons to use two different trigger chains for heavy Ions and collisions. * The naming of the histograms folders for the trigger aware monitoring that will be TriggerAwareMon".
Aaron Angerami authored
* add configuration for HIP mode for 2015 pp reference run * tag HIRecExample-01-00-07
Aaron Angerami authored
Peter Onyisi authored
* Activate HI monitoring if doHIMon=True * Add command to switch off all monitoring (can then be reenabled as desired) * tag AthenaMonitoring-02-01-25
Andrzej Zemla authored
Daiki Yamaguchi authored
* fixed the floating point exception 2015-10-29 Daiki Yamaguchi <> * add disabled or bad module histograms
Helena Santos authored
* Add HIEfficiencyResponseHistos class and more histograms for HI monitoring * Tag: JetMonitoring-01-00-30 2015-10-21 <> * Configured to monitor heavy ion jets * Tag: JetMonitoring-01-00-28
Julie Kirk authored
* TrigInDetValidation-00-06-92 * build/TrigInDetValidation_FTK_mu_tautau.xml: remake FTK muon changes which seemed to be overwritten somewhere 2015-10-28 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-91 * fix shift test stage 2015-10-27 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-90 * fix for cosmics 2015-10-27 Julie Hart Kirk <> * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-89 * share/ * share/ * allow FTK jobs in 20.7.X 2015-10-26 Nicola Abraham <> * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-88 * Added FTF chains to EF-plots for all tau jobs in build directory ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Mark Sutton authored
* TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-02-48 * add modifications for HI running 2015-10-13 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigIDtrkMonitoring-00-02-47 * fix tau shifter IDTrig chain config
Peter Alan Steinberg authored
Peter Alan Steinberg authored
Nicola Louise Abraham authored
Updated TIDAdata11-rtt.dat to include two missing chains used in the minBias jobs (TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-44) * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-44 * Updated TIDAdata11-rtt.dat to include two missing chains used in the minBias jobs 2015-10-27 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-43 * protect against empty histograms 2015-10-25 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-42 * don't try to plot empty cost monitoring plots 2015-10-23 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-41 * update histo config file 2015-10-23 sutt < sutt @ > * TrigInDetAnalysisUser-00-04-40 * fix comparitor yrange ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Gabriele Chiodini authored
2015-25-10 Gabriele Chiodini
Goetz Gaycken authored
* Silenced hit decorator tool. * solve possible python problem when searching for the proper place of the decorator alg. Under certain conditions name of a configurable is not callble, so getName is used instead which is what name normally calls. * Only fill vertex histograms if the vertex container was retrieved (bugfix). (InDetPhysValMonitoring-00-02-06)
David Martin Bjergaard authored
Gabriele Chiodini authored
* Added RPC_OccupancyHoleFinder * Tag dqm_algorithms-00-07-11
Michael Boehler authored
* Updated runtime for test ESDTAGCOMM_comparison_diffroot * Tagged Tier0ChainTests-00-03-02 2015-10-22 Michael Boehler <> * Updated runtime for test ESDTAGCOMM_comparison_diffroot * Tagged Tier0ChainTests-00-03-01 * Updated Latest_Main tests * Fixed Express and Main stream tests
Alex Kastanas authored
* Updated ranges for beamspot track d_0 vs phi histogram * Updated LB range to 2000 LBs * InDetGlobalMonitoring-00-09-38
Pierfrancesco Butti authored
* fixed coverity issues 31240 and 31241 * Restored use of Trk::Tracks * Tagged as InDetAlignmentMonitoring-00-04-19
Junpei Maeda authored
Andreas Salzburger authored
Peter Alan Steinberg authored
Sasha Mazurov authored
- requires ZdcByteStream-00-01-01 and ZdcEvent-00-01-09 - the store gate key is ZdcTriggerTowers (TrigT1CaloByteStream-00-09-46) * Add ZDC trigger towers decoder - requires ZdcByteStream-00-01-01 and ZdcEvent-00-01-09 - the store gate key is ZdcTriggerTowers * Tagged as TrigT1CaloByteStream-00-09-46