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Commit 446da060 authored by Luigi Sabetta's avatar Luigi Sabetta Committed by Spyros Argyropoulos
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Adding DSIDs 500765-501046 for request 8511

parent 4a815666
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1 merge request!428WIP: Replication and extension of 2HDMa grid for MonoHbb intepretation ~ DSIDs 500765-501046
Pipeline #1639805 passed
with 589 additions and 0 deletions
import MadGraphControl.MadGraph_NNPDF30NLO_Base_Fragment
from MadGraphControl.MadGraphUtils import *
import re
# This control file makes use of UFO v2, registered in
# Z's don't contribute because sinbma (sin(beta-alpha)) is 1.0, so excluding them with '/z' reduces runtime for the LHE generation,
# without changing the physics/cross-sections/kinematic ditributions
# Process definition
if initialGluons:
# For the gluon-gluon fusion production use the 4FS to take into account the b-quark loops
import model Pseudoscalar_2HDM -modelname
define p = g d u s c d~ u~ s~ c~
define j = g d u s c d~ u~ s~ c~
generate g g > h1 xd xd~ / z [QCD]
output -f
# For b-initiated production use 5FS
import model Pseudoscalar_2HDM-bbMET_5FS -modelname
define p = g d u s c b d~ u~ s~ c~ b~
define j = g d u s c b d~ u~ s~ c~ b~
generate p p > h1 xd xd~ / z
output -f
# Beam energy
if hasattr(runArgs,'ecmEnergy'):
beamEnergy = runArgs.ecmEnergy / 2.
raise RuntimeError("No center of mass energy found.")
# Number of events to generate
if decayChannel is "monoHyy": multiplier=2 # to take into account ~50% filter efficiency + safety margin (perhaps can be fine-tuned further)
if decayChannel is "monoHtautau": multiplier=5
if runArgs.maxEvents>0:
nevents = runArgs.maxEvents * multiplier
nevents *= multiplier
nevents = int(nevents)
if hasattr(runArgs,'skipEvents'): skip_events=runArgs.skipEvents
# MG5 Run Card
extras = {}
if initialGluons:
extras = {
'maxjetflavor' : 4,
'asrwgtflavor' : 4,
'lhe_version' : '3.0',
'cut_decays' : 'F',
'nevents' : nevents,
extras = {
'maxjetflavor' : 5,
'asrwgtflavor' : 5,
'lhe_version' : '3.0',
'cut_decays' : 'F',
'nevents' : nevents,
# Build run_card
process_dir = new_process(process)
# MG5 parameter Card
# Build param_card.dat
## blocks might be modified
"mass": ["MB", "MXd", "mh2", "mh3", "mhc", "mh4"],
"DMINPUTS" : ["gPXd", ],
"FRBlock": ["tanbeta", "sinbma", ],
"Higgs": ["lam3", "laP1", "laP2", "sinp"],
for bl in dict_blocks.keys():
for pa in dict_blocks[bl]:
if pa in THDMparams.keys():
if bl not in params: params[bl]={}
if pa=="MB":
## auto calculation of decay width
"25": "Auto",
"35": "Auto",
"36": "Auto",
"37": "Auto",
"55": "Auto",
print("Updating parameters:")
# Build reweight_card.dat
if reweight:
# Create reweighting card
rwcard = open(reweight_card_loc,'w')
for rw_name in reweights:
rwcard.write("launch --rwgt_name=%s\n" % rw_name)
for param in rw_name.split('-'):
param_name, value = param.split('_')
if param_name == "SINP":
rwcard.write("set Higgs 5 %s\n" % value)
elif param_name == "TANB":
rwcard.write("set FRBlock 2 %s\n" % value)
rwcard.write("set decay 25 Auto\nset decay 35 Auto\nset decay 36 Auto\nset decay 37 Auto\nset decay 55 Auto\n")
# Generate the events
# Metadata
if initialGluons:
evgenConfig.process = "g g > xd xd~ h1"
initialStateString = "gluon fusion"
evgenConfig.process = "p p > xd xd~ h1"
initialStateString = "b quark annihilation"
if decayChannel is "monoHyy":
evgenConfig.description = "Pseudoscalar Mediator simplified Model for mono-Higgs(-> gamma gamma) " +initialStateString + " initiated process \
with tan(beta) = " + str(THDMparams['tanbeta']) + ", sin(theta) = " + str(THDMparams['sinp']) + ", mA = " + str(THDMparams['mh3']) + ", ma"\
+ str(THDMparams['mh4'])
evgenConfig.keywords = ["exotic","BSMHiggs","Higgs","WIMP", "simplifiedModel"] = ["Kristian Bjoerke <>, Lailin Xu <>"]
if decayChannel is "monoHbb":
evgenConfig.description = "Pseudoscalar Mediator simplified Model for mono-Higgs(-> b bbar) " +initialStateString + " initiated process \
with tan(beta) = " + str(THDMparams['tanbeta']) + ", sin(theta) = " + str(THDMparams['sinp']) + ", mA = " + str(THDMparams['mh3']) + ", ma"\
+ str(THDMparams['mh4'])
evgenConfig.keywords = ["exotic","BSMHiggs","Higgs","WIMP", "simplifiedModel","bbbar"] = ["Spyros Argyropoulos <>, Lailin Xu <>"]
if decayChannel is "monoHtautau":
evgenConfig.description = "Pseudoscalar Mediator simplified Model for mono-Higgs(-> tau tau) " +initialStateString + " initiated process \
with tan(beta) = " + str(THDMparams['tanbeta']) + ", sin(theta) = " + str(THDMparams['sinp']) + ", mA = " + str(THDMparams['mh3']) + ", ma"\
+ str(THDMparams['mh4'])
evgenConfig.keywords = ["exotic","BSMHiggs","Higgs","WIMP", "simplifiedModel"] = ["Julia Djuvsland <>, Lailin Xu <>"]
# Shower
# Teach pythia about the dark matter particle
genSeq.Pythia8.Commands += ["SLHA:allowUserOverride = on",
"1000022:all = xd xd~ 2 0 0 %d 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0" % (int(THDMparams['MXd'])),
"1000022:isVisible = false",
"1000022:mayDecay = off"
# Filters
if decayChannel is "monoHyy":
# Force h->gamgam decay in Pythia
genSeq.Pythia8.Commands += ["25:oneChannel = on 1.0 100 22 22 "]
# Generator filter
if not hasattr( filtSeq, "DiPhotonFilter" ):
from GeneratorFilters.GeneratorFiltersConf import DiPhotonFilter
filtSeq += DiPhotonFilter ()
DiPhotonFilter = filtSeq.DiPhotonFilter
DiPhotonFilter.PtCut1st = 30000.
DiPhotonFilter.PtCut2nd = 20000.
if decayChannel is "monoHbb":
# Force h->bb decay in Pythia
genSeq.Pythia8.Commands += ["25:oneChannel = on 1.0 100 5 -5 "]
# Generator filter
filtSeq.MissingEtFilter.METCut = 100*GeV
filtSeq.MissingEtFilter.UseNeutrinosFromHadrons = True
if decayChannel is "monoHtautau":
# Force h->tautau decay in Pythia
genSeq.Pythia8.Commands += ["25:oneChannel = on 1.0 100 15 -15 "]
MultiElecMuTauFilter = filtSeq.MultiElecMuTauFilter
MultiElecMuTauFilter.NLeptons = 2
MultiElecMuTauFilter.MinPt = 1e10
MultiElecMuTauFilter.MaxEta = 2.8
MultiElecMuTauFilter.MinVisPtHadTau = 20000
MultiElecMuTauFilter.IncludeHadTaus = 1
- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.04 hrs
- using release = AthGeneration-21.6.23
# Process-specific parameter settings in MadGraph
THDMparams = {}
THDMparams['gPXd'] = 1.0 # The coupling of the additional pseudoscalar mediator to dark matter (DM). This coupling is called $y_\chi$ in (2.5) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['tanbeta'] = 1 # The ratio of the vacuum expectation values $\tan \beta = v_2/v_1$ of the Higgs doublets $H_2$ and $H_1$, as defined in Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['sinbma'] = 1.0 # The sine of the difference of the mixing angles $\sin (\beta - \alpha)$ in the scalar potential containing only the Higgs doublets. This quantity is defined in Section 3.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['lam3'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling of the scalar doublets $H_1$ and $H_2$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_3$ in (2.1) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['laP1'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling between the scalar doublets $H_1$ and the pseudoscalar $P$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_{P1}$ in (2.2) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['laP2'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling between the scalar doublets $H_2$ and the pseudoscalar $P$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_{P2}$ in (2.2) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['sinp'] = 0.35 # The sine of the mixing angle $\theta$, as defined in Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['MXd'] = 10. # The mass of the fermionic DM candidate denoted by $m_\chi$ in arXiv:1701.07427.THDMparams['mh1'] = 125. # The mass of the lightest scalar mass eigenstate $h$, which is identified in arXiv:1701.07427 with the Higgs-like resonance found at the LHC.
THDMparams['mh2'] = 1000 # The mass of the heavy scalar mass eigenstate $H$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mh3'] = 1000 # The mass of the heavy pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $A$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mhc'] = 1000 # The mass of the charged scalar eigenstate $H^\pm$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mh4'] = 350 # The mass of the pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $a$ that decouples for $\sin \theta = 0$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['MB'] = 0.0 # The mass of the pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $a$ that decouples for $\sin \theta = 0$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
initialGluons = False # Determines initial state to generate from. True --> top loop induced production (gluon Fusion). False --> b b~ -initiated production (b-anti-b annihilation). See Sections 5.4 and 6.5 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details
# Reweighting in tanb and sinp
reweight = True # Only save weights for b-initiated samples - for ggF reweighting is broken
# Define that we want H->bb decays
# Generation settings
# Number of events to generate
# Event multiplier
if THDMparams['mh4'] == 100 and THDMparams['mh3'] == 250 and initialGluons == False:
elif (THDMparams['mh4'] == 150 and THDMparams['mh3'] == 300) or (THDMparams['mh4'] == 100 and (THDMparams['mh3'] in [250,900,1200,1500,1800])):
# Load main control file
\ No newline at end of file
- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.02 hrs
- using release = AthGeneration-21.6.23
# Process-specific parameter settings in MadGraph
THDMparams = {}
THDMparams['gPXd'] = 1.0 # The coupling of the additional pseudoscalar mediator to dark matter (DM). This coupling is called $y_\chi$ in (2.5) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['tanbeta'] = 1 # The ratio of the vacuum expectation values $\tan \beta = v_2/v_1$ of the Higgs doublets $H_2$ and $H_1$, as defined in Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['sinbma'] = 1.0 # The sine of the difference of the mixing angles $\sin (\beta - \alpha)$ in the scalar potential containing only the Higgs doublets. This quantity is defined in Section 3.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['lam3'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling of the scalar doublets $H_1$ and $H_2$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_3$ in (2.1) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['laP1'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling between the scalar doublets $H_1$ and the pseudoscalar $P$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_{P1}$ in (2.2) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['laP2'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling between the scalar doublets $H_2$ and the pseudoscalar $P$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_{P2}$ in (2.2) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['sinp'] = 0.35 # The sine of the mixing angle $\theta$, as defined in Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['MXd'] = 10. # The mass of the fermionic DM candidate denoted by $m_\chi$ in arXiv:1701.07427.THDMparams['mh1'] = 125. # The mass of the lightest scalar mass eigenstate $h$, which is identified in arXiv:1701.07427 with the Higgs-like resonance found at the LHC.
THDMparams['mh2'] = 600 # The mass of the heavy scalar mass eigenstate $H$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mh3'] = 600 # The mass of the heavy pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $A$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mhc'] = 600 # The mass of the charged scalar eigenstate $H^\pm$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mh4'] = 200 # The mass of the pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $a$ that decouples for $\sin \theta = 0$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['MB'] = 0.0 # The mass of the pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $a$ that decouples for $\sin \theta = 0$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
initialGluons = False # Determines initial state to generate from. True --> top loop induced production (gluon Fusion). False --> b b~ -initiated production (b-anti-b annihilation). See Sections 5.4 and 6.5 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details
# Reweighting in tanb and sinp
reweight = True # Only save weights for b-initiated samples - for ggF reweighting is broken
# Define that we want H->bb decays
# Generation settings
# Number of events to generate
# Event multiplier
if THDMparams['mh4'] == 100 and THDMparams['mh3'] == 250 and initialGluons == False:
elif (THDMparams['mh4'] == 150 and THDMparams['mh3'] == 300) or (THDMparams['mh4'] == 100 and (THDMparams['mh3'] in [250,900,1200,1500,1800])):
# Load main control file
\ No newline at end of file
- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.09 hrs
- using release = AthGeneration-21.6.23
# Process-specific parameter settings in MadGraph
THDMparams = {}
THDMparams['gPXd'] = 1.0 # The coupling of the additional pseudoscalar mediator to dark matter (DM). This coupling is called $y_\chi$ in (2.5) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['tanbeta'] = 1 # The ratio of the vacuum expectation values $\tan \beta = v_2/v_1$ of the Higgs doublets $H_2$ and $H_1$, as defined in Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['sinbma'] = 1.0 # The sine of the difference of the mixing angles $\sin (\beta - \alpha)$ in the scalar potential containing only the Higgs doublets. This quantity is defined in Section 3.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['lam3'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling of the scalar doublets $H_1$ and $H_2$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_3$ in (2.1) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['laP1'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling between the scalar doublets $H_1$ and the pseudoscalar $P$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_{P1}$ in (2.2) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['laP2'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling between the scalar doublets $H_2$ and the pseudoscalar $P$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_{P2}$ in (2.2) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['sinp'] = 0.1 # The sine of the mixing angle $\theta$, as defined in Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['MXd'] = 10. # The mass of the fermionic DM candidate denoted by $m_\chi$ in arXiv:1701.07427.THDMparams['mh1'] = 125. # The mass of the lightest scalar mass eigenstate $h$, which is identified in arXiv:1701.07427 with the Higgs-like resonance found at the LHC.
THDMparams['mh2'] = 1000 # The mass of the heavy scalar mass eigenstate $H$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mh3'] = 1000 # The mass of the heavy pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $A$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mhc'] = 1000 # The mass of the charged scalar eigenstate $H^\pm$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mh4'] = 350 # The mass of the pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $a$ that decouples for $\sin \theta = 0$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['MB'] = 4.7 # The mass of the pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $a$ that decouples for $\sin \theta = 0$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
initialGluons = True # Determines initial state to generate from. True --> top loop induced production (gluon Fusion). False --> b b~ -initiated production (b-anti-b annihilation). See Sections 5.4 and 6.5 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details
# Reweighting in tanb and sinp
reweight = True # Only save weights for b-initiated samples - for ggF reweighting is broken
# Define that we want H->bb decays
# Generation settings
# Number of events to generate
# Event multiplier
if THDMparams['mh4'] == 100 and THDMparams['mh3'] == 250 and initialGluons == False:
elif (THDMparams['mh4'] == 150 and THDMparams['mh3'] == 300) or (THDMparams['mh4'] == 100 and (THDMparams['mh3'] in [250,900,1200,1500,1800])):
# Load main control file
\ No newline at end of file
- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.07 hrs
- using release = AthGeneration-21.6.23
# Process-specific parameter settings in MadGraph
THDMparams = {}
THDMparams['gPXd'] = 1.0 # The coupling of the additional pseudoscalar mediator to dark matter (DM). This coupling is called $y_\chi$ in (2.5) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['tanbeta'] = 1 # The ratio of the vacuum expectation values $\tan \beta = v_2/v_1$ of the Higgs doublets $H_2$ and $H_1$, as defined in Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['sinbma'] = 1.0 # The sine of the difference of the mixing angles $\sin (\beta - \alpha)$ in the scalar potential containing only the Higgs doublets. This quantity is defined in Section 3.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['lam3'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling of the scalar doublets $H_1$ and $H_2$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_3$ in (2.1) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['laP1'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling between the scalar doublets $H_1$ and the pseudoscalar $P$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_{P1}$ in (2.2) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['laP2'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling between the scalar doublets $H_2$ and the pseudoscalar $P$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_{P2}$ in (2.2) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['sinp'] = 0.2 # The sine of the mixing angle $\theta$, as defined in Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['MXd'] = 10. # The mass of the fermionic DM candidate denoted by $m_\chi$ in arXiv:1701.07427.THDMparams['mh1'] = 125. # The mass of the lightest scalar mass eigenstate $h$, which is identified in arXiv:1701.07427 with the Higgs-like resonance found at the LHC.
THDMparams['mh2'] = 1000 # The mass of the heavy scalar mass eigenstate $H$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mh3'] = 1000 # The mass of the heavy pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $A$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mhc'] = 1000 # The mass of the charged scalar eigenstate $H^\pm$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mh4'] = 350 # The mass of the pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $a$ that decouples for $\sin \theta = 0$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['MB'] = 4.7 # The mass of the pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $a$ that decouples for $\sin \theta = 0$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
initialGluons = True # Determines initial state to generate from. True --> top loop induced production (gluon Fusion). False --> b b~ -initiated production (b-anti-b annihilation). See Sections 5.4 and 6.5 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details
# Reweighting in tanb and sinp
reweight = True # Only save weights for b-initiated samples - for ggF reweighting is broken
# Define that we want H->bb decays
# Generation settings
# Number of events to generate
# Event multiplier
if THDMparams['mh4'] == 100 and THDMparams['mh3'] == 250 and initialGluons == False:
elif (THDMparams['mh4'] == 150 and THDMparams['mh3'] == 300) or (THDMparams['mh4'] == 100 and (THDMparams['mh3'] in [250,900,1200,1500,1800])):
# Load main control file
\ No newline at end of file
- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.08 hrs
- using release = AthGeneration-21.6.23
# Process-specific parameter settings in MadGraph
THDMparams = {}
THDMparams['gPXd'] = 1.0 # The coupling of the additional pseudoscalar mediator to dark matter (DM). This coupling is called $y_\chi$ in (2.5) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['tanbeta'] = 1 # The ratio of the vacuum expectation values $\tan \beta = v_2/v_1$ of the Higgs doublets $H_2$ and $H_1$, as defined in Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['sinbma'] = 1.0 # The sine of the difference of the mixing angles $\sin (\beta - \alpha)$ in the scalar potential containing only the Higgs doublets. This quantity is defined in Section 3.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['lam3'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling of the scalar doublets $H_1$ and $H_2$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_3$ in (2.1) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['laP1'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling between the scalar doublets $H_1$ and the pseudoscalar $P$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_{P1}$ in (2.2) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['laP2'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling between the scalar doublets $H_2$ and the pseudoscalar $P$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_{P2}$ in (2.2) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['sinp'] = 0.3 # The sine of the mixing angle $\theta$, as defined in Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['MXd'] = 10. # The mass of the fermionic DM candidate denoted by $m_\chi$ in arXiv:1701.07427.THDMparams['mh1'] = 125. # The mass of the lightest scalar mass eigenstate $h$, which is identified in arXiv:1701.07427 with the Higgs-like resonance found at the LHC.
THDMparams['mh2'] = 1000 # The mass of the heavy scalar mass eigenstate $H$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mh3'] = 1000 # The mass of the heavy pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $A$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mhc'] = 1000 # The mass of the charged scalar eigenstate $H^\pm$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mh4'] = 350 # The mass of the pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $a$ that decouples for $\sin \theta = 0$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['MB'] = 4.7 # The mass of the pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $a$ that decouples for $\sin \theta = 0$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
initialGluons = True # Determines initial state to generate from. True --> top loop induced production (gluon Fusion). False --> b b~ -initiated production (b-anti-b annihilation). See Sections 5.4 and 6.5 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details
# Reweighting in tanb and sinp
reweight = True # Only save weights for b-initiated samples - for ggF reweighting is broken
# Define that we want H->bb decays
# Generation settings
# Number of events to generate
# Event multiplier
if THDMparams['mh4'] == 100 and THDMparams['mh3'] == 250 and initialGluons == False:
elif (THDMparams['mh4'] == 150 and THDMparams['mh3'] == 300) or (THDMparams['mh4'] == 100 and (THDMparams['mh3'] in [250,900,1200,1500,1800])):
# Load main control file
\ No newline at end of file
- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.09 hrs
- using release = AthGeneration-21.6.23
# Process-specific parameter settings in MadGraph
THDMparams = {}
THDMparams['gPXd'] = 1.0 # The coupling of the additional pseudoscalar mediator to dark matter (DM). This coupling is called $y_\chi$ in (2.5) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['tanbeta'] = 1 # The ratio of the vacuum expectation values $\tan \beta = v_2/v_1$ of the Higgs doublets $H_2$ and $H_1$, as defined in Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['sinbma'] = 1.0 # The sine of the difference of the mixing angles $\sin (\beta - \alpha)$ in the scalar potential containing only the Higgs doublets. This quantity is defined in Section 3.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['lam3'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling of the scalar doublets $H_1$ and $H_2$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_3$ in (2.1) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['laP1'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling between the scalar doublets $H_1$ and the pseudoscalar $P$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_{P1}$ in (2.2) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['laP2'] = 3.0 # The quartic coupling between the scalar doublets $H_2$ and the pseudoscalar $P$. This parameter corresponds to the coefficient $\lambda_{P2}$ in (2.2) of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['sinp'] = 0.4 # The sine of the mixing angle $\theta$, as defined in Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427.
THDMparams['MXd'] = 10. # The mass of the fermionic DM candidate denoted by $m_\chi$ in arXiv:1701.07427.THDMparams['mh1'] = 125. # The mass of the lightest scalar mass eigenstate $h$, which is identified in arXiv:1701.07427 with the Higgs-like resonance found at the LHC.
THDMparams['mh2'] = 1000 # The mass of the heavy scalar mass eigenstate $H$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mh3'] = 1000 # The mass of the heavy pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $A$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mhc'] = 1000 # The mass of the charged scalar eigenstate $H^\pm$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['mh4'] = 350 # The mass of the pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $a$ that decouples for $\sin \theta = 0$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
THDMparams['MB'] = 4.7 # The mass of the pseudoscalar mass eigenstate $a$ that decouples for $\sin \theta = 0$. See Section 2.1 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details.
initialGluons = True # Determines initial state to generate from. True --> top loop induced production (gluon Fusion). False --> b b~ -initiated production (b-anti-b annihilation). See Sections 5.4 and 6.5 of arXiv:1701.07427 for further details
# Reweighting in tanb and sinp
reweight = True # Only save weights for b-initiated samples - for ggF reweighting is broken
# Define that we want H->bb decays
# Generation settings
# Number of events to generate
# Event multiplier
if THDMparams['mh4'] == 100 and THDMparams['mh3'] == 250 and initialGluons == False:
elif (THDMparams['mh4'] == 150 and THDMparams['mh3'] == 300) or (THDMparams['mh4'] == 100 and (THDMparams['mh3'] in [250,900,1200,1500,1800])):
# Load main control file
\ No newline at end of file
- estimated CPU for CI job = 0.08 hrs
- using release = AthGeneration-21.6.23
0% Loading or .
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