- [ ] All the items in the "Checklist for requesters" have been completed successfully
- [ ] All the items in the "Checklist for requesters" have been completed successfully
- [ ] The pipeline has run and the status is green
- [ ] The pipeline has run and the status is green
- [ ] CI jobs have not been skipped (if jobs have been skipped, confirmation from the PMG conveners is necessary before merging)
- [ ] CI jobs have not been skipped (if jobs have been skipped, the requesters should provide a reason for skipping and confirmation from the PMG conveners is necessary before merging)
- [ ] Look at the output of the `run_athena` pipeline and make sure that it has run **for all DSIDS added to the commit**. If it's not the case, confirmation from the PMG conveners is necessary before merging
- [ ] Look at the output of the `run_athena` pipeline and make sure that it has run **for one of the DSIDs added to the commit**. If it's not the case, confirmation from the PMG conveners is necessary before merging
- [ ] Check that no `log.generate.short` files are included in the commit to be merged to master. If such files are present, it indicates that something went wrong in the pipeline. Check the job logs and contact the package maintainers if needed.
- [ ] Check that no `log.generate.short` files are included in the commit to be merged to master. If such files are present, it indicates that something went wrong in the pipeline. Check the job logs and contact the package maintainers if needed.
**Nota bene: Using the default gitlab rules to skip all pipelines, like `[skip ci]`, has the same effect as a failed pipeline, i.e. it leads to a merge request which cannot be merged according to the new gitlab policy for pipelines!**.
The only way to skip all pipelines is to add `[skip all]` in the commit message, however this is reserved for expert users only and associated MRs will need approval from the PMG conveners.
# Accepting a MR with new jobOptions
# Accepting a MR with new jobOptions
Before accepting a MR make sure that all the items below have been completed successfully:
Before accepting a MR make sure that all the items below have been completed successfully: