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Updating parameters based on discussion in AGENE-2038

Zach Marshall requested to merge MG_Patches_AGENE-2038 into master

Description of bug

In the validation of MG 2.9.3, we identified two issues:

-) The matching setup seemed a little fishy in the ttbar sample here. Top quarks should generally not be included in matching. While fixing this we also identified an inconsistent setting (xqcut) which is fixed here.

-) The sde_strategy parameter was set for the Zmumu sample, and made the physics output somewhat inconsistent with previous samples. That parameter is set explicitly now.

Changes introduced

The parameters are explicitly set now


Ran locally; Jens did significantly more validation

Issues resolved

AGENE-2038 Ticket for validation of MG 2.9.3

Closes #

Merge request reports