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Showering of 13 TeV ggH LHE via H->WW->lvjj

Merged Shu Li requested to merge dsid_shuli_603983 into master
# EVGEN configuration
evgenConfig.process = "gg->H->WW*->lvlv"
evgenConfig.description = "POWHEG+PYTHIA8+EVTGEN, ggH H->WW->lvlv"
evgenConfig.keywords = [ "SM", "Higgs", "SMHiggs", "WW", "mH125" ] = [ '' ]
#evgenConfig.minevents = 10
#evgenConfig.inputfilecheck = "TXT"
#evgenConfig.inputfilecheck = "events" # This is in the very specific case where we input a list of TXT files seperated with commas in --inputGeneratorFile
evgenConfig.inputFilesPerJob = 100
evgenConfig.nEventsPerJob = 80000
# Pythia8 showering
# note: Main31 is set in
# Pythia8 main31 update
#genSeq.Pythia8.UserModes += [ 'Main31:NFinal = 2' ]
#replaced above line based on example here:
genSeq.Pythia8.Commands += [ 'Powheg:NFinal = 2' ]
# Higgs at Pythia8
genSeq.Pythia8.Commands += [ '25:onMode = off', # decay of Higgs
'25:m0 = 125', # Higgs mass (just in case)
'25:mWidth = 0.00407',# Higgs width (just in case)
'25:onIfMatch = 24 -24',
'24:onMode = off',#decay of W
'24:mMin = 2.0',
'24:onIfAny = 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 12 13 14 15 16' ]
# replaced the above based on JIRA ticket:
from GeneratorFilters.GeneratorFiltersConf import XtoVVDecayFilterExtended
filtSeq += XtoVVDecayFilterExtended("XtoVVDecayFilterExtended")
filtSeq.XtoVVDecayFilterExtended.PDGGrandParent = 25
filtSeq.XtoVVDecayFilterExtended.PDGParent = 24
filtSeq.XtoVVDecayFilterExtended.StatusParent = 22
filtSeq.XtoVVDecayFilterExtended.PDGChild1 = [11,12,13,14,15,16]
filtSeq.XtoVVDecayFilterExtended.PDGChild2 = [1,2,3,4,5,6]