Currently some checks (TestHepMC and metadata) are excluded for special generators only if the generator name is an identical match to the names in the specialGenerators
list. This means e.g. that a ParticleGun sample will be excluded from these tests while a ParticleGun+EvtGen sample wouldn't.
Only match substring from generator name to the list of special generators.
MISSING Metadata:
ERROR: generatorTune is missing!
INFO: genFilterNames is missing
ERROR: cross-section (nb) is missing!
INFO: generator is missing
INFO: weights is missing
INFO: PDF is missing
Generator specific tests: ParticleGun+EvtGen(v.1.7.0)
Failed tests:
ERROR: TestHepMC Events passed is missing!
ERROR: TestHepMC Efficiency is missing!
Errors : 4 , Warnings : 0 -> Errors encountered! Not ready for production!
INFO: generatorTune is missing
INFO: genFilterNames is missing
INFO: cross-section (nb) is missing
INFO: generator is missing
INFO: weights is missing
INFO: PDF is missing
Generator specific tests: ParticleGun+EvtGen(v.1.7.0)
Failed tests:
WARNING: TestHepMC Events passed is missing
WARNING: TestHepMC Efficiency is missing
Errors : 0 , Warnings : 2 -> Some warnings encountered, check that these are ok before submitting production!
Closes #