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Commit 99729e0f authored by Jonas Ladefoged Holm's avatar Jonas Ladefoged Holm Committed by Fabrice Le Goff
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Resolve "Functional Tests for ERS Messages"

parent 17e385a8
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...@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ unit_tests: ...@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ unit_tests:
- tdaq - tdaq
script: script:
- source /afs/ nightly - source /afs/ nightly
- python -m unittest discover --top-level-directory "Script/" --start-directory "Script/UnitTests/" --pattern "Test_*.py" --verbose - python -m unittest discover --top-level-directory "Script/" --start-directory "Script/UnitTests/" --pattern "*" --verbose
\ No newline at end of file \ No newline at end of file
import unittest
from UnitTests.FunctionalTests import LocalCopy_Test, ERS_Test
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3)
print("Running Functional Tests:")
result =
\ No newline at end of file
import unittest
from UnitTests import BaseFileNameParser_Test
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
runner = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3)
print("Running Unit Tests:")
result =
\ No newline at end of file
import unittest
import signal
import shutil
import time
from subprocess import Popen
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
from os.path import dirname, abspath, join
# add CastorScript/Script to path so imports keeps working
SCRIPT_DIR = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), '../..'))
from UnitTests.FunctionalTests.FuncTestUtils.DirUtils import createTmpDir
# I'm a developer, I want to see if the script is able to publish to ERS.
# However, I don't have access to a partition or an MTS stream.
# Because of this I want to redirect output to STDOUT in a file, to see that it works.
class TestERStoSTDOUT(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(self):
# I create test directories and remember their locations.
## returns a dictionary over dirs like src des log config etc..
self.dirs = createTmpDir("/Script/UnitTests/FunctionalTests")
# I make a config file from the template (CastorScript/Configs)
# I find the config file and I open it
cfgTemplate = open(self.dirs["config"] + "/template.cfg", "r")
# I make a new file in CastorScript/tmp directory
cfgTest = open(self.dirs["tmp"] + "/funcTestConf.cfg", "w")
custom_cfg_lines = {
"LogDir: ": "LogDir: \'{}\'\n".format(self.dirs["log"]),
"DirList: ": "DirList: [\'{}\',]\n".format(self.dirs["src"]),
"CopyDir: ": "CopyDir: \'{}\'\n".format(self.dirs["des"]),
"ers_info: ": "ers_info: \'\'\n",
"ers_warning: ": "ers_warning: \'\'\n",
"ers_error: ": "ers_error: \'\'\n",
"ers_debug: ": "ers_debug: \'\'\n",
"ERSenabled: ": "ERSenabled: True\n"
# And I copy the content and replaces the directories with my own dirs
for line in cfgTemplate:
for key, value in custom_cfg_lines.iteritems():
if line.find(key) is not -1:
line = value
# Now I Run the script with config
self.output = open(self.dirs["tmp"] + "/" + "std.output", "a")
## TODO More cleanup
scriptcommand = ["python","-u", self.dirs["project"] + "/Script/", self.dirs["tmp"] + "/funcTestConf.cfg" ]
self.castorscriptprocess = Popen(scriptcommand, stdout=self.output, stderr=self.output)
def tearDownClass(self):
## remove directories and files
## Test cases:
def test_subStringFoundInStdout(self):
# I wait for the messages to propagate
# I stop the process to collect output
# I look at the file and observes that the substring is there.
self.output = open(self.dirs["tmp"] + "/" + "std.output", "r")
foundSubstring = False
for line in self.output:
if line.find("CastorScript is now logging to partition") > -1:
foundSubstring = True
# Now I know that ERS works, and I feel a bit safer
self.assertEqual(foundSubstring, True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import time import time
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
#For timing timeouts #For timing timeouts, timer starts with __init__ function
class Timer(): class Timer():
def __init__(self, seconds): def __init__(self, seconds):
self.startTime = time.time() self.startTime = time.time()
...@@ -19,8 +17,43 @@ class Timer(): ...@@ -19,8 +17,43 @@ class Timer():
def timesNotUp(self): def timesNotUp(self):
return not self.timesUp() return not self.timesUp()
#For checking a dir def createTmpDir(testLocation):
"""Creates the directories: tmp, des, src and log at the defined testLocation.
Testlocation is the relative path from the CastorScript folder to where the folders should be created.
returns a dictionary of paths to relevant directories: projectPath, configPath, tmpPath, srcPath, desPath and logPath."""
import os, shutil
dirs = {}
## Define folder structure
dirs["project"] = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__name__))
thisDir = dirs["project"] + testLocation
dirs["tmp"] = thisDir + "/tmp"
dirs["config"] = dirs["project"] + "/Configs"
dirs["src"] = dirs["tmp"] + "/src"
dirs["des"] = dirs["tmp"] + "/des"
dirs["log"] = dirs["tmp"] + "/log"
# I create some folders
return dirs
class DirectoryChecker(): class DirectoryChecker():
"""For checking the contents of a directory either once, or until a condition is met or timeout is reached."""
def __init__(self, dirPath): def __init__(self, dirPath):
self.dirPath = dirPath self.dirPath = dirPath
self.lsOutput = None self.lsOutput = None
...@@ -28,16 +61,18 @@ class DirectoryChecker(): ...@@ -28,16 +61,18 @@ class DirectoryChecker():
self.timerUtil = None self.timerUtil = None
def waitForAnyFile(self, seconds): def waitForAnyFile(self, seconds):
timeToTimeout = seconds "Waits for the specified amount of time for the dir to be empty, returns a tuple (bool: timedout, str: lsOutput)"
self.timerUtil = Timer(timeToTimeout) self.timerUtil = Timer(seconds)
while self.checkIfEmpty() and self.timerUtil.timesNotUp(): while self.checkIfEmpty() and self.timerUtil.timesNotUp():
pass pass
return (self.timerUtil.timedout, self.getLsOutput())
def waitForEmptyDir(self, seconds): def waitForEmptyDir(self, seconds):
timeToTimeout = seconds "Waits for the specified amount of time for the dir to contain files, returns a tuple (bool: timedout, str: lsOutput)"
self.timerUtil = Timer(timeToTimeout) self.timerUtil = Timer(seconds)
while self.checkIfNotEmpty() and self.timerUtil.timesNotUp(): while self.checkIfNotEmpty() and self.timerUtil.timesNotUp():
pass pass
return (self.timerUtil.timedout, self.getLsOutput())
def checkIfEmpty(self): def checkIfEmpty(self):
if len(self.getLsOutput()) > 1: if len(self.getLsOutput()) > 1:
...@@ -58,29 +93,4 @@ class DirectoryChecker(): ...@@ -58,29 +93,4 @@ class DirectoryChecker():
def getLsOutput(self): def getLsOutput(self):
self.lsOutput = str(Popen(["ls", self.dirPath],bufsize=-1, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]) self.lsOutput = str(Popen(["ls", self.dirPath],bufsize=-1, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0])
return self.lsOutput return self.lsOutput
\ No newline at end of file
#Could be refactored
def findCastorScriptPids():
# first find all running instances with this command
# ps aux | grep | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'
# it get list of processes
psCommand = Popen(["ps", "aux"], stdout=PIPE)
# finds castorscript processes
grepCommand = Popen(["grep", ""], stdin=psCommand.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
# sorts grep out of the mix
grepvCommand = Popen(["grep", "-v", "grep"], stdin=grepCommand.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
# and finally gets the PIDs
awkCommand = Popen(["awk", "{print $2}"], stdin=grepvCommand.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
pids = str(awkCommand.communicate()[0]).splitlines()
return pids
\ No newline at end of file
import unittest
import signal
import shutil
from subprocess import Popen
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
from os.path import dirname, abspath, join
# add CastorScript/Script to path so imports keeps working
SCRIPT_DIR = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), '../..'))
from UnitTests.FunctionalTests.FuncTestUtils.DirUtils import DirectoryChecker
from UnitTests.FunctionalTests.FuncTestUtils.DirUtils import createTmpDir
# I'm a developer, I want to see if the script can copy files.
class TestCanCopyFilesLocally(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(self):
# I create test directories and remember their locations
## returns a dictionary over dirs like src des log config etc..
self.dirs = createTmpDir("/Script/UnitTests/FunctionalTests")
## Create test file
test_file = open('{}/'.format(self.dirs["src"]), "w")
# I make a config file from the template (CastorScript/Configs)
# I find the config file
# I open it
cfgTemplate = open(self.dirs["config"] + "/template.cfg", "r")
# I make a new file in CastorScript/tmp directory
cfgTest = open(self.dirs["tmp"] + "/funcTestConf.cfg", "w")
# And I copy the content and replaces the directories with my own dirs
custom_cfg_lines = {
"LogDir: ": "LogDir: \'{}\'\n".format(self.dirs["log"]),
"DirList: ": "DirList: [\'{}\',]\n".format(self.dirs["src"]),
"CopyDir: ": "CopyDir: \'{}\'\n".format(self.dirs["des"]),
# And I copy the content and replaces the directories with my own dirs
for line in cfgTemplate:
for key, value in custom_cfg_lines.iteritems():
if line.find(key) is not -1:
line = value
## Run the script with config
scriptcommand = ["python", self.dirs["project"] + "/Script/", self.dirs["tmp"] + "/funcTestConf.cfg" ]
self.castorscriptprocess = Popen(scriptcommand)
def tearDownClass(self):
# stop process
# remove directories and files
# Test cases:
def test_localCopy_script_has_been_instanciated(self):
#test if the script runs by Instance
self.assertNotEqual(self.castorscriptprocess, None, msg="Castorscript, is not running; Subprocess is of type none")
def test_localCopy_can_produce_logfiles(self):
seconds = 10
timeout, output = DirectoryChecker(self.dirs["log"]).waitForAnyFile(seconds)
timeoutMessage = "Timeout, found no log files within a timeframe of " + str(seconds) + " seconds"
self.assertFalse(timeout, msg=timeoutMessage)
outNotFoundMessage = "No files ending with .out found in log directory, found:" + output
self.assertTrue(output.find(".out") > -1, msg=outNotFoundMessage)
def test_localCopy_can_copy_files_to_des_directory(self):
seconds = 4
timeout, output = DirectoryChecker(self.dirs["des"]).waitForAnyFile(seconds)
timeoutMessage = "Timeout, found no files within a timeframe of " + str(seconds) + " seconds"
self.assertFalse(timeout, msg=timeoutMessage)
dataNotFoundMessage = "No files ending with .data found in des directory, found:" + output
self.assertTrue(output.find(".data") > -1, msg=dataNotFoundMessage)
def test_localCopy_src_files_was_deleted(self):
seconds = 5
timeout, output = DirectoryChecker(self.dirs["src"]).waitForEmptyDir(seconds)
timeoutMessage = "Timeout, found no empty dir within a timeframe of " + str(seconds) + " seconds"
self.assertFalse(timeout, msg=timeoutMessage)
logsNotFoundMessage = "No files ending with .out found in log directory, found:" + output
self.assertTrue(output.find("file") == -1, msg=logsNotFoundMessage)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import unittest
import os
import signal
import shutil
from subprocess import Popen
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
from os.path import dirname, abspath, join
# add CastorScript/Script to path so imports keeps working
SCRIPT_DIR = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), '..'))
from UnitTests.testUtils import DirectoryChecker, findCastorScriptPids
# I'm a developer, I want to see if the script can copy files.
class TestCanCopyFilesLocally(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(self):
self.timeout = False
# kill all processes of CastorScript
# kill the processes based on PID
for pid in findCastorScriptPids():
os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGTERM)
# Define folder structure
self.thisdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
self.tmp = "tmp"
self.src = self.tmp + "/src"
self.des = self.tmp + "/des"
self.log = self.tmp + "/log"
self.tmpPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.thisdir, self.tmp))
self.srcPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.thisdir, self.src))
self.desPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.thisdir, self.des))
self.logPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.thisdir, self.log))
# Setup the testcase tools
self.logDirUtil = DirectoryChecker(self.logPath)
self.srcDirUtil = DirectoryChecker(self.srcPath)
self.desDirUtil = DirectoryChecker(self.desPath)
# Setup the timers
self.timeToTimeout = 5
self.timerUtil = None
# I create some folders
# And I populate only the src folder with files to copy
for x in range(1):
open(self.srcPath + '/file' + str(x) + '.data', "w").close()
#open(self.desPath + '/file' + str(x) + '.data', "w").close()
#open(self.logPath + '/file' + str(x) + '.data', "w").close()
# I make a config file from the template (CastorScript/Configs)
# I find the config file
self.confTemplatePath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.thisdir, "../../Configs"))
# I open it
cfgTemplate = open(self.confTemplatePath + "/template.cfg", "r")
# I make a new file in CastorScript/tmp directory
cfgTest = open(self.tmpPath + "/" + "funcTestConf.cfg", "w")
# And I copy the content and replaces the directories with my own dirs
for line in cfgTemplate:
if line.find("LogDir: ") > -1:
cfgTest.write("LogDir: \'" + self.logPath + "\'\n")
elif line.find("DirList: ") > -1:
cfgTest.write("DirList: [\'" + self.srcPath + "\',]\n")
elif line.find("CopyDir: ") > -1:
cfgTest.write("CopyDir: \'" + self.desPath + "\'\n")
# Run the script with config
#self.castorscriptprocess = Popen(scriptcommand)
scriptcommand = ["python", self.thisdir + "/../", self.tmpPath + "/funcTestConf.cfg" ]
self.castorscriptprocess = Popen(scriptcommand)
#Run in shell
#self.castorscriptprocess = Popen("python " + self.thisdir + "/../ " + self.tmpPath + "/funcTestConf.cfg", shell=True)
# To kill the process for debugging
def tearDownClass(self):
# stop process
# remove directories and files
# Test cases:
def test_A_cs_should_be_instanciated(self):
#test if the script runs by Instance
self.assertNotEqual(self.castorscriptprocess, None, msg="Castorscript, is not running; Subprocess is of type none")
def test_B_cs_should_be_running_and_have_a_pid(self):
#test if the script runs by PID
self.assertIsNot(len(findCastorScriptPids()), 0, msg="No CastorScript PIDs found, so must not be running")
def test_C_cs_should_produce_logfiles(self):
self.timeToTimeout = 10
self.timeout = self.logDirUtil.timerUtil.timedout
output = self.logDirUtil.lsOutput
timeoutMessage = "Timeout, found no log files within a timeframe of " + str(self.timeToTimeout) + " seconds"
self.assertFalse(self.timeout, msg=timeoutMessage)
outNotFoundMessage = "No files ending with .out found in log directory, found:" + output
self.assertTrue(output.find(".out") > -1, msg=outNotFoundMessage)
def test_D_cs_should_copy_files_to_des_directory(self):
self.timeToTimeout = 4
self.timeout = self.desDirUtil.timerUtil.timedout
output = self.desDirUtil.lsOutput
timeoutMessage = "Timeout, found no files within a timeframe of " + str(self.timeToTimeout) + " seconds"
self.assertFalse(self.timeout, msg=timeoutMessage)
dataNotFoundMessage = "No files ending with .data found in des directory, found:" + output
self.assertTrue(output.find(".data") > -1, msg=dataNotFoundMessage)
def test_E_src_files_should_be_deleted(self):
self.timeToTimeout = 5
self.timeout = self.srcDirUtil.timerUtil.timedout
output = self.srcDirUtil.lsOutput
timeoutMessage = "Timeout, found no empty dir within a timeframe of " + str(self.timeToTimeout) + " seconds"
self.assertFalse(self.timeout, msg=timeoutMessage)
self.assertTrue(output.find("file") == -1, msg="No files ending with .out found in log directory, found:" + output)
if __name__ == '__main__':
...@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ then ...@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ then
source /afs/ nightly source /afs/ nightly
fi fi
python -m unittest discover -t $TOPDIR -s $STARTDIR -p "Test_*.py" -f --verbose #python -m unittest discover -t $TOPDIR -s $STARTDIR -p "*" -f --verbose
python Script/
python Script/
#for Gitlab CI: #for Gitlab CI we just find all files in unittest dir, as we just care if it fails or not, the setup above is only for local testing
# python -m unittest discover --top-level-directory "Script/" --start-directory "Script/UnitTests/" --pattern "Test_*.py" --verbose # python -m unittest discover --top-level-directory "Script/" --start-directory "Script/UnitTests/" --pattern "*" --verbose
\ No newline at end of file \ No newline at end of file
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