This is the software that transfers file from ATLAS online infrastructure to offline storage. The name, CastorScript, has historical reasons: it used to copy files directly to the CASTOR system (it does not anymore). Contents Configs: reference, template and test configs DeploymentTest: deployment test Script: the actual code ProductionTools: set of Bash and Python scripts used on the production system to ease maintenance tasks pylintrc: configuration of pylint (used by CI) readme: this file (are you even following?) script to start a docker container in CWD for testing (must be run in CastorScript folder) script to run pylint on all files in Script script to search and run Python unit tests script used in P1 to setup the running environment script called by sysadmin's cron task that starts and maintains CastorScript instance up and running. Also handles log turn over.
Fabrice Le Goff