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Monitoring Group tools and documentation

Benedict Allbrooke requested to merge MonGroupTools into master


  • Adding monitoring groups into
  • Fixes some monitoring group insertion printout which came up in the process
  • New script to list monitoring group IDs that match a given SMK and say whether they are in use or not
  • Updates documentation to reflect new additions and fixes the position of bunch group uploading (had ended up in the middle of prescale info section)

InsertAll will now look for monitoring group files in the directory, which can be overridden as with other filetypes, and call using the SMK id generated when the menu files are inserted.

@mark , I've not added one check that was previously discussed as a possible thing to include which was to give an error if a menu was provided with no monitoring groups -i s this something we still want? It should be fairly easy to add both to the flags and following the file checks so it's done before the menu actually gets uploaded. Just checking whether we want that to be a hard rule in the scripts in case that breaks workflow for others that is otherwise reasonable?

Otherwise I think this completes all the outstanding tasks we had for monitoring groups apart from properly steering the HMG_IN_USE column which we had said would come post-deployment of all these changes.

Merge request reports