salnikov submitted MonInfoGatherer with tag MonInfoGatherer-01-08-00
=== MonInfoGatherer ===
Update (Andy Salnikov) Add couple of test scripts for checking axis labels (Andy Salnikov) Another improvement in handling of FINAL publications. (Andy Salnikov) Add support for dumping stats in InfluxDB line format (Andy Salnikov) Enable timing collection, extend stats printing (Andy Salnikov)
Merge request reports
assigned to @salnikov
This patch fixes a gatherer issue with "publication storms" for very short runs (ADHI-4873). The patch is already installed in sw_extras at P1 and was tested extensively, this MR is to apply the same patch to tdaq-09-04-00.
added Monitoring label
assigned to @kolos
assigned to @akazarov
mentioned in commit e87346b9
added TestingRequired label
added TestingOK label and removed TestingRequired label
added P1 label
unassigned @akazarov