ATLAS Trigger/DAQ software
This is the online software used for data taking and triggering at the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The actual high-level trigger (HLT) algorithms live in the ATLAS off-line software repository.
The source code is at the CERN Gitlab instance. It consists of ca. 200 git repositories that are structured via two top-level repositories using git submodules, tdaq-common and this one.
Release Notes
Release notes for recent versions are available here.
Supported Environments
The software is strictly driven by the needs of the ATLAS experiment and only the standard CERN Linux distributions are supported. At the moment this is Alma 9 (and compatible RHEL clones) for x86_64 and aarch64 architectures.
The software uses a custom stack of external packages that is maintained by the CERN SFT group. This stack includes newer versions of packages than the ones provided by the underlying OS.
Most importantly it expects a newer gcc version (>= 13) and CMake (>= 3.27) to build. All these tools are available through the CVMFS file system. Building the software without this is not suggested.
ATLAS users should familiarize themselves with the internal twiki.
Binary Installation
See the instructions.
The source code is under the Apache 2.0 license, Copyright 2000-2024 CERN for the benefit
of the ATLAS collaboration, except where noted otherwise in the NOTICE
file of the
rsp. repository.
An effort was made to identify any non-ATLAS code that was integrated over the last 20 years and document copyright and licensing. If anything was missed contact the e-mail address below.
You cite the software as DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4889103.
For ATLAS users, use the generic online sw mailing list.
Please use this generic e-mail address otherwise to contact us: