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Commit d3d9b9f1 authored by Vakhtang Tsulaia's avatar Vakhtang Tsulaia
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Merge branch 'trig_ds_setup' into 'master'

Cleanup obsolete trigger configuration setups

See merge request atlas/athena!44148
parents 5f2a23ec 0d1f40cf
No related branches found
No related tags found
4 merge requests!58791DataQualityConfigurations: Modify L1Calo config for web display,!46784MuonCondInterface: Enable thread-safety checking.,!46776Updated LArMonitoring config file for WD to match new files produced using MT,!44148Cleanup obsolete trigger configuration setups
# Configure Trigger Decision Tool
# Compatible with the New Trigger Decision Tool (from v. 15.1.0 onward)
# Set up trigger configuration service and metadata service is relies on, for analysis job without RecExCommon
from TrigDecisionTool.TrigDecisionToolConf import Trig__TrigDecisionTool
tdt = Trig__TrigDecisionTool("TrigDecisionTool")
ToolSvc += tdt
ToolSvc.TrigDecisionTool.Navigation.OutputLevel = ERROR
# flags needed for TriggerConfigGetter
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
rec.readAOD = True
rec.readRDO = False
rec.readESD = False
rec.readTAG = False
rec.doWriteESD = False
rec.doWriteAOD = False
rec.doWriteTAG = False
# To read files with trigger config stored as in-file meta-data, i.e. 13.0.40 and above: ds
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags
TriggerFlags.configurationSourceList = ['ds']
# set up trigger config service
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
cfg = TriggerConfigGetter()
......@@ -470,15 +470,6 @@ if globalflags.InputFormat.is_bytestream():
elif len(athenaCommonFlags.BSRDOInput())>0:
if globalflags.DataSource()=='geant4':"DataSource is 'geant4'")
#Special add-ons for simulation based bytestream
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags as tf
tf.configurationSourceList = ['ds']
tf.readLVL1configFromXML = True
svcMgr.ByteStreamCnvSvc.IsSimulation = True
#Set TypeNames of ByteStreamInputService according to global flags:
# get a handle on the ServiceManager which holds all the services
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
# Event selector
import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool
# Import relevant libs
import os
import commands
import string
#### Define ESD location on castor, start lumi block, end lumi block --> to be used for non merged ESDs
#path = "/castor/"
#startlb = 141
#endlb = 233
## Actual code to add ESD on InputCollections
#status,output = commands.getstatusoutput('nsls '+path)
#output = output.splitlines()
#for i in xrange(0,len(output)) :
# if output[i].count(path) < 1:
# output[i] = path+"/"+output[i]
# output[i] = output[i].replace('//','/')
# pos = output[i].find("lb")
# ilb = int(output[i][pos+2:pos+6])
# if pos>0:
# if ilb>=startlb and ilb<=endlb:
# ESDfile = "root://castoratlas/"+output[i]
# print ESDfile
# if istart==0:
# ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ ESDfile ]
# istart=1
# else:
# ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections += [ ESDfile ]
### Define ESD location on castor, start file, end file --> to be used for merged ESDs
path = "/castor/"
startlb = 1
endlb = 43
# Actual code to add ESD on InputCollections
status,output = commands.getstatusoutput('nsls '+path)
output = output.splitlines()
for i in xrange(0,len(output)) :
if output[i].count(path) < 1:
output[i] = path+"/"+output[i]
output[i] = output[i].replace('//','/')
pos = output[i].find("_0")
ilb = int(output[i][pos+2:pos+5])
if pos>0:
if ilb>=startlb and ilb<=endlb:
ESDfile = "root://castoratlas/"+output[i]
print ESDfile
if istart==0:
ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ ESDfile ]
ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections += [ ESDfile ]
# Athena-Aware NTuple making Tools
CBNTAthenaAware = True
include ("CBNT_Athena/")
include ("CBNT_Athena/")
# list of the algorithms to be executed at run time
from TrigInDetAnalysisExample.TrigInDetAnalysisExampleConf import TrigInDetAnalysisConfigSkeleton
topSequence.CBNT_AthenaAware += TrigInDetAnalysisConfigSkeleton()
TrigInDetAnalysisConfigSkeleton = TrigInDetAnalysisConfigSkeleton()
TrigInDetAnalysisConfigSkeleton.OutputLevel = DEBUG
##### Trigger Decision Part #####################
## set up trigger decision tool
from TrigDecisionTool.TrigDecisionToolConf import Trig__TrigDecisionTool
tdt = Trig__TrigDecisionTool("TrigDecisionTool")
ToolSvc += tdt
tdt.OutputLevel = INFO
# might be needed for TriggerConfigGetter...
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
# To read files with trigger config stored as in-file meta-data, i.e. 13.0.40
# and above: ds. To read AOD produced with 13.0.30 you need to change ds to aod:
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags
TriggerFlags.configurationSourceList = ['ds']
# set up trigger config service
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
cfg = TriggerConfigGetter()
# setup TTree registration Service
# save ROOT histograms and Tuple
from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
ServiceMgr += THistSvc()
ServiceMgr.THistSvc.Output = [ "AANT DATAFILE='IDTrackingCBNT.aan.root' OPT='RECREATE'" ]
from AnalysisTools.AnalysisToolsConf import AANTupleStream
topSequence += AANTupleStream()
AANTupleStream = AANTupleStream()
AANTupleStream.ExtraRefNames = [ "StreamESD","Stream1" ]
AANTupleStream.OutputName = 'IDTrackingCBNT.aan.root'
AANTupleStream.WriteInputDataHeader = True
AANTupleStream.OutputLevel = WARNING
# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
ServiceMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = DEBUG
theApp.EvtMax = -1
from GaudiCommonSvc.GaudiCommonSvcConf import AuditorSvc
ServiceMgr.AuditorSvc.Auditors += [ "ChronoAuditor"]
AthenaPoolCnvSvc = Service("AthenaPoolCnvSvc")
AthenaPoolCnvSvc.UseDetailChronoStat = TRUE
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
TriggerConfigGetter( "ReadPool" )
#to dump ESD/AOD content (do only if theApp.EvtMax = 1)
#StoreGateSvc = Service( "StoreGateSvc" )
#StoreGateSvc.Dump = True
# get a handle on the ServiceManager which holds all the services
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
# Event selector
import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool
from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import GlobalFlags
from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
# Import relevant libs
import os
import commands
import string
from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties as jp
### Define AOD/ESD location on castor, start lumi block, end lumi block --> to be used for merged AOD/ESD
path = "/castor/"
startlb = 1 #1
endlb = 10 #10
# Actual code to add ESD on InputCollections
status,output = commands.getstatusoutput('nsls '+path)
output = output.splitlines()
for i in xrange(0,len(output)) :
if output[i].count(path) < 1:
output[i] = path+"/"+output[i]
output[i] = output[i].replace('//','/')
if i>=startlb and i<=endlb:
ESDfile = "root://castoratlas/"+output[i]
print ESDfile
if istart==0:
jp.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput = [ ESDfile ]
jp.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput += [ ESDfile ]
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = jp.AthenaCommonFlags.FilesInput()
# Athena-Aware NTuple making Tools
CBNTAthenaAware = True
include ("CBNT_Athena/")
include ("CBNT_Athena/")
# list of the algorithms to be executed at run time
from TrigInDetAnalysisExample.TrigInDetAnalysisExampleConf import TrigInDetAnalysisConfigSkeleton
topSequence.CBNT_AthenaAware += TrigInDetAnalysisConfigSkeleton()
TrigInDetAnalysisConfigSkeleton = TrigInDetAnalysisConfigSkeleton()
TrigInDetAnalysisConfigSkeleton.OutputLevel = FATAL
##### Trigger Decision Part #####################
## set up trigger decision tool
from TrigDecisionTool.TrigDecisionToolConf import Trig__TrigDecisionTool
tdt = Trig__TrigDecisionTool("TrigDecisionTool")
ToolSvc += tdt
tdt.OutputLevel = INFO
# might be needed for TriggerConfigGetter...
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
# To read files with trigger config stored as in-file meta-data, i.e. 13.0.40
# and above: ds. To read AOD produced with 13.0.30 you need to change ds to aod:
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags
TriggerFlags.configurationSourceList = ['ds']
# set up trigger config service
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
cfg = TriggerConfigGetter()
# setup TTree registration Service
# save ROOT histograms and Tuple
from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
ServiceMgr += THistSvc()
# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
ServiceMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = INFO
ServiceMgr.THistSvc.Output = [ "AANT DATAFILE='run_0152116.root' OPT='RECREATE'" ]
from AnalysisTools.AnalysisToolsConf import AANTupleStream
topSequence += AANTupleStream()
AANTupleStream = AANTupleStream()
AANTupleStream.ExtraRefNames = [ "StreamESD","Stream1" ]
AANTupleStream.OutputName = 'run_0152116.root'
AANTupleStream.WriteInputDataHeader = True
AANTupleStream.OutputLevel = FATAL
theApp.EvtMax = -1
from GaudiCommonSvc.GaudiCommonSvcConf import AuditorSvc
ServiceMgr.AuditorSvc.Auditors += [ "ChronoAuditor"]
AthenaPoolCnvSvc = Service("AthenaPoolCnvSvc")
AthenaPoolCnvSvc.UseDetailChronoStat = TRUE
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
TriggerConfigGetter( "ReadPool" )
#to dump ESD/AOD content (do only if theApp.EvtMax = 1)
#StoreGateSvc = Service( "StoreGateSvc" )
#StoreGateSvc.Dump = True
MessageSvc.Format = "% F%80W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
MessageSvc.defaultLimit = 9999999 # all messages
# get a handle on the ServiceManager which holds all the services
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ToolSvc
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
# Event selector
import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool
# Import relevant libs
import os
import commands
import string
#### Define ESD location on castor, start lumi block, end lumi block --> to be used for non merged ESDs
#path = "/castor/"
#startlb = 141
#endlb = 233
## Actual code to add ESD on InputCollections
#status,output = commands.getstatusoutput('nsls '+path)
#output = output.splitlines()
#for i in xrange(0,len(output)) :
# if output[i].count(path) < 1:
# output[i] = path+"/"+output[i]
# output[i] = output[i].replace('//','/')
# pos = output[i].find("lb")
# ilb = int(output[i][pos+2:pos+6])
# if pos>0:
# if ilb>=startlb and ilb<=endlb:
# ESDfile = "root://castoratlas/"+output[i]
# print ESDfile
# if istart==0:
# ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ ESDfile ]
# istart=1
# else:
# ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections += [ ESDfile ]
### Define ESD location on castor, start file, end file --> to be used for merged ESDs
path = "/castor/"
startlb = 1
endlb = 71
# Actual code to add ESD on InputCollections
status,output = commands.getstatusoutput('nsls '+path)
output = output.splitlines()
for i in xrange(0,len(output)) :
if output[i].count(path) < 1:
output[i] = path+"/"+output[i]
output[i] = output[i].replace('//','/')
pos = output[i].find("_0")
ilb = int(output[i][pos+2:pos+5])
if pos>0:
if ilb>=startlb and ilb<=endlb:
ESDfile = "root://castoratlas/"+output[i]
print ESDfile
if istart==0:
ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ ESDfile ]
ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections += [ ESDfile ]
# Athena-Aware NTuple making Tools
CBNTAthenaAware = True
include ("CBNT_Athena/")
include ("CBNT_Athena/")
# list of the algorithms to be executed at run time
from TrigInDetAnalysisExample.TrigInDetAnalysisExampleConf import TrigInDetAnalysisConfigSkeleton
topSequence.CBNT_AthenaAware += TrigInDetAnalysisConfigSkeleton()
TrigInDetAnalysisConfigSkeleton = TrigInDetAnalysisConfigSkeleton()
TrigInDetAnalysisConfigSkeleton.OutputLevel = DEBUG
##### Trigger Decision Part #####################
## set up trigger decision tool
from TrigDecisionTool.TrigDecisionToolConf import Trig__TrigDecisionTool
tdt = Trig__TrigDecisionTool("TrigDecisionTool")
ToolSvc += tdt
tdt.OutputLevel = INFO
# might be needed for TriggerConfigGetter...
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
# To read files with trigger config stored as in-file meta-data, i.e. 13.0.40
# and above: ds. To read AOD produced with 13.0.30 you need to change ds to aod:
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags
TriggerFlags.configurationSourceList = ['ds']
# set up trigger config service
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
cfg = TriggerConfigGetter()
# setup TTree registration Service
# save ROOT histograms and Tuple
from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
ServiceMgr += THistSvc()
ServiceMgr.THistSvc.Output = [ "AANT DATAFILE='run_0152166.root' OPT='RECREATE'" ]
from AnalysisTools.AnalysisToolsConf import AANTupleStream
topSequence += AANTupleStream()
AANTupleStream = AANTupleStream()
AANTupleStream.ExtraRefNames = [ "StreamESD","Stream1" ]
AANTupleStream.OutputName = 'run_0152166.root'
AANTupleStream.WriteInputDataHeader = True
AANTupleStream.OutputLevel = WARNING
# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
ServiceMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = DEBUG
theApp.EvtMax = -1
from GaudiCommonSvc.GaudiCommonSvcConf import AuditorSvc
ServiceMgr.AuditorSvc.Auditors += [ "ChronoAuditor"]
AthenaPoolCnvSvc = Service("AthenaPoolCnvSvc")
AthenaPoolCnvSvc.UseDetailChronoStat = TRUE
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
TriggerConfigGetter( "ReadPool" )
#to dump ESD/AOD content (do only if theApp.EvtMax = 1)
#StoreGateSvc = Service( "StoreGateSvc" )
#StoreGateSvc.Dump = True
MessageSvc.Format = "% F%80W%S%7W%R%T %0W%M"
MessageSvc.defaultLimit = 9999999 # all messages
# Author: S.Ask
# Run HLT ID Monitoring on ESD
# (copied from AnalysisExamples/
##### Standard ESD Part ###################
# Standard and detailed monitoring
IDtrkMon = False
IDtrkDump = True
isCollisions = False
# get a handle on the ServiceManager which holds all the services
from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr
# Event selector
import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool
# Particle Properties
from PartPropSvc.PartPropSvcConf import PartPropSvc
# the POOL converters
include( "ParticleBuilderOptions/" )
include( "ParticleBuilderOptions/" )
include( "ParticleBuilderOptions/" )
include( "EventAthenaPool/" )
# The ESD input files
#ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ "/atlas/data3/userdata/nurse/TriggerMonitoring/ESD_tier0_14503_290109.pool.root" ]
ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [ "/tmp/nurse/ESD_tier0_14503_290109.pool.root" ]
## ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = [
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/",
## "rfio:/castor/"
## ]
from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
topSequence = AlgSequence()
##### Trigger Decision Part #####################
## set up trigger decision tool
from TrigDecisionTool.TrigDecisionToolConf import Trig__TrigDecisionTool
tdt = Trig__TrigDecisionTool("TrigDecisionTool")
ToolSvc += tdt
tdt.OutputLevel = INFO
# might be needed for TriggerConfigGetter...
from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
# To read files with trigger config stored as in-file meta-data,
# i.e. 13.0.40 and above: ds
# To read AOD produced with 13.0.30 you need to change ds to aod:
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerFlags import TriggerFlags
TriggerFlags.configurationSourceList = ['ds']
# set up trigger config service
from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigGetter import TriggerConfigGetter
cfg = TriggerConfigGetter()
##### Monitoring Part #####################
from AthenaMonitoring.AthenaMonitoringConf import AthenaMonManager
topSequence += AthenaMonManager( "HLTMonManager")
HLTMonManager = topSequence.HLTMonManager
##### HLTIDtrkMon Part ####################
if (IDtrkMon):
from TrigHLTMonitoring.TrigHLTMonitoringConf import HLTIDtrkMonTool
HLTIDtrkMon = HLTIDtrkMonTool(name = 'HLTIDtrkMon',
histoPathBase = "/Trigger/HLT");
HLTIDtrkMon.doMonCommon = True
HLTIDtrkMon.ElectronCollName = "n_Electron"
HLTIDtrkMon.TauCollName = "n_Tau"
HLTIDtrkMon.TRTOnlyElectronCollName = "TRTOnly_Electron"
HLTIDtrkMon.CombinedElectronCollName = "Combined_Electron"
HLTIDtrkMon.CosmicsCollName = "CosmicsN"
HLTIDtrkMon.IDSCANCollectionType = "IDSCAN"
HLTIDtrkMon.SiTrackCollectionType = "SiTrack"
HLTIDtrkMon.TRTCollectionType = "TRT"
HLTIDtrkMon.OfflineCollection = "TrackParticleCandidate"
HLTIDtrkMon.CombEFCollection = "CosmicsN"
HLTIDtrkMon.CombIDSCANCollection = "Cosmics"
HLTIDtrkMon.CombSiTrackCollection = "Cosmics"
HLTIDtrkMon.CombTRTCollection = "SegmentFinder"
HLTIDtrkMon.DeltaRMatch = 9.99
HLTIDtrkMon.PtMin = 0.
HLTIDtrkMon.EtaMax = 5.0
HLTIDtrkMon.SiHitMin = 3
#ToolSvc += HLTIDtrkMon;
HLTMonManager.AthenaMonTools += [ HLTIDtrkMon ];
##### HLTIDtrkMon Part ####################
if (IDtrkDump):
from TrigHLTMonitoring.TrigHLTMonitoringConf import HLTIDtrkDumpTool
HLTIDtrkDump = HLTIDtrkDumpTool(name = 'HLTIDtrkDump',
histoPathBase = "/Trigger/HLT");
HLTIDtrkDump.UseTrigDecisionTool = True
HLTIDtrkDump.Data = True # true = data, false = MC
HLTIDtrkDump.OfflineCollection = "TrackParticleCandidate"
HLTIDtrkDump.TrackVariables = ["pT", "phi", "eta"] # pT, phi, eta
HLTIDtrkDump.DeltaR = 0.02
HLTIDtrkDump.MinPt = 1000.0
HLTIDtrkDump.MaxAbsEta = 2.5
HLTIDtrkDump.MinSiHits = 3
if (isCollisions):
HLTIDtrkDump.DeltaR = 0.02
HLTIDtrkDump.eGammaMon = True
HLTIDtrkDump.eGammaROIHalfWidth = 0.1
HLTIDtrkDump.eGammaTrigSigTracks = ["e20_loose_NoTrkCut"] # The size of the vector of signatures has to match
HLTIDtrkDump.eGammaTrigSigSelect = ["e20_loose_NoTrkCut"] # "selecting signature" vector size
HLTIDtrkDump.eGammaIDSCAN = [True] # and the following parameters
HLTIDtrkDump.eGammaSiTrack = [True]
HLTIDtrkDump.eGammaTRTSegF = [True]
HLTIDtrkDump.eGammaEF = [True]
HLTIDtrkDump.eGammaIDSCANCollection = ["TrigIDSCAN_eGamma"]
HLTIDtrkDump.eGammaSiTrackCollection = ["TrigSiTrack_eGamma"]
HLTIDtrkDump.eGammaTRTSegFCollection = ["TrigTRTSegFinder_eGamma"]
HLTIDtrkDump.eGammaEFCollection = ["InDetTrigParticleCreation_eGamma_EFID"]
HLTIDtrkDump.TauMon = True
HLTIDtrkDump.TauROIHalfWidth = 0.3
HLTIDtrkDump.TauTrigSigTracks = ["tauNoCut_NoTrkCut","tau16i_NoTrkCut"] # The size of the vector of signatures has to match
HLTIDtrkDump.TauTrigSigSelect = ["tauNoCut_NoTrkCut","tau16i_NoTrkCut"] # "selecting signature" vector size
HLTIDtrkDump.TauIDSCAN = [True,True] # and the following parameters
HLTIDtrkDump.TauSiTrack = [True,True]
HLTIDtrkDump.TauTRTSegF = [True,True]
HLTIDtrkDump.TauEF = [True, True]
HLTIDtrkDump.TauIDSCANCollection = ["TrigIDSCAN_Tau","TrigIDSCAN_Tau"]
HLTIDtrkDump.TauSiTrackCollection = ["TrigSiTrack_Tau","TrigSiTrack_Tau"]
HLTIDtrkDump.TauTRTSegFCollection = ["TrigTRTSegFinder_Tau","TRTSegmentFinder"]
HLTIDtrkDump.TauEFCollection = ["InDetTrigParticleCreation_Tau_EFID","InDetTrigParticleCreation_Tau_EFID"]
HLTIDtrkDump.MuMon = True
HLTIDtrkDump.MuROIHalfWidth = 0.1
HLTIDtrkDump.MuTrigSigTracks = ["mu20","mu10_SiTrack","mu10_TRT"] # The size of the vector of signatures has to match
HLTIDtrkDump.MuTrigSigSelect = ["mu20_MSonly","mu20_MSonly","mu20_MSonly"] # "selecting signature" vector size
HLTIDtrkDump.MuIDSCAN = [True,False,False] # and the following parameters
HLTIDtrkDump.MuSiTrack = [False,True,False]
HLTIDtrkDump.MuTRTSegF = [False,False,True]
HLTIDtrkDump.MuEF = [True,True,True]
HLTIDtrkDump.MuIDSCANCollection = ["TrigIDSCAN_Muon","TrigIDSCAN_Muon","TrigIDSCAN_Muon"]
HLTIDtrkDump.MuSiTrackCollection = ["TrigSiTrack_Muon","TrigSiTrack_Muon","TrigSiTrack_Muon"]
HLTIDtrkDump.MuTRTSegFCollection = ["TrigTRTSegFinder_Muon","TrigTRTSegFinder_Muon","TrigTRTSegFinder_Muon"]
HLTIDtrkDump.MuEFCollection = ["InDetTrigParticleCreation_Muon_EFID","InDetTrigParticleCreation_Muon_EFID","InDetTrigParticleCreation_Muon_EFID"]
else :
HLTIDtrkDump.DeltaR = 9.99
HLTIDtrkDump.CosMon = True
HLTIDtrkDump.CosROIHalfWidth = 3.2
HLTIDtrkDump.CosTrigSigTracks = ["CosNoTDT"] # The size of the vector of signatures has to match
HLTIDtrkDump.CosTrigSigSelect = ["CosNoTDT"] # "selecting signature" vector size
HLTIDtrkDump.CosIDSCAN = [True] # and the following parameters
HLTIDtrkDump.CosSiTrack = [True]
HLTIDtrkDump.CosTRTSegF = [True]
HLTIDtrkDump.CosEF = [True]
HLTIDtrkDump.CosIDSCANCollection = ["HLT_TrigIDSCAN_Cosmics"]
HLTIDtrkDump.CosSiTrackCollection = ["HLT_TrigSiTrack_Cosmics"]
HLTIDtrkDump.CosTRTSegFCollection = ["HLT_TRTSegmentFinder"]
HLTIDtrkDump.CosEFCollection = ["HLT_InDetTrigParticleCreationIOTRT_CosmicsN_EFID"]
#ToolSvc += HLTIDtrkDump;
HLTMonManager.AthenaMonTools += [ HLTIDtrkDump ];
##### Histogram File Part #################
from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
ServiceMgr += THistSvc()
ServiceMgr.THistSvc.Output = ["AANT DATAFILE='HLTIDtrkMon_DumpTDT.root' OPT='RECREATE'"]
HLTMonManager.FileKey = "AANT"
# Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
ServiceMgr.MessageSvc.OutputLevel = INFO
# Number of Events to process
theApp.EvtMax = -1
# Dump StoreGate (for tests)
#StoreGateSvc = Service( "StoreGateSvc" )
#StoreGateSvc.Dump = True #true will dump data store contents
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