JetReclustering: Extending usability
Several new options are added to JetReclustering that will enable more flexible use. The changes are:
- Add option to use SoftDrop instead of Trimming
- Add option to ghost-associate b-tagging jets
- Add option to set ungroomed jet container name
- Add EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedTool and EnergyCorrelatorGeneralizedRatioTool
- Enable passing configurations to EnergyCorrelator tools
- Fixing minor typos and messaging levels
Tagging @gstark and @jburr as the original developers and @mleblanc, @bnachman, and @mswiatlo as the jet reclustering experts. Also tagging @loch, @williams, @sschramm, @cyoung, and @cdelitzs for JSV and JSS.
Edited by Jason Robert Veatch