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2D cell-level reweighting of egamma objects

// Dear emacs, this is -*- C++ -*-.
Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
@@ -9,19 +9,15 @@
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "DerivationFrameworkInterfaces/IThinningTool.h"
#include "DerivationFrameworkInterfaces/IAugmentationTool.h"
#include "xAODEgamma/EgammaFwd.h"
#include "xAODCaloEvent/CaloClusterContainer.h"
#include "CaloRec/CaloClusterCollectionProcessor.h"
#include "CaloRec/CaloCellContainerFinalizerTool.h"
#include "CaloEvent/CaloCell.h"
#include "CaloEvent/CaloConstCellContainer.h"
#include "CaloIdentifier/CaloCell_ID.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h" //included under assumption you'll want to use some tools! Remove if you don't!
#include <TFile.h>
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include <TH1.h>
#include <TLorentzVector.h>
#include <TH2.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>
@@ -36,7 +32,6 @@ namespace DerivationFramework {
class CellReweight: public AthAlgTool, public IAugmentationTool {
CellReweight( const std::string& t, const std::string& n, const IInterface* p );
typedef std::list<const CaloCell*> CellList;
virtual ~CellReweight();
StatusCode initialize();
virtual StatusCode addBranches() const;
@@ -45,37 +40,50 @@ class CellReweight: public AthAlgTool, public IAugmentationTool {
void setIndexLr2(std::vector<int> * index, std::vector<float> *_eta, std::vector<float> *_lr2e, float m_eta) const;
void setIndexLr1(std::vector<int> * index, std::vector<int> * neta_index, std::vector<float> *_eta, std::vector<float> *_e, std::vector<float> *_etaLr2, float m_eta) const;
/// return index i of cell (in vector _eta) with _eta[i] closest to m_eta
unsigned int locateMid(std::vector<float> * _eta, float m_eta ) const;
/// return index i of cell (in vector _e) with largest _e[i]
unsigned int locateMidE(std::vector<float> * _e) const;
/// return index in eta_bins vector for a certaint t_eta
unsigned int locateEta(float t_eta) const;
/// return index in m_etaBins vector for a certain t_eta (index goes from 1 to number of bins (i.e. m_nEtaBins-1)
unsigned int getEtaBin(float t_eta) const;
/// return number of L1 eta cells per L2 eta cell (deltaEta=0.025)
unsigned int getEtaSize(int n_eta) const;
std::string m_cellContainerName;
std::string m_newCellName;
/// creates a map of a cluster with a hottest cell in the centre
void getClusterMap(int seedEta, int seedPhi, IdentifierHash (*map)[11], const CaloCellContainer* cellCont) const;
std::string m_oldCellContainerName;
std::string m_newCellContainerName;
std::string m_caloRegion;
std::string m_cellRatioPath;
std::string m_cellRatioPath;
std::string m_cellRatio2DPath;
std::string m_SGKey_electrons, m_SGKey_photons;
int m_neta_Lr2, m_nphi_Lr2;
const CaloCell_ID* m_caloID; //!< Pointer to CaloID helper
std::map<std::string, TH1F *> m_hratio;
static const unsigned int n_eta_bins=16;
const double eta_bins[n_eta_bins] = {0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0,1.2,1.3,1.37,1.52,1.6,1.8,2.0,2.2,2.4,2.6};
std::string seta_bins[n_eta_bins] = {"000","020","040","060","080","100","120","130","137","152","160","180","200","220", "240", "260"};
std::map<std::string, TH2F *> m_hratio2D;
static const unsigned int m_nEtaBins=16; // number of bin edges. Actual number of bins is 15. And files do not contain weights for bin 2.4-2.6 so they only contain 14 histograms..
const double m_etaBins[m_nEtaBins] = {0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0,1.2,1.3,1.37,1.52,1.6,1.8,2.0,2.2,2.4,2.6};
std::string m_setaBins[m_nEtaBins] = {"000","020","040","060","080","100","120","130","137","152","160","180","200","220", "240", "260"};
ToolHandle<CaloClusterCollectionProcessor> m_caloFillRectangularTool711;
ToolHandle<CaloClusterCollectionProcessor> m_caloFillRectangularTool37;
ToolHandle<CaloClusterCollectionProcessor> m_caloFillRectangularTool55;
CaloFillRectangularCluster *m_tool711, *m_tool37, *m_tool55;
ToolHandle<ICaloConstCellMakerTool> m_caloCellContainerFinalizerTool;
CaloFillRectangularCluster *m_tool711, *m_tool37, *m_tool55;
CaloCellContainerFinalizerTool *m_tool2;
// number of eta, phi bins used for Lr2 reweighting
static const int m_neta_Lr2=7;
static const int m_nphi_Lr2=11;