Add atomic to mutable counters of MuonCaloTagTool
nightly/master/2019-06-10T2153:Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuonCombinedBaseTools/src/MuonCaloTagTool.h +78
77 // --- Internal cache ---
78 mutable int m_nTrueMuons; //!< Counts the number true muons
79 mutable int m_nTracksTagged; //!< Counts the number of tracks tagged
80 mutable int m_nMuonsTagged; //!< Counts the number of truth muons tagged
nightly/master/2019-06-10T2153:Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuonCombinedBaseTools/src/MuonCaloTagTool.h +79
77 // --- Internal cache ---
78 mutable int m_nTrueMuons; //!< Counts the number true muons
79 mutable int m_nTracksTagged; //!< Counts the number of tracks tagged
80 mutable int m_nMuonsTagged; //!< Counts the number of truth muons tagged
nightly/master/2019-06-10T2153:Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuonCombinedBaseTools/src/MuonCaloTagTool.h +80
78 mutable int m_nTrueMuons; //!< Counts the number true muons
79 mutable int m_nTracksTagged; //!< Counts the number of tracks tagged
80 mutable int m_nMuonsTagged; //!< Counts the number of truth muons tagged
82 // --- Set up what to do and what not to do ---
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added Reconstruction master review-pending-level-1 labels
CI Result SUCCESSAthena AthSimulation externals cmake make required tests optional tests Full details available at NICOS MR-24242-2019-06-17-14-29
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 1
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-CC7 399]added review-approved label and removed review-pending-level-1 label
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