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Add atomic to mutable counters of MuonCaloTagTool

Susumu Oda requested to merge oda/athena:master-MuonCaloTagTool into master

 nightly/master/2019-06-10T2153:Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuonCombinedBaseTools/src/MuonCaloTagTool.h +78

    77	    // --- Internal cache ---
    78	    mutable int m_nTrueMuons;          //!< Counts the number true muons
    79	    mutable int m_nTracksTagged;       //!< Counts the number of tracks tagged
    80	    mutable int m_nMuonsTagged;        //!< Counts the number of truth muons tagged

nightly/master/2019-06-10T2153:Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuonCombinedBaseTools/src/MuonCaloTagTool.h +79

    77	    // --- Internal cache ---
    78	    mutable int m_nTrueMuons;          //!< Counts the number true muons
    79	    mutable int m_nTracksTagged;       //!< Counts the number of tracks tagged
    80	    mutable int m_nMuonsTagged;        //!< Counts the number of truth muons tagged

nightly/master/2019-06-10T2153:Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuonCombinedBaseTools/src/MuonCaloTagTool.h +80

    78	    mutable int m_nTrueMuons;          //!< Counts the number true muons
    79	    mutable int m_nTracksTagged;       //!< Counts the number of tracks tagged
    80	    mutable int m_nMuonsTagged;        //!< Counts the number of truth muons tagged
    82	    // --- Set up what to do and what not to do ---

Merge request reports
