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Implement MCP high precision recommendations in SUSYTools

Johannes Junggeburth requested to merge (removed):MCPHighPrecision_ST into 21.2

Hi @janders, @salderwe,

the high precision recommendations of MCP are just few steps in front of our doors (cf. !27115 (merged)). In these recommendations we're going to release the LowPtMVA and HighPt3Station working point. Okay, technically speaking, we're going to allow by default 2 station high pt muons in the HighPt working point, but maintain the support for the 3-station only WP, such that analysis can go back to the old definitions if they need to.

It's good to prepare SUSYTools now, such that we can merge everything in one go as soon as the MCP group has finished scrutinizing the last results. To implement the new working points properly I've augmented the MuId integers:

2 -- > Loose
1 -- > Medium
0 -- > Tight
4 -- > HighPt  (2 + 3 stations)
5 -- > LowP
6 -- > LowPtMVA
7 -- > HighPt3Layers

Tagging here @szambito, @mkbugge as well

Edited by Johannes Junggeburth

Merge request reports