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TrigValSteering: Update default input data file

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:trig-art-data-input into master

Change default data inputs from data17 to data18, namely the EB run 360026. This only affects data-based tests using the TrigValSteering framework. From now on, they use different data inputs from tests not using this framework. Inputs for those can be changed in separate MR if needed. Stop comparing python version of trigUpgr_full_menu test against bash-version reference due to this.

This change was originally part of !26848 (merged) but was blocked by an issue which was fixed in !27785 (merged), so can be finally done now.

The advantages of the change are:

  • the file is newer and reflects better the late-Run-2 data taking
  • that EB run was taken specifically for use over LS2, it was the last EB pp run in Run 2
  • the new file contains more events (2246 as compared to 596 in the old one) and can be used also for longer grid tests

Merge request reports
