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Fix logic error in adding MCTruthCommon augmentation tools in SUSY

Giordon Holtsberg Stark requested to merge gstark/athena:21.2 into 21.2

./cc @fmeloni @ljeanty @zmarshal @mgignac @crizzi @egramsta

This should fix things. This fixes errors like

AODtoDAOD 13:59:01 DecorateSUSYProcess: fileinfo.mc_channel_number 448455 is SUSY: True
AODtoDAOD 13:59:01 DecorateSUSYProcess: fileinfo.mc_channel_number 448455 is SUSY: True
AODtoDAOD 13:59:01 Shortened traceback (most recent user call last):
AODtoDAOD 13:59:01   File "/cvmfs/", line 106, in <module>
AODtoDAOD 13:59:01     else: include( "RecExCommon/" )
AODtoDAOD 13:59:01   File "/cvmfs/", line 1335, in <module>
AODtoDAOD 13:59:01     include(DPDMaker)
AODtoDAOD 13:59:01   File "/cvmfs/", line 16, in <module>
AODtoDAOD 13:59:01     addStandardTruthContents()
AODtoDAOD 13:59:01   File "/cvmfs/", line 310, in addStandardTruthContents
AODtoDAOD 13:59:01     schedulePostJetMCTruthAugmentations(kernel, decorationDressing)
AODtoDAOD 13:59:01   File "/cvmfs/", line 293, in schedulePostJetMCTruthAugmentations
AODtoDAOD 13:59:01     AugmentationTools = augmentationToolsList
AODtoDAOD 13:59:01   File "/cvmfs/", line 45, in _init_
AODtoDAOD 13:59:01     setattr(self, n, v)
AODtoDAOD 13:59:01 TypeError: Property MCTruthCommonPostJetKernel.AugmentationTools value [<DerivationFramework::SUSYSignalTagger/ToolSvc.MCTruthCommonSignalTagger at 0x7fe1534b8138>] is not a ConfigurableAlgTool nor a PublicToolHandle nor a string

where it complains that an item in the m_augmentationTools ToolArray is a list of tools, rather than a ToolHandle itself (rightly so). This affects current SUSY derivations that actually run on SUSY signal files and was only caught as a side effect of !27334 (merged) (@jojungge) that extended the SUSY DSID block to start including the RPVLL DSID as a "SUSY Signal".

This needs to be confirmed fix with the ART tests to ensure that it works again. As far as I know, that's the only test that will catch it because most SUSY derivations for MC are using ttbar (410470) which is not a SUSY signal (I hope it isn't...)

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