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Split L1 ByteStream decoding and L1TriggerResult creation

This is continuation of the development started in !29361 (merged). Discussing in Trigger Core Software meeting and in ATR-20745, we decided to split the BS decoding part and the L1TriggerResult creation part. The former L1TriggerResultMaker is thus split into:

  • L1TriggerByteStreamDecoderAlg in the TrigT1ByteStream package (only gathers raw data and calls tools doing BS->xAOD conversion)
  • L1TriggerResultMaker in the L1Decoder package (only creates L1TriggerResult and links the xAOD L1 collections to it)

Any reference to L1TriggerResult is removed from TrigT1ByteStream and is encapsulated within the L1Decoder package.

Tested with: -l DEBUG -c "doEmptyMenu=True;BFieldAutoConfig=False;decodePhaseIL1=True;" -n 20 -f /cvmfs/ TriggerJobOpts/
Edited by Rafal Bielski

Merge request reports
