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Include the new e/g monitoring into trig egamma monitoring package
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include new e/g monitoring into trig egamma monitoring package and change somethings into the core of the trig e/g matching tool.
This is a new design of the trig e/g monitoring without the ASG. This design follow the same idea of the other groups.
Its not ready but I would like to share with the group to check if this design attend to the monitoring requirements.
Inheritance schema: AthMonitoring <- TrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm <- TrigEgammaMonitorAnalysisAlgorithm <- TrigEgammaMonitorTagAndProbeAlgorithm.
Ticker: ATR-19998
The make doc can be found here: /afs/
Ping: @fernando , @thrynova , @mverissi , @wsfreund , @tbold and @fwinkl
I hope this will work for us! :)