Update 25/09/2020, 16:45: We have been scooped by !35737 (merged) which was merged during our last round of ART tests, so we have inserted our chain in the references. There should be no interference between the changes in this MR and in 35737, but we'll see what the CI thinks.
Update 25/09/2020, 15:00: We have understood the error in the menu test with TJ, and we have now fixed it. We also added the reference for the counts, and iterated with Tim on the errors on the previous CI. The WIP is removed again for another round of CI.
Update 25/09/2020, 13:00: I updated the release to the nightly, changed the TLA seed chain to J100 and updated the reference files for the counts.
All ART tests and tests work except TriggerMenuMT_full_menu_cf_ctest (seems to be an unrelated error in [1]) work, once the reference is updated.
I am removing the WIP, and I will be watching the CI to see if they work (I don't think they were running earlier). Since I know there's a TR deadline, I will be happy to provide fast feedback (but I'll be in a thesis defense until 15:30 or so).
Thanks! Caterina (with Tim, TJ and Antonio's help)
Py:Athena INFO leaving with code 8: "an unknown exception occurred" File "/cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/sw/master_Athena_x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/2020-09-23T2101/Athena/22.0.18/InstallArea/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/python/DecisionHandling/TestUtils.py", line 97, in makeChain chainConfig = Chain( name=name, L1Thresholds=L1Thresholds, ChainSteps=ChainSteps ) File "/tmp/doglioni/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/python/TriggerMenuMT/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuComponents.py", line 538, in init self.setSeedsToSequences() File "/tmp/doglioni/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/python/TriggerMenuMT/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuComponents.py", line 626, in setSeedsToSequences seq.setSeed( seed )
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'setSeed'
%%% Original MR text
This MR contains updates to the changes needed to implement a jet TLA (ATR-20395 / closed MR !34806 (closed)). This MR is a WIP so that we can have a look at the implementation of the HypoTool/Alg with @tamartin and @rbielski.
So far, the threshold of the chain added (L1_J15) and its parameters (keeping all jets as long as their pT is > 20 GeV) are for testing purposes. This has been tested with a sparse commit on yesterday's nightly, 2020-08-10T2137. Most of the tests "Testing PEB", "minimal set of ART tests" and "Unit tests" on the twiki here work: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/Atlas/TriggerMenuMTPackageInstructions#Instructions_for_testing_and_dep.
On the tests that don't pass, I'd probably need some help identifying what is going wrong (and if it's a misunderstanding, I'll be happy to update the twiki for other developers).
.In CountRefComp.log, for both tests, there are many more changes with respect to what I made (I only added one chain - HLT_JetDS_j0_L1J15). Is this just a matter of having an old reference for this test? I guess the question here is "how old is the reference?". The outputs of the ART tests are in ~doglioni/public/TLARun3/runTrigART.
fails with what seems to be an unrelated error [1]. The full output of these tests is in ~doglioni/public/TLARun3/Testing.The RAW output of the PEB tests are at ~doglioni\public\TLARun3
, including the output of AthenaHLT with 50 events that @boveia is going to try and reconstruct.
Thanks, Caterina, @khoo and @boveia
Py:Athena INFO leaving with code 8: "an unknown exception occurred"
File "/cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/sw/master_Athena_x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/2020-08-16T2101/Athena/22.0.18/InstallArea/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/python/DecisionHandling/TestUtils.py", line 94, in makeChain
chainConfig = Chain( name=name, L1Thresholds=L1Thresholds, ChainSteps=ChainSteps )
File "/tmp/doglioni/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/python/TriggerMenuMT/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuComponents.py", line 651, in __init__
File "/tmp/doglioni/build/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/python/TriggerMenuMT/HLTMenuConfig/Menu/MenuComponents.py", line 739, in setSeedsToSequences
seq.setSeed( seed )
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'setSeed'
Py:Athena INFO leaving with code 8: "an unknown exception occurred"
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