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Divide ADC,TDC of sMDT with HPTDC digitization chip by 4 to give same ticksize as MDT chambers

Edward Diehl requested to merge diehl/athena:BMGTDC into master

Divide ADC,TDC of sMDT with HPTDC digitization chip by 4 to give same ticksize as MDT chambers. This applies to BMG and new BIS7 chambers being installed in LS2, all of which use the HPTDC digitization chip. By adjusting ticksize in PrepRawData, reconstruction with these chambers will be done identically to other MDT chambers without further code changes. Hence, can remove special treatment of BMG in MdtCalibrationTool. Also modify MdtDigitizationTool so that BMG, BIS7 will use HPTDC ticksize in MC data. This change fixes reconstruction of BMG chambers by altering ADC values which causes timeslew correction to be made and ADC cuts to work. Due to altered ADC fails q431.ESD and q431.ESD tests, see attached log file.RunTier0Tests.log

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