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/src/MDTPRDValAlg.cxx:11:10: fatal error seen in CI

Hi @tsulaia , there are failed compilation in the CI of !36209 (merged) !36180 (merged) !36207 (merged) !35872 (closed)


# Version: N/A
/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/CI-MERGE-REQUEST-CC7/master/MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonPRDTest/src/MuEntryVariables.cxx:8:10: fatal error: TrackRecord/TrackRecordCollection.h: No such file or directory
 #include "TrackRecord/TrackRecordCollection.h"
compilation terminated.
/src/MDTPRDValAlg.cxx:11:10: fatal error: TrackRecord/TrackRecordCollection.h: No such file or directory
 #include "TrackRecord/TrackRecordCollection.h"
  • Actually this seems kind of legit and could be caused by parts of !36193 (merged)

  • Adding TrackRecordLib to the link dependencies LINK_LIBRARIES as there was Simulation/G4Sim/TrackRecord on atlas_depends_on_subdirs

Also notice there are 11 failed tests e.g !36209 (merged) !36180 (merged) !36207 (merged) !35872 (closed)

Do not know , if they are transient, if they caused just from the above ( ?)
or there is a cascade of issues coming ...

Can you please make sure we do not build and having all CI fail? It seems to start by ones of the 5-6 you merged 10 hours ago. I would hope that is something transient but if not we could be in trouble tomorrow.

Edited by Christos Anastopoulos

Merge request reports