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Include online monitoring in the TrigSuperCluster algorithms

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@@ -71,3 +71,22 @@ def egammaMonitorPrecisionCfg(name):
defineHistogram('ptcone40', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT', title="count;ptcone40",xbins=50, xmin=0, xmax=10 ),
defineHistogram('topoetcone20', type='TH1F', path='EXPERT',title="count;topoetcone20[GeV]",xbins=50, xmin=-10, xmax=50 )]
return monTool_photon
def egammaMonitorSuperClusterCfg(name):
from math import pi
from AthenaMonitoringKernel.GenericMonitoringTool import GenericMonitoringTool, defineHistogram
monTool = GenericMonitoringTool("MonTool_"+name)
monTool.Histograms = [
#calo cluster variables monitoring
defineHistogram('et', type='TH1D', path='EXPERT', title="E_{T}; E_{T} [GeV]; Entries", xbins= 150, xmin= 0.0, xmax= 200.0),
defineHistogram('eta', type='TH1D', path='EXPERT', title="#eta; #eta; Entries", xbins= 50, xmin=-3.0, xmax= 3.0) ,
defineHistogram('phi', type='TH1D', path='EXPERT', title="#phi; #phi; Entries", xbins= 64, xmin= -pi, xmax= pi),
defineHistogram('container_size', type='TH1D', path='EXPERT', title="Container Size; Number of Clusters; Entries", xbins=2001, xmin=-0.5, xmax=2000.5),
defineHistogram('clusterSize', type='TH1D', path='EXPERT', title="Cluster Size; Type; Entries", xbins= 13, xmin= 0.5, xmax= 13.5),
defineHistogram('signalState', type='TH1D', path='EXPERT', title="Signal State; Signal State; Entries", xbins= 4, xmin=-1.5, xmax= 2.5)]
return monTool