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1TrigT1TGC:modified to not use condDB in Run3 config ( ATR-22302 )

Hiroaki Hibi requested to merge hhibi/athena:bug_fix into master

I have fixed a bug. ReadCondHandleKey does not initialize in Run3 config because the TGCTriggerLUTs is still empty. ( TGCTriggerLUTs uses a large amount of memory. So, We have removed the readout part of the DB file temporarily. !37654 (merged) ) An error appeared for the above reason. I modified TrigT1TGC so that ReadCondHandleKey is not used in Run3 config to avoid the error. The compilation is fine, with no errors or warnings. I also have tested by the below command.

mentioned in ATR-22302.

The test has finished with a successful run.

Edited by Hiroaki Hibi

Merge request reports
