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Further memory leak fixes for Muon Reconstruction

Walter Lampl requested to merge wlampl/athena:moreMuonLeakFixes into master

all cleanUp through MuonCombinedInDetExtensionAlg -> MuonInsideOutRecoTool -> MuonLayerAmbiguitySolverTool -> MooTrackBuilder -> MuPatCandidateTool -> MuPatHitTool to clear cache of MuPatHitTool at the end of execute()

Same for the call-chain: MuonCombinedMuonCandidateAlg -> MuonCandidateTool -> CombinedMuonTrackBuilder -> MuonSegmentRegionRecoveryTool -> MooCandidateMatchingTool -> MuPatCandidateTool -> MuPatHitTool

  • Make cleanUp() abstract in base-classes to ensure all derived classes implement them. The CI will tell us if I missed one.  valgrind is still running to verify that the leaks are indeed fixed by my changes.

This MR contains also !38985 (merged)

Merge request reports
