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Optimization of Run-2 TGC-BW Coincidence Window

Junpei Maeda requested to merge junpei/athena:run2TgcBwLUTopt_2020-12 into master

The storing method of the contents of Coincidence Windows for TGC Big-Wheel is changed for more optimization of memory usage by TGCTriggerDbAlg.
This is one of goal for ATR-21107.

As suggested by the last comment in !38485 (merged), a single std::unordered_map is adopted instead of a load of std::map instances. The unordered_map was faster and smaller memory usage when I compared.

The following test is successfully finished:; --AMI q221 --inputRDOFile /cvmfs/ --maxEvents 100 --athenaopts='--threads=1 --pmon=sdmonfp' --outputRDO_TRIGFile=myRDOTrigger.pool.root --steering=doRDO_TRIG --preExec all:"setMenu='LS2_v1_TriggerValidation_mc_prescale'"

Moreover, I confirmed to output same result of pT determination by the single muon sample.

Edited by Junpei Maeda

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