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Update the FTAG PHYSVAL code.

Merged Judith Hofer requested to merge juhofer/athena:ftagphysval-master-2020-06-16 into master
All threads resolved!
1 file
+ 336
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from __future__ import print_function
import os
import ROOT
# run this on the unmerged files
# input_file_name = 'NTUP_PHYSVAL_compare_to_standard.root'
input_file_name = '/afs/'
verbose = False
jet_collections = [ 'AntiKt2PV0TrackJets',
## don't change here
var_name_list = [
'IP3D_b_matched_weight ',
'IP3D_b_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'IP3D_b_50_matched_pt ',
'IP3D_b_70_matched_pt ',
'IP3D_b_80_matched_pt ',
'IP3D_c_matched_weight ',
'IP3D_c_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'IP3D_c_50_matched_pt ',
'IP3D_c_70_matched_pt ',
'IP3D_c_80_matched_pt ',
'IP3D_tau_matched_weight ',
'IP3D_tau_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'IP3D_tau_50_matched_pt ',
'IP3D_tau_70_matched_pt ',
'IP3D_tau_80_matched_pt ',
'IP3D_u_matched_weight ',
'IP3D_u_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'IP3D_u_50_matched_pt ',
'IP3D_u_70_matched_pt ',
'IP3D_u_80_matched_pt ',
'IP2D_b_matched_weight ',
'IP2D_b_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'IP2D_b_50_matched_pt ',
'IP2D_b_70_matched_pt ',
'IP2D_b_80_matched_pt ',
'IP2D_c_matched_weight ',
'IP2D_c_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'IP2D_c_50_matched_pt ',
'IP2D_c_70_matched_pt ',
'IP2D_c_80_matched_pt ',
'IP2D_tau_matched_weight ',
'IP2D_tau_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'IP2D_tau_50_matched_pt ',
'IP2D_tau_70_matched_pt ',
'IP2D_tau_80_matched_pt ',
'IP2D_u_matched_weight ',
'IP2D_u_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'IP2D_u_50_matched_pt ',
'IP2D_u_70_matched_pt ',
'IP2D_u_80_matched_pt ',
'SV1_b_matched_weight ',
'SV1_b_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'SV1_b_40_matched_pt ',
'SV1_b_50_matched_pt ',
'SV1_b_60_matched_pt ',
'SV1_c_matched_weight ',
'SV1_c_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'SV1_c_40_matched_pt ',
'SV1_c_50_matched_pt ',
'SV1_c_60_matched_pt ',
'SV1_tau_matched_weight ',
'SV1_tau_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'SV1_tau_40_matched_pt ',
'SV1_tau_50_matched_pt ',
'SV1_tau_60_matched_pt ',
'SV1_u_matched_weight ',
'SV1_u_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'SV1_u_40_matched_pt ',
'SV1_u_50_matched_pt ',
'SV1_u_60_matched_pt ',
'IP3DSV1_b_matched_weight ',
'IP3DSV1_b_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'IP3DSV1_b_50_matched_pt ',
'IP3DSV1_b_70_matched_pt ',
'IP3DSV1_b_80_matched_pt ',
'IP3DSV1_c_matched_weight ',
'IP3DSV1_c_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'IP3DSV1_c_50_matched_pt ',
'IP3DSV1_c_70_matched_pt ',
'IP3DSV1_c_80_matched_pt ',
'IP3DSV1_tau_matched_weight ',
'IP3DSV1_tau_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'IP3DSV1_tau_50_matched_pt ',
'IP3DSV1_tau_70_matched_pt ',
'IP3DSV1_tau_80_matched_pt ',
'IP3DSV1_u_matched_weight ',
'IP3DSV1_u_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'IP3DSV1_u_50_matched_pt ',
'IP3DSV1_u_70_matched_pt ',
'IP3DSV1_u_80_matched_pt ',
'JetFitter_b_matched_weight ',
'JetFitter_b_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'JetFitter_b_50_matched_pt ',
'JetFitter_b_70_matched_pt ',
'JetFitter_b_80_matched_pt ',
'JetFitter_c_matched_weight ',
'JetFitter_c_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'JetFitter_c_50_matched_pt ',
'JetFitter_c_70_matched_pt ',
'JetFitter_c_80_matched_pt ',
'JetFitter_tau_matched_weight ',
'JetFitter_tau_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'JetFitter_tau_50_matched_pt ',
'JetFitter_tau_70_matched_pt ',
'JetFitter_tau_80_matched_pt ',
'JetFitter_u_matched_weight ',
'JetFitter_u_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'JetFitter_u_50_matched_pt ',
'JetFitter_u_70_matched_pt ',
'JetFitter_u_80_matched_pt ',
'MV2c10_b_matched_weight ',
'MV2c10_b_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'MV2c10_c_matched_weight ',
'MV2c10_c_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'MV2c10_tau_matched_weight ',
'MV2c10_tau_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'MV2c10_u_matched_weight ',
'MV2c10_u_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'MV2c10mu_b_matched_weight ',
'MV2c10mu_b_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'MV2c10mu_c_matched_weight ',
'MV2c10mu_c_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'MV2c10mu_tau_matched_weight ',
'MV2c10mu_tau_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'MV2c10mu_u_matched_weight ',
'MV2c10mu_u_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'MV2c10rnn_b_matched_weight ',
'MV2c10rnn_b_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'MV2c10rnn_c_matched_weight ',
'MV2c10rnn_c_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'MV2c10rnn_tau_matched_weight ',
'MV2c10rnn_tau_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'MV2c10rnn_u_matched_weight ',
'MV2c10rnn_u_matched_weight_trackCuts ',
'truthLabel ',
'TruthBpt ',
'TruthLpt ',
'TruthCpt ',
'TruthTauPt ',
'IP3Dpb ',
'IP3Dpc ',
'IP3Dpu ',
'SV1pb ',
'SV1pc ',
'SV1pu ',
'NTracksIP3D ',
'NTracksIP2D ',
'NGTinSvx1 ',
'NGTinSvx0 ',
'e ',
'pt ',
'eta ',
'phi ',
'd0 ',
'z0 ',
'IP3DgradeOfTracks ',
'IP2DgradeOfTracks ',
'IP3D_valD0wrtPVofTracks ',
'IP3D_valZ0wrtPVofTracks ',
'IP3D_sigD0wrtPVofTracks ',
'IP3D_sigZ0wrtPVofTracks ',
'IP3D_weightBofTracks ',
'IP3D_weightUofTracks ',
'IP2D_weightBofTracks ',
'IP2D_weightUofTracks '
def get_name_associations(list):
taggers = ["_IP3D_", "_SV1_", "_JetFitter_"]
old_taggers = ["_IP2D_", "_IP3DSV1_", "_MV2c10_", "_MV2c10mu_", "_MV2c10rnn_"]
oneToOne_associations = {
'_truthLabel ': '_jet_truthLabel ',
'_TruthBpt ': '_jet_jet_pt_b_Zprime ',
'_TruthLpt ': '_jet_jet_pt_c_Zprime ',
'_TruthCpt ': '_jet_jet_pt_l_Zprime ',
'_IP3Dpb ': '_tagger_IP3D_pb ',
'_IP3Dpc ': '_tagger_IP3D_pc ',
'_IP3Dpu ': '_tagger_IP3D_pu ',
'_SV1pb ': '_tagger_SV1_pb ',
'_SV1pc ': '_tagger_SV1_pc ',
'_SV1pu ': '_tagger_SV1_pu ',
'_NTracksIP3D ': '_tagger_IP3D_NTracks_incl ',
'_NTracksIP2D ': '_old_taggers_IP2D_NTracks_incl ',
'_NGTinSvx1 ': '_tagger_SV1_nGoodTracks_incl ',
'_e ': '_jet_jet_e_Zprime ',
'_pt ': '_jet_jet_pt_Zprime ',
'_eta ': '_jet_jet_eta ',
'_phi ': '_jet_jet_phi ',
'_d0 ': '_tagger_IP3D_valD0wrtPVofTracks ',
'_z0 ': '_tagger_IP3D_valZ0wrtPVofTracks ',
'_IP3DgradeOfTracks ': '_tagger_IP3D_gradeOfTracks_incl ',
'_IP2DgradeOfTracks ': '_old_taggers_IP2D_gradeOfTracks_incl ',
name_associations = {}
for name in list:
new_name = name
for tag in taggers:
if tag in new_name:
new_name = new_name.replace(tag, "_tagger" + tag)
for tag in old_taggers:
if tag in new_name:
new_name = new_name.replace(tag, "_old_taggers" + tag)
if "_matched_pt" in new_name:
new_name = new_name.replace("_matched_pt", "_matched_pt_Zprime")
if "AntiKt4EMPFlowJets" in new_name:
new_name = new_name.replace("AntiKt4EMPFlowJets", "AntiKt4EMPFlowJets_")
if "AntiKtVR30Rmax4Rmin02TrackJets" in new_name:
new_name = new_name.replace("AntiKtVR30Rmax4Rmin02TrackJets", "AntiKtVR30Rmax4Rmin02TrackJets_")
for key in oneToOne_associations:
if key in new_name:
new_name = new_name.replace(key, oneToOne_associations[key])
# if new_name not in new_list and "tau" not in new_name and "Tau" not in new_name and not "_NGTinSvx0" in new_name:
# print(new_name)
# remove spaces
name = name.replace(" ", "")
new_name = new_name.replace(" ", "")
# fill the dict
name_associations[name] = new_name
return name_associations
# get the name_list for all jet collections
name_list = []
for jet_col in jet_collections:
for var_name in var_name_list:
if jet_col == "AntiKt4EMPFlowJets" or jet_col == "AntiKtVR30Rmax4Rmin02TrackJets":
name_list.append("BTag_" + jet_col + var_name)
name_list.append("BTag_" + jet_col + "_" + var_name)
# get the name associations
name_associations = get_name_associations(name_list)
if verbose:
# prepare the output file
output_file_name = input_file_name[:-5] + '_renamed.root'
output_file = ROOT.TFile(output_file_name, 'RECREATE')
# make the subdirectories
for jet_col in jet_collections:
path = "BTag/" + jet_col + "/"
# close the file
# loop over all the jet collections
for jet_col in jet_collections:
# open the input file
input_file = ROOT.TFile(input_file_name, 'READ')
if input_file.IsOpen(): #and output_file.IsOpen():
# go into the directory
path = "BTag;1/" + jet_col + ";1/"
if verbose:
print("\njust cd'ed into: " + path)
# get the subdirectories here
currentdir = ROOT.gDirectory.GetPath()
dirlist = input_file.Get(currentdir).GetListOfKeys()
if verbose:
print("\ndirlist\n", dirlist)
histograms = []
# loop over the objects in here
for subdir in dirlist:
obj = subdir.ReadObj()
# and see if they are histograms and ignore TProfiles
if obj.IsA().InheritsFrom(ROOT.TH1.Class()) and jet_col in obj.GetName():
if verbose:
print("\nobj: ", obj)
print("'", obj.GetName(), "'," )
# check if the name is on the list
if obj.GetName() not in name_associations:
print("This name is not defined!!!", obj.GetName())
# rename the histo and fill the list with histograms
new_histo = obj
# now open the output file and got to the right dir
output_file = ROOT.TFile(output_file_name, 'UPDATE')
if output_file.IsOpen():
# loop over the histos
for histo in histograms:
print("\n the output was written to:\n ", output_file_name)
\ No newline at end of file