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Fix partial event building and add stricter runtime checks

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:fix-peb into master

!39280 (merged) broke partial event buildings in two ways. !40260 (merged) fixed only one of the issues. This MR fixes the other one and makes runtime checks much stricter to ensure serious issues like this don't make it through CI and ART.


  1. Build the list of PEBDecisionKeys from all hypo decisions and not just final decisions, because now PEB hypo is not final for a PEB chain (instead a ComboHypo is).
  2. StreamTagMakerTool: Fail if PEB information cannot be retrieved from the event store.
  3. StreamTagMakerTool: Fail if PEB information is retrieved but empty.
  4. TriggerEDMDeserialiserAlg: Fail if data payload is missing.
  5. Print event building information for stream tags when --stag option is used (helps debugging).
  6. TrigP1Test: Fix the PEB_DS and test configuration to properly define and test DataScouting chains and update the post-exec checks following the change to Also fix the timeout test configuration.
  7. TrigExPartialEB: Fix MTCalibPeb configuration to avoid failures on new checks in StreamTagMakerTool.

Fixes ATR-22585

Merge request reports