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Add DetCommon project

Frank Winklmeier requested to merge fwinkl/athena:DetCommon into master

To address the LCG layer issues observed in ATLINFR-3977, we decided to build a separate DetCommon project that can be used by CTP/L1Calo instead of the full athena release (unlike the DetCommon project of SVN days, this is a completely standalone project and Athena will not build against it). Its configuration is mostly a copy of AthDataQuality, i.e. the project does not build a separate externals project (it just does a checkout for the cmake code). The LCG dependency should be kept the same as the corresponding TDAQ release.

The MR also contains a few cmake fixes to packages that are included in its build. I.e. it removes the TrigConf standalone (SA) libraries as there is no need to have separate names now.

cc @akraszna @stelzer @emoyse @elmsheus

Edited by Frank Winklmeier

Merge request reports