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Fix the NSW sensitve detector tests that were broken due incorrect parameters

Chav Chhiv Chau requested to merge chchau/athena:nswGTest into master

This merge request fixes the main issue in ATLASSIM-4924: broken MicromegasSensitiveDetector_gtest and sTGCSensitiveDetector_gtest tests due to incorrect parameters. Also, MicromegasSensitiveDetector and sTGCSensitiveDetector require the logical volume name to compute the hit identifiers. However, the method G4AtlasTools/DerivedG4SensitiveDetectorTestSetting sets the logical volume name to a dummy string. Therefore, this method is not used.

There are two additional small changes: update namespace in MuonSimEvent/sTgcHitIdHelper and fixing conversion in MuonSimEvent/sTgcSimIdToOfflineId. The sTGC stationName in these two tools are outdated. This should have insignificant effect on the sTGC simulation, since the conversion offline_id to simHit_id is used in only a few places.

Merge request reports
