TauTrigMon : check that HLT trig is active before calculating efficiency + introducing dR(offline,L1) < 0.3 in efficiency numerator and denominator calculation for single leg chains
This MR will add an additional requirement on checking if HLT was active before calculating the tau trigger efficiency in the offline monitoring. This should recover the ~ 0 efficiency observed so far in Physics_Main web display.
In addition, a requirement dR(offline,tau) < 0.3 is applied now both in numerator and denominator efficiency for single leg chains
The effect of this change was checked on :
- 20k MC Ztautau events taken from 23th AthenaMT validation round
** efficiency before this change
** efficiency after this change
- 26k data events from run 427883:
** efficiency before this change
** efficiency after this change
->-> we see a sizeable effect in data since efficiency denominator now is much smaller compared to previous efficiency definition