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TauTrigMon : check that HLT trig is active before calculating efficiency + introducing dR(offline,L1) < 0.3 in efficiency numerator and denominator calculation for single leg chains

Antonio De Maria requested to merge ademaria/athena:update_eff_def into 22.0

This MR will add an additional requirement on checking if HLT was active before calculating the tau trigger efficiency in the offline monitoring. This should recover the ~ 0 efficiency observed so far in Physics_Main web display.

In addition, a requirement dR(offline,tau) < 0.3 is applied now both in numerator and denominator efficiency for single leg chains

The effect of this change was checked on :

  • 20k MC Ztautau events taken from 23th AthenaMT validation round

** efficiency before this change mc_pre

** efficiency after this change ztt_post

  • 26k data events from run 427883:

** efficiency before this change data_pre

** efficiency after this change data_post

->-> we see a sizeable effect in data since efficiency denominator now is much smaller compared to previous efficiency definition

Tagging @iriu, @gipezzul, @martindl, @carquin and @tamartin

Edited by Antonio De Maria

Merge request reports